9 | 9 |
10 | 10 | <h1 class="head">Streams API (Promises version)</h1>
11 | 11 |
12 |
| -<dl> |
13 |
| - <dt>Participate: |
14 |
| - <dd>Send feedback to |
15 |
| - [email protected] ( <a href=" http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/" >archives </a>) |
16 |
| - |
17 |
| - <dt>Editor: |
18 |
| - <dd>Takeshi Yoshino, Google |
19 |
| -</dl> |
20 |
| - |
21 |
| -</div> |
22 |
| - |
23 |
| -<h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="specabstract">Abstract</h3> |
24 |
| - |
25 |
| -<p>This document proposes integration of <a href="https://github.com/domenic/promises-unwrapping/blob/master/README.md">Promises</a> and <a href="https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/streams-api/raw-file/tip/Overview.htm">Streams API</a>. |
26 |
| - |
27 |
| -<h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="toc">Table of Contents</h2> |
28 |
| - |
29 |
| -<!--toc--> |
30 |
| - |
31 |
| -<h2>Interface <code title>Stream</code></h2> |
32 |
| - |
33 |
| -<pre class="idl"> |
34 |
| -enum <dfn>StreamReadType</dfn> { |
35 |
| - "", |
36 |
| - "blob", |
37 |
| - "arraybuffer", |
38 |
| - "text" |
39 |
| -}; |
40 |
| - |
41 |
| -interface <dfn>StreamConsumeResult</dfn> { |
42 |
| - readonly attribute boolean eof; |
43 |
| - readonly any data; |
44 |
| - readonly unsigned long long size; |
45 |
| -}; |
46 |
| - |
47 |
| -[<span title="dom-Stream">Constructor</span>(optional DOMString <var>type</var>)] |
48 |
| -interface <dfn id="stream">Stream</dfn> { |
49 |
| - readonly attribute DOMString <span title="dom-Stream-type">type</span>; |
50 |
| - |
51 |
| - Promise <span title="dom-Stream-write">write</span>((DOMString or ArrayBufferView or Blob)? <var>data</var>); |
52 |
| - void <span title="dom-Stream-close">close</span>(); |
53 |
| - |
54 |
| - attribute <span>StreamReadType</span> <span title="dom-Stream-readType">readType</span>; |
55 |
| - atrribute DOMString <span title="dom-Stream-readEncoding">readEncoding; |
56 |
| - |
57 |
| - Promise <span title="dom-Stream-read">read</span>(optional [Clamp] unsigned long long <var>size</var>); |
58 |
| - Promise <span title="dom-Stream-skip">skip</span>(optional [Clamp] unsigned long long <var>size</var>); |
59 |
| - Promise <span title="dom-Stream-pipe">pipe</span>((Stream or Stream[]) <var>destinations</var>, optional [Clamp] unsigned long long <var>size</var>); |
60 |
| -};</pre> |
61 |
| - |
62 |
| -<p>The |
63 |
| -<dfn title="dom-Stream-type"><code>type</code></dfn> |
64 |
| -attribute must return the MIME type of the stream. |
65 |
| - |
66 |
| -<h3>Reading and writing</h3> |
67 |
| - |
68 |
| -<p>To <dfn id="write-to-the-stream">write to the stream</dfn> (TBA). Note: success of write() doesn't guarantee that the written data has been read out successfully. |
69 |
| - |
70 |
| -<p>To <dfn id="read-from-the-stream">read from the stream</dfn> (TBA). Written data is read on FIFO basis. Resource will be released as data is read. |
71 |
| - |
72 |
| -<p>To <dfn id="write-close-the-stream">write close the stream</dfn> (TBA). |
73 |
| - |
74 |
| -<h3>Constructor</h3> |
75 |
| - |
76 |
| -<p>The <code>Stream</code> object has associated |
77 |
| -<dfn>type</dfn>, |
78 |
| -<dfn>write closed flag</dfn>, |
79 |
| -<dfn>write pending flag</dfn> and |
80 |
| -<dfn>read pending flag</dfn>. |
81 |
| - |
82 |
| -<p>The <code>Stream</code> object represents a data sources for which the total size is unknown until EOF is reached. Using Promises, Streams provides read once access model. Data queued to a stream is read in FIFO order. Data pushed to a stream can be read out only once from it. |
83 |
| - |
84 |
| -<dl class="domintro"> |
85 |
| - <dt><code><var>stream</var> = new <span title="dom-Stream">Stream</span>()</code> |
86 |
| - <dd> |
87 |
| - <p>Returns a new <code>Stream</code> object. |
88 |
| - |
89 |
| - <dt><code><var>stream</var> = new <span title="dom-Stream">Stream</span>(type)</code> |
90 |
| - <dd> |
91 |
| - <p>Returns a new <code>Stream</code> object with its <span>type</span> set to the given value. |
92 |
| -</dl> |
93 |
| - |
94 |
| -<h3>The <code title>write()</code> method</h3> |
95 |
| - |
96 |
| -<p>The <dfn title=dom-Stream-write><code>write(<var>data</var>)</code></dfn> method takes a <var>data</var>, and runs these steps: |
