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UI5 Tooling Extension for Transpiling JS/TS

👋 This is a community project and there is no official support for this package! Feel free to use it, open issues, contribute, and help answering questions.

The tooling extension provides a middleware and a task which transpiles JavaScript or TypeScript code to ES5 by using Babel. A default Babel configuration will be provided by the tooling extension unless a inline Babel configuration in the ui5.yaml or any Babel configuration as described at Babel config files will be provided.

The middleware handles by default all requests to .js-files. For JavaScript transpilation the matching .js-file or for TypeScript the matching .ts-file will be transpiled on-the-fly via Babel. The transpiled JavaScript file will inline the sourcemap. Because of the sourcemap, setting breakpoints in the original (ES6+ or TS) source will cause the debugger to stop when the corresponding transpiled source code is reached.

The task finally transpiles the relevant source files during the UI5 Tooling build process. In case of TypeScript is enabled, for libraries, the task also generates the d.ts-files. For applications, this option can be enabled on demand.


⚠️ UI5 Tooling Compatibility All releases of this tooling extension using the major version 3 require UI5 Tooling V3. Any previous releases below major version 3 (if available) also support older versions of the UI5 Tooling. But the usage of the latest UI5 Tooling is strongly recommended!


npm install ui5-tooling-transpile --save-dev

Configuration options (in $yourapp/ui5.yaml)

  • debug: boolean
    enable detailed logging (can be even more verbose by using the --verbose argument)

  • babelConfig: String|Object path to the babel config file or object to use as configuration for babel instead of the babel configuration from the file system (as described at Babel config files), or the default configuration defined in this middleware (just using the @babel/preset-env)

  • includes: String<Array> (old alias: includePatterns) array of paths your application to include in transpilation, e.g. /modern-stuff/

  • excludes: String<Array> (old alias: excludePatterns) array of paths your application to exclude from transpilation, e.g. 3-rd party libs in /lib/

  • filePattern: String source file pattern for the resources to transpile, defaults to .js and will be changed to .ts if a tsconfig.json file is located in the project or by explicitly setting the configuration option transformTypeScript to true (multiple file extensions can be handled by specifying mutliple extensions using the glob syntax, e.g.: .+(js|jsx) or .+(ts|tsx))

  • transformTypeScript: boolean (old alias: transpileTypeScript) if enabled, the tooling extension transforms TypeScript sources; the default value is derived from the existence of a tsconfig.json in the root folder of the project - if the file exists the configuration option is true otherwise false; setting this configuration option overrules the automatic determination

  • generateTsInterfaces: boolean|undefined (experimental feature) option requires a dependency to the @ui5/ts-interface-generator when either the value of the option is true or undefined and the project is a TypeScript-based project or the transformTypeScript option is set to true - can be forced to be inactive by setting the option to false (only relevant for the middleware)

  • generateDts: boolean if enabled, the tooling extension will generate type definitions (.d.ts) files; by default for projects of type library this option is considered as true and for other projects such as application this option is considered as false by default (is only relevant in case of transformTypeScript is true)

  • failOnDtsErrors: boolean if enabled, the tooling extension will fail during the generation of type definitions (.d.ts) files; this option is considered as false by default (is only relevant in case of generateDts is true)

  • omitTSFromBuildResult: boolean if enabled, the TypeScript sources will be omitted from the build result. This will disable the debugging support in the TypeScript sources (since the related source files aren't included anymore)

  • transpileDependencies: boolean (experimental feature) if enabled, the middleware also transpile the sources from the dependencies which is needed for development scenarios when referring to other projects (this configuration option is ignored by the task)

  • transformAtStartup: boolean (experimental feature) if enabled, the resources will be transpiled at startup to avoid additional overhead for the first requests to the transpiled resources.

