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767 lines (547 loc) · 42 KB

File metadata and controls

767 lines (547 loc) · 42 KB



  • fix: remove dependencies of publish job of publish_to_pypi workflow
  • fix: vscode binary now needs to be instructed about the location of the binary with version use sub-command - closes #217
  • fix: image size being too big for the lite version of the raspberry os
  • fix: restart avahi-daemon after the hostname is set in ubo-system
  • feat: add support for sets and dicts for rpc api
  • feat: {{hostname}}, as a template variable, will be replaced with the hostname of the device whenever used in title and content properties of a Notification instance or in the text, picovoice_text or piper_text properties of a ReadableInformation instance.
  • refactor: minor improvements like add volume to AudioPlayAudioEvent, metric's density of kivy to DisplayRenderEvent and DisplayCompressedRenderEvent, some housekeeping in syntax, logs and ci/cd scripts
  • refactor: to make it easier for other modules to interact with docker containers and compositions, there is now a store action for each interaction and now they run as side effects of those store actions dispatched to the store, instead of directly calling functions
  • feat(web-ui): implement react web application for the web-ui service - closes #224
  • refactor(web-ui): use mui dialogs for input demands - closes #224
  • chore(web-ui): add linting and formatting to the web application code - closes #224
  • refactor(web-ui): use webaudio for audio playback in the web application and add an unmute button - closes #224
  • feat(web-ui): add side buttons layout, and handle swipe gestures for the web application - closes #224
  • feat(web-ui): add dark-mode support for layout buttons and add color scheme switch buttons - closes #224
  • fix(web-ui): provide input field for when there is no fields nor pattern in the InputDescription
  • refactor(voice): upgrade access_key input to use the new fields value of the InputDescription
  • refactor(web-ui): use the same mui interface in static server too (instead of jinja-rendered interface) and add action buttons for all status reported by server - closes #224
  • fix(rpi-connect): use with_state of the latest python-redux version instead of view to avoid memoization of actions - closes #248

Version 1.2.2

  • fix: temperature sensor is on 0x48, not 0x44

Version 1.2.1

  • fix: tenacity is now a production dependency
  • chore: add pypi publish and automatic release github workflows

Version 1.2.0

  • chore: add log_async_process to log the output of an async processes in a notification if they don't run successfully
  • refactor(core): housekeeping: rename extra_information to qr_code_generation_instructions in ubo_input, add .tmpl extension for extension files, use textarea for LONG input field type in web dashboard, rename ..._HOST env variables to ..._ADDRESS, use underscore thousand separators for big numbers in codebase
  • feat(docker): support docker compositions and add a way to import docker-compose.yml files
  • feat(docker): add instructions and icon for docker compositions
  • refactor(core): rerender screen when rendering on the display is resumed like when returning from viewfinder to avoid artifacts
  • refactor(docker): make composition menus responsive: showing spinner, etc
  • fix: pass raw bytes to DisplayRenderEvent and DisplayCompressedRenderEvent to avoid encoding issues
  • fix: add ".local" to hostname in users menus - closes #134
  • fix: use stdout instead of stderr for reading rpi-connect process output - closes #174
  • feat: hold update until the app creates a file signaling it is loaded - closes #177
  • feat: setup a wifi hotspot for when the a web-ui input is demanded and the device is not connected to any network - closes #169
  • feat: let the user upload directory content of the docker composition they are creating - closes #202
  • feat: use pod_id as the ssid of the wifi hotspot
  • feat: add dark mode for web-ui
  • docs: update development documentation
  • feat(web-ui): automatically run the wifi creation procedure when there is no ssid saved in the network manager and no default gateway is set - closes #214
  • feat(web-ui): use captive portal in the hotspot started by web-ui - closes #211
  • fix(core): an issue where a tuple of lists where passed as active_inputs instead of a list due to an unwanted comma - closes #212
  • fix(core): high cpu usage due to the while loop going non-blocking when the ping raised an exception - closes #216
  • feat(core): add a utility function to apply templates to filesystem based on a templates directory, while taking backups of the original files and another utility function to restore the backups
  • fix(web-ui): run iw wlan0 set power_save off before running hotspot to avoid the soft block - closes #222
  • refactor(ci): use new github runner arm images for building images
  • feat(web-ui): add ubo-redirect-server service
  • refactor(web-ui): add notifications for when starting/stopping the hotspot fails in the system manager
  • refactor(web-ui): move starting/stopping of the required hotspot system services to the ubo-hotspot service (the more general version of the ubo-redirect-server service which runs the redirect server as its main process.)
  • fix(core): uninstall RPi.GPIO after installing python packages in related - closes #231
  • fix(web-ui): avoid web-ui stop procedure being triggered when qr-code input is cancelled
  • fix(system): run time.sleep for both branches of the ping loop (success and failure) to avoid high cpu usage of the system process
  • fix(camera): avoid values read from qrcode being overridden by None values of alternative patterns - closes #230
  • fix(wifi): wait a few seconds before creating the wifi connection if the provided input result has the input method WEB_DASHBOARD - closes #230
  • fix(wifi): set network_manager.wireless_enabled for when hotspot is being turned off and also before creating a wifi connection and before connecting to a wifi network - closes #230
  • fix(keypad,sensors): retry i2c initializations - closes #234
  • fix(wifi): make get_saved_wifi_ssids return empty list in non-rpi environments