97 |
| - |
98 |
| -<ol> |
99 |
| - <li>If has been neutered, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
100 |
| - <li>If <span>write closed flag</span> is set, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
101 |
| - <li>If <span>write pending flag</span> is set, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
102 |
| - <li>Set <span>write pending flag</span>. |
103 |
| - <li>Let <var>writePromise</var> be a new promise. |
104 |
| - <li>Return the <span title=dom-Stream-read>write()</span> method with <var>writePromise</var>, but continue to process the steps in this algorithm. |
105 |
| - <li>Follow these rules, depending on <var>data</var>: |
106 |
| - <dl class="switch"> |
107 |
| - <dt>a string |
108 |
| - <dd>Let <var>rawData</var> be the result of converting <var>data</var> to a (TBA) |
109 |
| - <dt><code>ArrayBufferView</code> |
110 |
| - <dd>Let <var>rawData</var> be the raw data represented by the <code>Blob</code> object. |
111 |
| - <dt><code>Blob</code> |
112 |
| - <dd>Let <var>rawData</var> be the data stored in the section of the buffer described by the <var>ArrayBuffer</var> object that the <code>ArrayBufferView</code> object references. |
113 |
| - </dl> |
114 |
| - <li><span title="write-to-the-stream">Write <var>rawData</var> to the stream</span>. |
115 |
| - <li>If any error has occurred during writing, neuter the stream, let <var>exception</var> be an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and run <code>Reject(<var>writePromise</var>, <var>exception</var>)</code> as specified in the promises spec and terminate these steps. |
116 |
| - <li>Unset <span>write pending flag</span> and run <code>Resolve(<var>writePromise</var>, <code>undefined</code>)</code> as specified in the promises spec. Implementations may delay this step if appropriate. |
117 |
| -</ol> |
118 |
| - |
119 |
| -<h3>The <code title>close()</code> method</h3> |
120 |
| - |
121 |
| -<p>The <dfn title=dom-Stream-close><code>close(<var>data</var>)</code></dfn> method takes a <var>data</var>, and runs these steps: |
122 |
| - |
123 |
| -<ol> |
124 |
| - <li>If has been neutered, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
125 |
| - <li>If <span>write closed flag</span> is set, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
126 |
| - <li>If <span>write pending flag</span> is set, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
127 |
| - <li>Set <span>write closed flag</span>. |
128 |
| - <li><span title="write-close-the-stream">Write close the stream</span>. |
129 |
| - <li>If any error has occurred during write close alrogithm, neuter the stream and terminate these steps. |
130 |
| -</ol> |
131 |
| - |
132 |
| -<h3>The <code title>readType</code> attribute</h3> |
133 |
| - |
134 |
| -<dl class=domintro> |
135 |
| - <dt><code><var>stream</var> . <span title=dom-Stream-readType>readType</span> [ = <var>value</var> ]</code> |
136 |
| - <dd> |
137 |
| - <p>Returns the read type. |
138 |
| - <p>Can be set to change the read type. Values are: |
139 |
| - the empty string (default), |
140 |
| - "<code>arraybuffer</code>", |
141 |
| - "<code>blob</code>" and |
142 |
| - "<code>text</code>". |
143 |
| -</dl> |
144 |
| - |
145 |
| -<p>The |
146 |
| -<dfn title="dom-Stream-readType"><code>readType</code></dfn> |
147 |
| -attribute must return its value. Initially its value must be the empty string. |
148 |
| - |
149 |
| -<p>Setting the |
150 |
| -<code title="dom-Stream-readType">readType</code> |
151 |
| -attribute must set its value to the given value. |
152 |
| - |
153 |
| -<h3>The <code title>readEncoding</code> attribute</h3> |
154 |
| - |
155 |
| -<dl class=domintro> |
156 |
| - <dt><code><var>stream</var> . <span title=dom-Stream-readEncoding>readEncoding</span> [ = <var>value</var> ]</code> |
157 |
| - <dd> |
158 |
| - <p>Returns the read encoding. |
159 |
| - <p>Can be set to change the read encoding. |
160 |
| -</dl> |
161 |
| - |
162 |
| -<p>The |
163 |
| -<dfn title="dom-Stream-readEncoding"><code>readEncoding</code></dfn> |
164 |
| -attribute must return its value. Initially its value must be the empty string. |
165 |
| - |
166 |
| -<p>Setting the |
167 |
| -<code title="dom-Stream-readEncoding">readEncoding</code> |
