Apply up to 9 filters to an image of choice. Filters modify image pixels, returning a copy of the filtered image which can be saved.
- Python3+
- pip 20.0.2 or later
- Unix installation:
python -m ensurepip --upgrade
- Windows installation:
py -m ensurepip --upgrade
- Unix installation:
- Pillow
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
- Add desired images to
directory - Execute the main program with the following command:
- You will be shown a prompt of all the program's commands:
---------------------------- L)oad image S)ave-as Q)uit 2)-tone 3)-tone X)treme contrast T)int sepia P)osterize E)dge detect I)mproved edge detect V)ertical flip H)orizontal flip ----------------------------
- Begin by loading an image with the Load command. The image you choose will be previewed to you. Close the preview to continue
- Apply desired filter(s) to the image image:
- The filtered image then pops up:
- You can continue applying more filters or save your filtered image in your destination of choice.
- Batch script is under
andcan be modified:- The syntax of the script is shown in the following table and example:
Image name | Name to Save Image As | Filter code(s) |
dog1.jpg | dog1WithFilters | X T 3 E |
- Filter codes are as follows: 2-tone, 3-tone, Xtreme contrast, Tint sepia, Posterize, Edge detect, Improved edge detect, Vertical flip, Horizontal flip.