Version 1.1.0

  • chore: migrate from poetry to uv for the sake of improving performance and dealing with conflicting sub-dependencies
  • feat(core): add colors to logs based on their level to make them more readable
  • chore: use dynamic version field in pyproject.toml based on and publish dev packages on pypi for all pushes to the main branch and all pull requests targeting the main branch
  • chore: remove what has remained from poetry in the codebase
  • refactor(core): avoid truncating or coloring logs in log files
  • feat(web-ui): add web-ui service
  • feat(web-ui): process input demands, dispatched on the bus
  • feat(keypad): ability to use key-combinations, set key combinations for screenshot, snapshot and quit
  • feat(web-ui): add fields in InputDescription with InputFieldDescription data structures to describe the fields of an input demand in detail
  • fix(users): avoid setting user as sudoer when it performs a password reset
  • feat(ip): use pythonping to perform a real ping test instead to determine the internet connection status instead of opening a socket
  • feat(core): user can start/end recording actioning by hitting r, actions will be recorded in recordings/ directory and the last recording can be replayed by hitting ctrl+r - closes #187
  • feat(core): use new SpinnerWidget of ubo-gui to show unknown progress in notifications, and add General sub menu to System settings menu to host ubo-pod/ubo-app related settings, currently it has Debug toggle to control a debug feature of HeadlessWidget - closes #190
  • feat(core): add recording and replaying indicators, avoid replaying while recording and vice versa, move keypad events to its own reducer as it has grown too big

Version 1.0.0

  • hotfix(users): do not mark the generated password as expired as it will cause boot failures as the os can't autologin into the ubo user when its password is expired
  • hotfix(core): render blank screen on the display when FinishEvent is dispatched (makes sure display is clean after powering off)

Version 0.17.1

  • feat(display): add DisplayCompressedRenderEvent as a compressed version of DisplayRenderEvent
  • feat(rpc): add reflection to rpc server, limited to root service, but good enough for health checking purposes
  • refactor(rpc): preserve the order of fields of oneof declarations generated for Union types
  • refactor(audio): convert AudioPlayChimeEvents to AudioPlayAudioEvents instead of directly playing the chime
  • feat(rpc): add UBO_GRPC_LISTEN_HOST and UBO_GRPC_LISTEN_PORT environment variables
  • fix(docker): make sure the image_menu view - used nested in an autorun - is re-called when ip addresses are provided

Version 0.17.0

  • feat(rpc): add a proto generator which parses actions and events files and generates proto files for them
  • feat(rpc): add rpc service with dispatch method to let external services dispatch actions and events to the redux bus
  • fix(core): check if items added by RegisterRegularAppAction or RegisterSettingsAppAction cause duplicate keys and raise an informative error if so
  • refactor(core): truncate long log items for log level DEBUG or lower to avoid cluttering the logs
  • refactor(tests): add a delay between initializing different services to make sure they always run in the same order
  • feat(rpc): add subscribe_event to the rpc service to let external services subscribe to events - closes #1
  • test: better tooling for debugging uuid generation in tests
  • fix(rpc): deal with messages with no prefix_package meta field
  • refactor(core): prepare REGISTERED_PATHS earlier for each service, so that import error messages are more meaningful
  • fix(vscode): stop and uninstall vscode service when logged out and install and start it when logged in - fixes #114

Version 0.16.2

  • feat(display): add display service and put display content in the bus via DisplayRenderEvent
  • fix(vscode): restart vscode process whenever a login/logout occurs
  • fix(docker): avoid instantiating RegisterRegularAppAction in the reducer before service is loaded as it needs service to be registered

Version 0.16.1

  • feat(lightdm): set wayland as the default session for lightdm after installing raspberrypi-ui-mods
  • refactor(core): rearange menus
  • refactor(docker): move docker settings from docker menu in apps to docker menu in settings, and move all docker apps up to make them direct children of the main apps menu, rename main "Apps" menu to "docker" apps and "Apps" inside settings menu to "Docker"

