This is the RTL for Mapache 64. It consists of the following modules:
- Address Bus
- Sets chip enable signals according to the current cpu address.
- Controller Interface
- Reads the controller values. (SIPO)
- Firmware ROM
- The firmware and 65c02 vectors are stored in BRAM.
- Implementation of this description: GPU.
# setup
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd fpga
fusesoc library add ucsbieee_mapache64_top . --sync-type=local
fusesoc library add nes_controller_interface --sync-type=git
# Lint with Verilator
fusesoc run --target lint --no-export ucsbieee:mapache64:top
# Simulate with Icarus
fusesoc run --target sim --tool icarus ucsbieee:mapache64:top
# Simulate with Verilator
fusesoc run --target sim --tool verilator ucsbieee:mapache64:top
# Synthesize for the Cmod-A7
fusesoc run --target cmod_a7 ucsbieee:mapache64:top
# Verify the GPU
fusesoc run --target gpu_verify ucsbieee:mapache64:top
Cmod-A7 SPI Flash: mx25l3273f