168 |
| -attribute must set its value to the given value. |
169 |
| - |
170 |
| -<h3>The <code title>read()</code> method</h3> |
171 |
| - |
172 |
| -<p>The <dfn title=dom-Stream-read><code>read(<var>size</var>)</code></dfn> method takes optionally a <var>size</var>, and runs these steps: |
173 |
| - |
174 |
| -<ol> |
175 |
| - <li>If has been neutered, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
176 |
| - <li>If <span>read pending flag</span> is set, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
177 |
| - <li>If <var>size</var> is specified but is 0, throw a "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
178 |
| - <li>Set <span>read pending flag</span>. |
179 |
| - <li>Let <var>readPromise</var> be a new promise. |
180 |
| - <li>Return the <span title=dom-Stream-read>read()</span> method with <var>readPromise</var>, but continue to process the steps in this algorithm. |
181 |
| - <li>If <var>size</var> is specified, <span title="read-from-the-stream">read data from the stream</span> until <var>size</var> bytes are read. |
182 |
| - <li>Otherwise, <span title="read-from-the-stream">read data from the stream</span> until any non-zero bytes are read. |
183 |
| - <li>If any error has occurred during reading, neuter the stream, let <var>exception</var> be an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and run <code>Reject(<var>readPromise</var>, <var>exception</var>)</code> as specified in the promises spec and terminate these steps. |
184 |
| - <li>Let <var>result</var> be a newly created Object that uses <span>StreamConsumeResult</span> interface. |
185 |
| - <li>If EOF is reached, set <var>eof</var> attribute of <var>result</var> to true. |
186 |
| - <li>Otherwise, set <var>eof</var> attribute of <var>result</var> set to false. |
187 |
| - <li>Set <var>data</var> attribute of <var>result</var> to the result of running these steps. |
188 |
| - <dl class="switch"> |
189 |
| - <dt>If <code title="dom-Stream-readType">readType</code> is the emtpry string or "<code title>text</code>" |
190 |
| - <dd> |
191 |
| - <ol> |
192 |
| - <li>Let charset be utf-8. |
193 |
| - <li>If type is (TBA) |
194 |
| - <li>If readEncoding is not null, (TBA) |
195 |
| - <li>Let <var>result</var> be result of running decode on the read data using fallback encoding charset. |
196 |
| - </ol> |
197 |
| - <dt>If <code title="dom-Stream-readType">readType</code> is the emtpry string or "<code title>blob</code>" |
198 |
| - <dd>Let <var>result</var> be a blob created from the read data |
199 |
| - <dt>If <code title="dom-Stream-readType">readType</code> is the emtpry string or "<code title>arraybuffer</code>" |
200 |
| - <dd>Let <var>result</var> be an array buffer created from the read data |
201 |
| - </dl> |
202 |
| - <li>Unset <span>read pending flag</span> and run <code>Resolve(<var>readPromise</var>, <var>result</var>)</code> as specified in the promises spec. |
203 |
| -</ol> |
204 |
| - |
205 |
| -<h3>The <code title>skip()</code> method</h3> |
206 |
| - |
207 |
| -<p>The <dfn title=dom-Stream-skip><code>skip(<var>size</var>)</code></dfn> method takes optionally a <var>size</var>, and runs these steps: |
208 |
| - |
209 |
| -<ol> |
210 |
| - <li>If has been neutered, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
211 |
| - <li>If <span>read pending flag</span> is set, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
212 |
| - <li>If <var>size</var> is specified but is 0, throw a "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
213 |
| - <li>Set <span>read pending flag</span>. |
214 |
| - <li>Let <var>readPromise</var> be a new promise. |
215 |
| - <li>Return the <span title=dom-Stream-skip>skip()</span> method with <var>readPromise</var>, but continue to process the steps in this algorithm. |
216 |
| - <li>If <var>size</var> is specified, <span title="read-from-the-stream">read data from the stream</span> until <var>size</var> bytes are read. |
217 |
| - <li>Otherwise, <span title="read-from-the-stream">read data from the stream</span> until any non-zero bytes are read. |
218 |
| - <li>If any error has occurred during reading, neuter the stream, let <var>exception</var> be an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and run <code>Reject(<var>readPromise</var>, <var>exception</var>)</code> as specified in the promises spec and terminate these steps. |