Version 0.16.0

  • build(packer): remove /etc/xdg/autostart/piwiz.desktop to avoid running piwiz as we already set ubo user
  • fix(core): keep a reference for background tasks created with async_.create_task to avoid them getting garbage collected and cancelled
  • fix(lightdm): update the menu when installation is done
  • refactor(lightdm): reorder settings menu and replace "utilities" with "desktop"
  • feat(lightdm): show a notification when rpi-connect is started to inform user desktop should be installed for the screen sharing to work
  • fix(lightdm): install raspberrypi-ui-mods instead of lightdm to activate wayland and enable rpi-connect screen sharing
  • test: fix an issue in tests which caused minor random store state changes, ruining snapshot assertions
  • test: add vscode and rpi-connect services to test_all_services test
  • refactor(housekeeping): improve store imports
  • feat(store): add DispatchItem and NotificationDispatchItem as convenience ActionItem subclasses to dispatch actions and events
  • feat(users): add users service to create, list, delete and change password of system users
  • feat(ci): add ubo-pod-pi5 to the list of github runners for test, also use it for dependencies and type-check jobs
  • refactor(core): improve update-manager to be event driven
  • feat(core): add UBO_ENABLED_SERVICES to complement UBO_DISABLED_SERVICES in controlling which services should load
  • refactor(vscode): make it regularly read vscode status from its command line interface every second

Version 0.15.11

  • fix(notifications): notifications not getting closed nor updated

Version 0.15.10

  • refactor(core): use dpkg-query instead of apt python api as loading Cache in apt is slow and use it in docker service
  • refactor(system): add response for docker commands and service commands
  • feat(lightdm): add installation options for lightdm package
  • refactor(notifications): update the NotificationWidget when it is visible and a new notification with the same id is dispatched

Version 0.15.9

  • build(packer): set autologin-user to ubo in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
  • feat(core): improve update notification for phase-2 of the update process and add a spinner on top-left
  • fix(core): avoid side-effects after FinishEvent is dispatched.

Version 0.15.8

  • fix(wifi): improve the logic of wifi onboarding notification
  • feat(core): add base image to /etc/ubo_base_image and about page

Version 0.15.7

  • refactor(core): general housekeeping, improve resource management in runtime and test environment, minor bug fixes
  • build(core): update dependencies to their latest versions

Version 0.15.6

  • fix(audio): add a recovery mechanism for audio service to rebind the sound card if it is not available - closes #83
  • fix(voice): remove the gap between sentences
  • fix(core): change the power-off menu item icon - closes #151
  • refactor(core): migrate ubo_app/ to typings/ubo_handle.pyi as it was only providing types
  • fix(core): make sure app exits gracefully before shutdown/reboot and atexit callbacks run - closes #150
  • refactor(core): kill the app (so that it restarts) when the reset button is pressed for 0.5 seconds or more and reboot the device when it is pressed for 3 seconds or more - closes #116
  • fix(vscode): after login with vscode, the gui now goes back to login code page - closes #143
  • fix(core): updating items of the pages after the first page, not being reflected on the screen - closes #149
  • feat(rpi-connect): implement rpi-connect under Remote menu - closes #139
  • fix(core): update manager downloads the latest and runs it to do the update - closes #152
  • feat(core): add signal management for ubo_app process - closes #156
  • fix(core): use fasteners read-write lock implementation for the persistent store - closes #158
  • feat(core): improve the user experience of update-manager by making it more verbose about the current state of the update progress - closes #153

Version 0.15.5

  • feat(notifications): add progress and progress_weight properties to Notification object and show the progress on the header of the app
  • feat(core): show the progress of the update using the new progress property of the Notification object
  • fix(camera): render the viewfinder on the display even if the display is paused - closes #78
  • refactor(core): make the power-off menu, a sub-menu with power-off and reboot action items - closes #123
  • fix(core): headed menus not showing the first item in the list - closes #144
  • refactor(system): generate the hostname of the device based on a hash of its serial number
  • feat(core): show hostname of device on the home page - closes #128
  • feat(core): long-pressing the reset button for 3 seconds or more reboots the device - closes #116
  • fix(keypad): keypad becoming unresponsive if a key was pressed while the app was loading - closes #118
  • fix(camera): closing the camera viewfinder will close the picamera instance so that it can be used again
  • refactor(core): use python-fake for faking
  • refactor(tests): wait for wifi status icons in test_wireless
  • refactor(core): move ubo_app.utils.loop to ubo_app.service and add service properties like service_id, name, label, etc as module level variables to it
  • refactor(core): make UboModuleLoader to keep a weakref of the module in its cache instead of an actual reference
  • refactor(core): use the new key property of ubo-gui Items to keep opened menus open when something changes in the parent menus - closes #145, closes #146, closes #147
  • fix(core): make sure logs are set up after reading environment variables and before starting the app
  • feat(keypad): add epoch time to keypad actions and events in time field
  • feat(voice): add piper engine to voice service as the default engine and a menu to select the engine - closes #120
  • refactor(notification): add NotificationExtraInformation with text, piper_text, and orca_text to replace the simple strings passed to extra_information field of the Notification object
  • refactor(audio): rename sound service to audio service
  • refactor(audio): drop pyaudio and use simpleaudio for playback
  • feat(core): setting DEBUG_MODE_MENU environment variable to truthy values will show a representation of the menu in the logs whenever the current menu is changed
  • fix(ip): close sockets opened for testing the internet connection - closes #126