  • skipBabelPresetPluginResolve: boolean (experimental feature) if enabled, the babel presets and plugins will not be resolved by the tooling extension and babel itself will do it. This can cause babel presets or plugins not to be found in case of working in monorepos

  • generateBabelConfig: boolean|string (experimental feature) this option allows to generate the babel config file for the current project when the babel config file doesn't exist - this option is useful when you are using babel generation within a different tooling (like a native babel execution inside e.g. jest) to use the same configuration like when running the task or middleware; if the value is a string the tooling extension will assume to generate a file with the provided name

The following configuration options will only be taken into account if no inline babel configuration is maintained in the ui5.yaml as babelConfig or no external babel configuration exists in any configuration file as described in Babels configuration section:

  • targetBrowsers: String (default: "defaults") first, the config will be looked up in the package.json browserslist property, second the config is searched in an external .browserlistrc file and if nothing has been found, the targeted browsers can be defined with the shared browser compatibility config from browserslist within this configuration option; to transpile back to ES5 you can i.e. use the browserslist configuration: ">0.2% and not dead"

  • transformTypeScript: boolean|Object (old: transpileTypeScript) includes the Babel presets @babel/preset-typescript and babel-preset-transform-ui5 into Babels preset configuration (if transformModulesToUI5 is explicitely set to false the babel-preset-transform-ui5 will not be added to the presets); if the value is type of Object the configuration option is considered to be true and the configuration object will be used for the @babel/preset-typescript

  • transformModulesToUI5: boolean|Object includes the babel-preset-transform-ui5 into Babels preset configuration (included implicitly when transpileTypeScript is set to true and this configuration option is omitted); if the value is type of Object the configuration option is considered to be true and the configuration object will be used for the babel-preset-transform-ui5; this preset ensures that ES module imports will be transpiled to UI5 classic sap.ui.define or sap.ui.require calls and ES UI5 classes to classic UI5 classes using the extend API

  • transformAsyncToPromise: boolean (old: transpileAsync) includes the babel-plugin-transform-async-to-promises into Babels presert configuration which transpiles async/await statements into Promises; otherwise Babel uses @babel/plugin-transform-regenerator to transpile async/await with regenerator-runtime which isn't CSP compliant

  • removeConsoleStatements: boolean
    includes the babel-plugin-transform-remove-console which removes the console statement from the transpiled code

⚠️ When using builder > settings > includeDependency to add references to other projects (libraries, modules, ...) which also require a Babel transformation, the Babel configuration lookup or the tsconfig.json lookup will take place relative to the current working directory. If you want to ensure to use project local configurations in this case, inline the Babel configuration babelConfig and the transformTypeScript (with true=TS or false=JS) switch explicitly in the ui5.yaml.


By default, the tooling extension is configuration free and works out-of-the-box. The programming language is derived from the existence of the tsconfig.json in the project root.

Define the dependency in $yourapp/package.json:

"devDependencies": {
    // ...
    "ui5-tooling-transpile": "*"
    // ...

Register the task and middleware in your $yourapp/ui5.yaml:

  - name: ui5-tooling-transpile-task
    afterTask: replaceVersion
  - name: ui5-tooling-transpile-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression

That's it. Now you can transpile your sources with the help of Babel.

Advanced Options

Configuration options are added in the configuration section. For JavaScript projects, ensure that no tsconfig.json is present in the project root. This would turn the tooling extension into the TypeScript mode.

Example configuration for a JavaScript project without external Babel configuration which removes console statements and exclude specific paths:

  - name: ui5-tooling-transpile-task
    afterTask: replaceVersion
      debug: true
      removeConsoleStatements: true
      - "lib/"
      - "another/dir/in/webapp"
      - "yet/another/dir"
  - name: ui5-tooling-transpile-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression
      debug: true
      removeConsoleStatements: true
      - "lib/"
      - "another/dir/in/webapp"
      - "yet/another/dir"

Example configuration for a TypeScript project without external Babel configuration which transforms async/await to Promises and removes console statements:

  - name: ui5-tooling-transpile-task
    afterTask: replaceVersion
      debug: true
      transformAsyncToPromise: true
      removeConsoleStatements: true
  - name: ui5-tooling-transpile-middleware
    afterMiddleware: compression
      debug: true
      transformAsyncToPromise: true
      removeConsoleStatements: true


Please use the GitHub bug tracking system to post questions, bug reports or to create pull requests.


Any type of contribution (code contributions, pull requests, issues) to this set of tooling extensions will be equally appreciated.


This work is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and the Derived Beer-ware License. The official license will be Apache 2.0 but finally you can choose between one of them if you use this work.

When you like this stuff, buy @vobu a beer or buy @pmuessig a coke when you see them.