219 |
| - <li>Let <var>result</var> be a newly created Object that uses <span>StreamConsumeResult</span> interface. |
220 |
| - <li>If EOF is reached, set <var>eof</var> attribute of <var>result</var> to true. |
221 |
| - <li>Otherwise, set <var>eof</var> attribute of <var>result</var> set to false. |
222 |
| - <li>Set <var>size</var> attribute of <var>result</var> to the size of the read data. |
223 |
| - <li>Unset <span>read pending flag</span> and run <code>Resolve(readPromise, result)</code> as specified in the promises spec. |
224 |
| -</ol> |
225 |
| - |
226 |
| -<h3>The <code title>pipe()</code> method</h3> |
227 |
| - |
228 |
| -<p>The <dfn title=dom-Stream-pipe><code>pipe(<var>destinations</var>, <var>size</var>)</code></dfn> method takes a <var>destinations</var> and optionally a <var>size</var>, and runs these steps: |
229 |
| - |
230 |
| -<ol> |
231 |
| - <li>If has been neutered, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
232 |
| - <li>If <span>read pending flag</span> is set, throw an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
233 |
| - <li>If <var>size</var> is specified but is 0, throw a "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>SyntaxError</code>" exception and terminate these steps. |
234 |
| - <li>If <var>destinations</var> is a string, let <var>destinations</var> instead be an array consisting of just that string. |
235 |
| - <li>Set <span>read pending flag</span>. |
236 |
| - <li>Let <var>readPromise</var> be a new promise. |
237 |
| - <li>Return the <span title=dom-Stream-pipe>pipe()</span> method with <var>readPromise</var>, but continue to process the steps in this algorithm. |
238 |
| - <li>If <var>size</var> is specified, <span title="read-from-the-stream">read data from the stream</span> until <var>size</var> bytes are read. |
239 |
| - <li>Otherwise, <span title="read-from-the-stream">read data from the stream</span> until EOF is reached. |
240 |
| - <li>As read data becomes available, <span title="write-to-the-stream">write newly read data to <var>destinations</var></span>. |
241 |
| - <li>If any error has occurred during reading or writing to <var>destinations</var>, neuter the stream, let <var>exception</var> be an "<code data-anolis-spec=dom>InvalidStateError</code>" exception and run <code>Reject(<var>readPromise</var>, <var>exception</var>)</code> as specified in the promises spec and terminate these steps. |
242 |
| - <li>Once read is completed and write are both completed for all destination streams, run the following algorithm: |
243 |
| - <ol> |
244 |
| - <li>Let <var>result</var> be a newly created Object that uses <span>StreamConsumeResult</span> interface. |
245 |
| - <li>If EOF is reached, set <var>eof</var> attribute of <var>result</var> to true. |
246 |
| - <li>Otherwise, set <var>eof</var> attribute of <var>result</var> set to false. |
247 |
| - <li>Set <var>size</var> attribute of <var>result</var> to the total size of the read data. |
248 |
| - <li>Unset <span>read pending flag</span> and run <code>Resolve(<var>readPromise</var>, <var>result</var>)</code> as specified in the promises spec. |
249 |
| - </ol> |
250 |
| -</ol> |
251 |
| - |
252 |
| -<h2 class=no-num>Acknowledgments</h2> |
253 |
| - |
254 |
| -<p>Thanks to |
255 |
| - |
256 |
| -(TBA mainly from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2013AprJun/0706.html) |
257 |
| - |
258 |
| -for their useful comments. |
| 12 | +<p> |
| 13 | + Streams API proposal introduced here has been merged into W3C spec. |
| 14 | + Check out |
| 15 | + <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/streams-api/">WD</a> |
| 16 | + <a href="https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/streams-api/raw-file/tip/Overview.htm">ED</a> |
| 17 | + and <a href="https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/streams-api/raw-file/tip/preview.html">Preview version</a>. |
| 18 | + Preview version is the bleeding edge version which incorporates most of suggestions made on the public-webapps@ mailing list experimentally. |
| 19 | +</p> |
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