Version 0.15.4

  • fix(core): add rpi-lgpio to dependencies to make the LCD work on RPi5
  • fix(core): add dtoverlay=spi0-0cs to /boot/firmware/config.txt to make the LCD work on RPi5
  • refactor: general housekeeping, improving typing, linting, resource management, etc
  • fix(notifications): avoid auto-closing notifications shown in the notification center
  • feat(camera): fail-proof the camera initialization when no camera is connected
  • fix(ci): run typecheck on ubo-pod to avoid missing packages
  • fix(core): move hostname generation code from bootstrap() to setup() - closes #141
  • build: update bookworm images to the latest version 2024-07-04

Version 0.15.3

  • refactor: update to the latest version of headless-kivy and migrate its hardware related code to this codebase
  • refactor(sensors): migrate initialization of i2c sensors out of the read function so that it happens once
  • fix(system): disable led-ring in RPi5 as it is not supported yet

Version 0.15.2

  • feat: make tests running on an ubo pod visible on its screen

Version 0.15.1

  • refactor: rename "Update Code CLI" to "Redownload Code" - closes #117

Version 0.15.0

  • refactor: wireless flow test is complete, during this process debugging and refactoring is done in different parts of code as the issues were found - closes #52
  • feat(core): make file handlers in logging RotatingFileHandlers
  • feat(tests): add ChooseMenuItemByIconEvent, ChooseMenuItemByIndexEvent, ChooseMenuItemByLabelEvent helper events to be used in tests
  • feat(tests): a in tests directory or any of its parent directories is sourced before running tests
  • feat(tests): add wait_for_menu_item and wait_for_empty_menu fixtures

Version 0.14.3

  • feat(tests): add pyfakefs to mock filesystem in tests
  • feat(tests): add set_persistent_storage_value to app fixture
  • feat(tests): add initial_wait, attempts and wait parameters to stability fixture
  • fix(vscode): no longer schedule a status check for vscode every 5 seconds, it now only checks the status when the it runs a command using vscode, one second after running the command and 4 seconds after that
  • ci(github): fix release workflow not including assets

Version 0.14.2

  • fix(vscode): show a success notification when the login process is completed instead of when the service runs #96
  • refactor(vscode): add name of the vscode instance to the sub heading of the vscode menu when it is running
  • fix(vscode): set a timeout for vscode commands - closes #101
  • feat(docker): dedicated menu for logging out of registries
  • fix(notifications): notifications aren't dismissed when the back button is pressed - closes #104
  • fix(voice): update the status message in the voice setup page when the access key is set/cleared - closes #105
  • fix(camera): back button in the camera viewfinder doesn't cancel the parent application/menu - closes #106
  • fix (vscode): schedule vscode status check using kivy.clock.Clock instead of asyncio - closes #101

Version 0.14.1

  • fix(docker): handle the case when ip interfaces are not initialized yet
  • fix(vscode): show an indicator when it is pending url generation
  • fix(core): avoid multiple initial overlaying frames #91
  • feat(core): pressing the home button navigates the user to the home page #84
  • refactor(wifi): change the onboarding notification messages and make voice service load before wifi service by changing its priority #88
  • fix(core): use latest version of headless-kivy-pi to avoid the static noise shown before the first frame is ready to be rendered #86
  • build(bootstrap): set UBO_SERVICES_PATH to /home/{{USERNAME}}/ubo_services/ in the service file so that user can easily add their custom services
  • fix(voice): remove "clear access key" item when access key is not set #97
  • fix(voice): update pvorca to 2.1.0 as they suddenly yanked 1.4.0 in pypi #103
  • refactor(vscode): flatten vscode menu items into its main menu #102
  • feat(vscode): show a notification with chime and led feedback when VSCode successfully logs in #96
  • feat(ip): make the internet icon red when there is no connection #95
  • fix(docker): remove ngrok dashboard url from qrcode_input prompt message #90
  • fix(core): update ubo-gui to the latest version to align menu items with the physical buttons - closes #93
  • refactor(docker): update ngrok extra information text messages - closes #100

