Notes for the Airship Mobile team.
To install CocoaPods, run bundle exec pod install
. If the install fails because pods are missing, run bundle install
and then re-run bundle exec pod install
The release deploy will trigger automatically when pushing a version (#.#.#) tag to ios-library. It will automatically do the following:
- CI & Build SDK
- Deploy the (xcframeworks) and (carthage) to Github as a new Release
- Deploy the (xcframeworks) to Bintray
- Publish Pods
- Upload the documentation to a GCS bucket that extdocs will pull from when it deploys Airship docs
Secrets needed to be setup for the Github Action to run:
- COCOAPODS_TRUNK_TOKEN: The password in ~/.netrc for after you authenticate with Cocoapods
- SLACK_WEBHOOK: Webhook to slack build updates.