explore the problems and create index file, qdata file , and files for data from questions
Your code looks good! Here are a few things you might want to consider:
- You could use a more efficient way to calculate the TF-IDF values. Currently, you are looping over each document in the corpus for each term in the query. A more efficient approach would be to use a hash table to store the term frequencies for each document.
- You could also use a more efficient way to sort the potential documents. Currently, you are using the sorted() function, which is a O(n log n) operation. A more efficient approach would be to use a heap data structure, which can sort a list of elements in O(n) time.
updated code based on 2
import math
def load_vocab():
vocab = {}
with open('tf_idf_implementation/tf-idf/vocab.txt', 'r') as f:
vocab_terms = f.readlines()
with open('tf_idf_implementation/tf-idf/idf-values.txt', 'r') as f:
idf_values = f.readlines()
for (term, idf_value) in zip(vocab_terms, idf_values):
vocab[term.strip()] = int(idf_value.strip())
return vocab
def load_documents():
documents = []
with open('tf_idf_implementation/tf-idf/documents.txt', 'r') as f:
documents = f.readlines()
documents = [document.strip().split() for document in documents]
return documents
def load_inverted_index():
inverted_index = {}
with open('tf_idf_implementation/tf-idf/inverted-index.txt', 'r') as f:
inverted_index_terms = f.readlines()
for row_num in range(0, len(inverted_index_terms), 2):
term = inverted_index_terms[row_num].strip()
term_in_documents = inverted_index_terms[row_num + 1].strip().split()
inverted_index[term] = term_in_documents
return inverted_index
vocab_idf_values = load_vocab()
documents = load_documents()
inverted_index = load_inverted_index()
def get_tf_dictionary(term):
tf_values = {}
if term in inverted_index:
for document in inverted_index[term]:
tf_values[document] = documents[int(document)].count(term)
return tf_values
def get_idf_value(term):
return vocab_idf_values[term]
def calculate_sorted_order_of_documents(query_terms):
potential_documents = {}
for term in query_terms:
if vocab_idf_values[term] == 0:
tf_values_by_document = get_tf_dictionary(term)
idf_value = get_idf_value(term)
for document in tf_values_by_document:
potential_documents[document] = tf_values_by_document[document] * idf_value
# divide the length of the query terms
for document in potential_documents:
potential_documents[document] /= len(query_terms)
potential_documents = dict(sorted(potential_documents.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True))
return potential_documents
query_string = input('Enter your query: ')
query_terms = query_string.lower().strip().split()[1:]