Version 0.14.0

  • feat(wifi): the wireless onboarding suggestion notification is shown when the device is not connected to any network and it hasn't been shown earlier #71
  • feat(notifications): actions of Notification object are respected and are actually shown in the notification, their type is inheriting the original ActionItem and adds dismiss_notification boolean to it
  • feat(tests): stability fixture saves all the snapshots and writes them to the filesystem if it ever fails
  • feat(core): setup error handler for event loops, previously errors happening in event loops were silence
  • refactor: all asyncio.create_subprocess_exec calls now redirect their STDOUT and STDERR to DEVNULL or PIPE to avoid noise in output
  • fix(qrcode): qr code sets its state correctly after back button is pressed on it
  • fix(docker): qr code output for exposed ports doesn't bundle ip addresses of the device in a single entity, instead a separate qr code is generated for each ip
  • refactor: notifications and qr-code prompts now show short messages in their front page and long messages in their extra information section #80
  • refactor(wifi): reuse qrcode_input instead of the old manual way of taking input from qr code
  • feat(qrcode): qrcode_input accepts an extra_information parameter and passes it to the prompt notification
  • feat(notification): add an on_close callback to the Notification object, called when the notification is closed
  • feat: add OpenApplicationEvent and CloseApplicationEvent events
  • feat(voice): automatically remove invalid characters not readable by picovoice from the text to be read so that those characters can still be visible in the text
  • build(installation): set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR in bashrc to make interacting with user systemd services easier
  • fix(vscode): remove timestamp from state #79

Version 0.13.5

  • feat(vscode): add vscode tunnel support: users can download the cli binary, login, install the service and see the tunnel url as qr code #17

Version 0.13.4

  • build(development): add Dockerfiles for development and testing
  • docs(development): instructions on setting up development environment and running tests

Version 0.13.3

  • refactor(core): reorganize settings menu #69
  • refactor(style): add icons to menu titles
  • refactor(core): make pagination more obvious #69
  • refactor(core): render the next and previous menu items in place of footer/header when there is such item #76
  • fix(notifications): scrollbar doesn't wrap around when scrolling up anymore

Version 0.13.2

  • build(bootstrap): generate a semi-unique id for the device and use it as its hostname, this is to reduce the risk of collision in the network #70
  • refactor(ssh): show hostname in the notification of the successful account creation #70
  • refactor(ssh): avoid letters I, i, l and O in the generated password #70

Version 0.13.1

  • feat(wifi): use voice action to read the scan hint (instead of mehrdad's voice)
  • feat(camera): render a box in viewfinder for the QR code to be scanned #23

Version 0.13.0

  • feat(core): organize settings in four different categories of connectivity, interface, system and apps
  • feat(core): parse pronunciation hints in notification's extra info and render them as normal text while passing them to picovoice (used for pronunciation of ssh for example)
  • feat (core): add shortcut s to write a json dump of the store into snapshot.json
  • feat(core): add dill package and use it for pickling complex datatypes
  • feat(core): add secrets module to abstract storing, recalling and removing secrets
  • feat(core): add persistent_store module to abstract storing and recalling store elements
  • feat(voice): use the new secrets module to save and load picovoice access key
  • feat(docker): use the new secrets module to save and load passwords of different registries
  • feat(docker): use the new persistent_store module to save and load docker registry to username mapping
  • feat(sound): use the new persistent_store module to save and load playback volume, capture volume, and their mute state

Version 0.12.7

  • feat(notification): make the extra information screen scrollable
  • build(bootstrap): add dtoverlay=gpio-fan,gpiopin=22,temp=60000 to /boot/firmware/config.txt to make the fan run if CPU temperature passes 60℃ #64
  • fix(audio): run the original script of wm8960-soundcard to make the audio work #53
  • build(packer): mount the first partition of the image in /boot/firmware instead of /boot to be compatible with the new linux kernel
  • ci(github): download and cache images as it is the slowest part of the build
  • feat(sound): SoundPlayAudioEvent action for playing an audio sample with type of Sequence[int]
  • feat(voice): add new service voice with VoiceReadTextAction, it uses orca service from picovocie to read text with human voice
  • feat(notification): read the extra information of the notification when opened
  • feat(ssh): force password change after first login for temporarily created accounts

Version 0.12.6

  • feat(core): notifications now can have an optional extra_information field which will cause the notification widget to render an info icon which opens a separate screen to render the extra information
  • fix(docker): open_webui now runs in its own network as hostname and network_mode can't be used together #63
  • refactor(keypad): reduce complexities
  • feat(keypad): dispatch release actions KeypadKeyReleaseAction #39
  • fix(keypad): dispatch the state of mic key when keypad service initializes #1

Version 0.12.5

  • fix(notification): avoid passing color components bigger than 255
  • feat(ssh): show an error message if anything goes wrong during creating temporary account instead of crashing
  • fix(keypad): return from key_press_cb if no input is changed
  • fix(docker): pulling images is now done with client.images.pull #63

Version 0.12.4

  • build(packer): disable userconfig service
  • feat(ssh): move username and password to the header of notification so that they render bigger
  • fix(system): don't close socket connection after writing the response, client already takes care of closing the connection

Version 0.12.3

  • build: use latest images - 2024-03-15 - of RPi as base images
  • feat(core): read serial number from eeprom and add it to sentry reports
  • feat(core): add screenshot action (triggered with p key)
  • fix(keypad): make keypad compatible with kernel 6.6 by using gpiozero
  • refactor(core): add shutdown method for service threads and worker threads to gracefully cancel async jobs instead of immediately terminating event loops
  • refactor(core): remove _run_in_executer from async utilities
  • refactor: use logger.exception in exception handlers
  • ci: use latest versions of ruff and pyright

Version 0.12.2

  • feat(lightdm): add lightdm service
  • build(packer): disable lightdm service by default
  • fix(sound): try restarting pulseaudio every 5 seconds when it is not ready (it may be not available in the first boot of desktop image at least)
  • refactor(ssh): use our own monitor_unit utility function and drop cysystemd
  • ci: set SENTRY_RELEASE
  • feat(system): setup sentry for system_manager
  • refactor(core): send_command is now an async function utilizing asyncio streams

Version 0.12.1

  • feat(system_manager): commands for starting/stopping/enabling/disabling services
  • feat(ssh): menu items for starting/stopping/enabling/disabling ssh service
  • feat(ssh): monitor ssh service and update menus accordingly
  • refactor: move all system-dependent preparations to to be reused in runtime, tests, etc (currently mostly mocking modules for macOS)
  • refactor(bootstrap): move bootstrap from ubo bootstrap to its own binary bootstrap to keep its runtime isolated and avoid unintended side effects
  • fix(ci-cd): expand the size of the filesystem for the default image as it was running out of space during the build process and add apt-get upgrade

Version 0.12.0

  • feat(core): add qrcode_input utility function to let developers easily take input using qrcode through camera, wireless flow now also uses this function, in dev environment it reads the text from /tmp/qrcode_input.txt instead
  • feat(docker): add environment_variables and command to image description, both allowing functions as their values, these functions get evaluated when the image is being created
  • refactor(core): improve load_services so that files are enforced to be pure and can't import anything, services can start importing once their thread is started.
  • fix(image): add apt remove orca to image creation scripts #48
  • fix(image): resolve the issue of audio driver installation #53
  • refactor(test): stability fixture now stops after 4 seconds
  • feat(test): introduce UBO_DEBUG_TEST_UUID environment variable for tracking the sequence of uuid generations in the tests, it prints the traceback for each call to uuid.uuid4 if it is set
  • fix(wifi): change _remote_object_path to _dbus.object_path for sdbus objects #57

Version 0.11.7

  • refactor(style): update ubo-gui to the latest version and set placeholder for all menus

Version 0.11.6

  • chore(debug): setup sentry for error tracking

Version 0.11.4

  • feat(docker): add ngrok service (currently serves port 22 with no auth token)
  • refactor(style): update ubo-gui to the latest version and change all icons to use nerd font icons
  • refactor(serviceS): change the loading order of the services
  • feat(ssh): add ssh service to create and remove temporary ssh target users
  • fix(server): it would miss commands coming together in a single packet, now it waits for the next packet if the current packet is not a complete command and it doesn't miss extra commands in the packet if it has multiple commands.

Version 0.11.3

  • test: add wireless flow test, work in progress
  • refactor(services): add init parameter to register_service
  • chore(test): generate and collect screenshots in GitHub workflow
  • refactor(test): make the return value of wait_for reusable
  • refactor(test): organize fixtures in different files
  • feat(test): introduce load_services and stability fixtures

Version 0.11.2

  • chore(test): improve snapshot tests to detect extra/less snapshots too
  • chore(test): better organize snapshot results in sub-directories
  • chore(test): collect mismatching snapshots (store and window) in GitHub workflow
  • chore(test): add --override-window-snapshots to pytest to intentionally override window snapshots when they have changed
  • chore(test): add --make-screenshots to pytest to create window screenshots to help find the differences visually
  • chore(test): monkeypatchings for dynamic parts of the app to make tests consistent
  • refactor: general improvements in the codebase to address issues found during writing tests
  • chore: add badges to
  • chore: add for development, it helps to build consistent screenshots in macOS

Version 0.11.1

  • chore(test): set up testing framework with initial examples
  • chore(test): set up snapshot test helper to compare screenshots of different stages of tests with previous successful tests using hashes

Version 0.11.0

  • feat: add ollama and open-webui docker images
  • feat: render a qrcode for each ip x port combination of a container
  • feat: add UBO_DOCKER_PREFIX to help pull docker images from local registries during development
  • feat: let images depend on eachother's ip address to let semi composition
  • feat: read the state of all relevant containers during initialization and update the store accordingly
  • feat: add --restart=always for all containers, in the future we will make it customizable.
  • chore: add python-dotenv and read .env and .dev.env files during initialization
  • chore: update to latest version of ubo-gui and headless-kivy-pi

Version 0.10.7

  • chore: split asset files bigger than 2GB in the release into chunks of 2GB.
  • refactor: general housekeeping

Version 0.10.6

  • fix: wireless module now has sufficient privileges

Version 0.10.5

  • chore: setup git-lfs for audio files

Version 0.10.2

  • chore: create ubo images for main branch based on lite, default and full versions of raspberry os in GitHub workflow
  • chore: create GitHub release for main branch in GitHub workflows

Version 0.10.1

  • chore: GitHub workflow to publish pushes on main branch to PyPI

Version 0.10.0

  • chore: add integration GitHub workflow to check lint, typing and build issues
  • refactor: address all lint issues and typing issues

Version 0.9.9

  • feat: add monitor_unit utility function to monitor status changes of systemd units
  • refactor: make docker service mostly event-driven

Version 0.9.8

  • hotfix: wait for lingering process to finish and retry usreland systemctl --user daemon-reload if needed
  • hotfix: the script now runs if an optional flag is set for bootstrap command

Version 0.9.7

  • fix: audio for when pipewire is installed
  • fix: set permission for ubo user to disconnect wifi connections
  • refactor: setup ubo as a lingering user and migrate ubo-app service from a system wide service to ubo userland service still starting after boot
  • feature: ability to customize installation process with environment variables:
    • UPDATE: used for when ubo is installed and it should be updated to the latest version
    • ALPHA: installs latest version, even if it's an alpha version
    • WITH_DOCKER: installs docker service

Version 0.9.6

  • feat: add socket connection (volume bind) for portainer

Version 0.9.5

  • feat: expose all ports of containers and show the ports in a sub menu
  • feat: option to remove a container without removing its image

Version 0.9.4

  • hotfix: provide $USERNAME environment variable for script

Version 0.9.3

  • hotfix: postpone adding ubo to docker group for when docker is installed

Version 0.9.2

  • refactor: upgrade ubo-led service ubo-system service as a general service to take care of system tasks needing root access
  • feat: use ubo-system to install and run docker service
  • chore: add --bootstrap option to deploy script, it basically runs ubo bootstrap

Version 0.9.1

  • fix: load a module from nested packages into nested packages

Version 0.9.0

  • feat: add docker service to manage docker images/containers
  • feat: add UBO_LOGLEVEL and UBO_GUI_LOGLEVEL environment variables
  • feat: add run_in_executor to run non-coroutine (non-async) blocking functions without blocking the ui

Version 0.8.9

  • fix: modules loaded in services now get executed only once, avoiding registration of redundant subscriptions and listeners

Version 0.8.8

  • hotfix: remove a dangling whitespace in

Version 0.8.7

  • feat: add ubo-pulseaudio.service to take care of keeping pulseaudio up
  • refactor: make sound service work with or without pulseaudio installed
  • refactor: organize system related codes and assets

Version 0.8.6

  • fix: enable i2c and spi using raspi-config in
  • fix: reboot after installation (needed for audio driver)
  • fix: add user to netdev group in
  • fix: install python3-picamera2 and python3-dev debian packages in
  • fix: blank screen when app is closing due to external signals
  • fix: improve polkit rule to let user do wifi scan

Version 0.8.5

  • feat: add sensors service with temperature and light
  • feat: show temperature and light values in the footer
  • refactor: organize order of loading of services

Version 0.8.4

  • refactor: housekeeping - better organize /ubo_app/store in directories
  • feat: automatically run update check whenever about menu is opened with a throttling of 10 seconds

Version 0.8.3

  • feat: introduce notification ids as a means to avoid duplicated notifications
  • fix: don't show expired notifications
  • feat: add a convention for notification ids and status icon ids in

Version 0.8.2

  • feat: blank screen when turning off the device, as backlight has a pull up and turns on after devices is turned off

Version 0.8.1

  • feat: power off button now turns off the screen and actually powers off the device

Version 0.8.0

  • feat: update menu showing current version and a button to update ubo-app
  • feat: add update system service to automatically install an update in boot time if it is already downloaded
  • feat: add install script
  • feat: setup polkit to let ubo user reboot and poweroff
  • refactor: improve so that it hasn't a hardcoded username
  • feat: assume the package is installed in /opt/ instead of /home/pi/
  • refactor: move service related files in store/ to store/services/
  • refactor: update to latest versions of ubo-gui and python-redux

Version 0.7.14

  • refactor: make create_task functional for the main application just like its services

Version 0.7.13

  • feat: #16 add volume chime
  • fix: #16 set the default pulseaudio device to "wm8960-soundcard"

Version 0.7.12

  • fix: #16 use a logarithmic scale for volume

Version 0.7.11

  • feat: #16 connect to the audio controller, play chimes for notifications

Version 0.7.10

  • feat: #15 add rgb_ring service and use it for notifications

Version 0.7.9

  • feat: #11 add notification for wifi deletion

Version 0.7.8

  • feat: add notifications service and use it for wireless connection creation

Version 0.7.7

  • refactor: housekeeping - update dependencies, migrate menu data structures to Immutable, improve typings, organization

Version 0.7.6

  • style: optimize footer space so that it can show 7 icons

Version 0.7.5

  • feat: add ethernet service to show ethernet status in a status bar icon
  • refactor: move Fake class from wifi service to ubo_app for the sake of reusability

Version 0.7.4

  • feat: use redux store for ip service so that other services can use its state
  • refactor: use Sequence type instead of list type whenever it is enough

Version 0.7.3

  • refactor: use socket instead of pythonping to reduce dependencies and make things work without root access
  • fix: correct the priority of the icon of the ip service

Version 0.7.2

  • docs: write with installation and usage instructions
  • refactor: remove the leftovers of the action/event payloads

Version 0.7.1

  • feat: check and update status icons of ip and wifi services
  • feat: introduce UBO_DEBUG environment variable to control the state of debug logs/utilities

Version 0.7.0

  • refactor: remove all ...Payload classes as Actions and Events have no other fields other than payload due to type being obsolete in this implementation
  • refactor: utilize debouncer package in wifi service to listen to and debounce dbus events
  • refactor: improve responsiveness of wifi connection page

Version 0.6.2

  • fix: avoid dbus connection getting stale
  • style: housekeeping - address as many lint errors as possible

Version 0.6.1

  • feat: add ip service to show ip addresses of different interfaces of the device

Version 0.6.0

  • refactor: rewrite wifi service using sdbus_networkmanager
  • refactor: update with the latest features of the latest python-redux version

Version 0.5.1

  • feat: add install_service command line argument to setup systemd service
  • feat: add VERBOSE log level to logging
  • feat: add --run to deploy script, it doesn't run the app without this option anymore

Version 0.5.0

  • refactor: make each service run in its own thread
  • fix: weird behavior in RPi's Python, not respecting submodule_search_locations

Version 0.4.4

  • chore: directly add headless-kivy-pi as a dependency

Version 0.4.3

  • feat: add wi-fi service and wi-fi flow

Version 0.4.2

  • feat: add camera service
  • feat: add camera live viewfinder (bypassing all the Kivy rendering procedures for the sake of performance)

Version 0.4.1

  • refactor: use latest version of python-redux in which type field is dropped from actions and events

Version 0.4.0

  • refactor: read ubo_service_id and ubo_service_name from file of the service
  • feat: let services import files from their directory (either by from . or from __ubo_service__)

Version 0.3.7

  • feat: make dispatch always run its actions/events in UI thread

Version 0.3.6

  • refactor: improve and simplify pyproject.toml

Version 0.3.5

  • refactor: use latest features of ubo-gui to better connect the main menu to store

Version 0.3.4

  • feat: implement the sound store and connect it to the volume widget and mic button

Version 0.3.3

  • chore: add logger

Version 0.3.2

  • refactor: move wifi icon registration to its service

Version 0.3.1

  • chore: add deploy script

Version 0.3.0

  • feat: implement app registration logic and tools
  • feat: add wifi app

Version 0.2.1

  • feat: loading services dynamically from 'services' directory and direcotires specified in UBO_SERVICES_PATH
  • feat: implement keyboard and keypad services
  • feat: implement main store handling main menu events

Version 0.1.1

  • refactor: make it pip-friendly

Version 0.1.0

  • feat: implement a simple version of redux