diff --git a/help/C/index.docbook b/help/C/index.docbook
index 1b85f26d..bc64f7fd 100644
--- a/help/C/index.docbook
+++ b/help/C/index.docbook
@@ -3560,6 +3560,13 @@ The possible methods to redownload one or more tiles are:
+Delete Map Tiles
+ This removes this specific cached tile(s) from disk (and memory).
+ Hence allowing fine grained control, which can be useful such as in bypassing the normal tile age cache check
+ (and then induce a download for this tile) to get the latest tile.
Map Tile Information
By right clicking on viewport and selecting Show Tile Information you can see the tile properties of this location for the current layer and current zoom level.
diff --git a/src/vikmapslayer.c b/src/vikmapslayer.c
index de8c8af8..542c19c8 100644
--- a/src/vikmapslayer.c
+++ b/src/vikmapslayer.c
@@ -2380,6 +2380,69 @@ static void maps_layer_redownload_new ( VikMapsLayer *vml )
start_download_thread ( vml, vml->redownload_vvp, &(vml->redownload_ul), &(vml->redownload_br), REDOWNLOAD_NEW );
+ * Remove the file(s) of the specific map tile(s)
+ * This must only be called for cached storage map types
+ */
+static void maps_layer_delete_tiles ( VikMapsLayer *vml )
+ VikMapSource *map = MAPS_LAYER_NTH_TYPE(vml->maptype);
+ gdouble xzoom = vml->xmapzoom ? vml->xmapzoom : vik_viewport_get_xmpp ( vml->redownload_vvp );
+ gdouble yzoom = vml->ymapzoom ? vml->ymapzoom : vik_viewport_get_ympp ( vml->redownload_vvp );
+ MapCoord ulm, brm;
+ if ( !vik_map_source_coord_to_mapcoord ( map, &(vml->redownload_ul), xzoom, yzoom, &ulm ) )
+ return;
+ if ( !vik_map_source_coord_to_mapcoord ( map, &(vml->redownload_br), xzoom, yzoom, &brm ) )
+ return;
+ gint x0 = MIN(ulm.x, brm.x);
+ gint xf = MAX(ulm.x, brm.x);
+ gint y0 = MIN(ulm.y, brm.y);
+ gint yf = MAX(ulm.y, brm.y);
+ guint max_path_len = strlen(vml->cache_dir) + 40;
+ gchar *filename = g_malloc ( max_path_len * sizeof(char) );
+ MapCoord mcoord = ulm;
+ for (gint xx = x0; xx <= xf; xx++) {
+ mcoord.x = xx;
+ for (gint yy = y0; yy <= yf; yy++) {
+ mcoord.y = yy;
+ if ( is_in_area (map, mcoord) ) {
+ get_filename ( vml->cache_dir,
+ vml->cache_layout,
+ vik_map_source_get_uniq_id(map),
+ vik_map_source_get_name(map),
+ ulm.scale, ulm.z, xx, yy, filename, max_path_len,
+ vik_map_source_get_file_extension(map) );
+ if ( g_file_test(filename, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) ) {
+ if ( g_remove(filename) )
+ g_warning ( "%s failed to remove: %s", __FUNCTION__, filename );
+ }
+ // Attempt to remove etag as well if there is one
+ gchar *etagfile = g_strdup_printf ( "%s.etag", filename );
+ if ( g_file_test(etagfile, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) )
+ (void)g_remove(etagfile);
+ g_free ( etagfile );
+ a_mapcache_remove_all_shrinkfactors ( xx, yy, ulm.z,
+ vik_map_source_get_uniq_id(map),
+ ulm.scale, vml->filename );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ g_free ( filename );
+ vik_layer_emit_update ( VIK_LAYER(vml), FALSE );
* Display a simple dialog with information about this particular map tile
@@ -2527,6 +2590,7 @@ static VikLayerToolFuncStatus maps_layer_download_release ( VikMapsLayer *vml, G
(void)vu_menu_add_item ( menu, _("Redownload _Bad Map(s)"), GTK_STOCK_ADD, G_CALLBACK(maps_layer_redownload_bad), vml );
(void)vu_menu_add_item ( menu, _("Redownload _New Map(s)"), GTK_STOCK_REDO, G_CALLBACK(maps_layer_redownload_new), vml );
(void)vu_menu_add_item ( menu, _("Redownload _All Map(s)"), GTK_STOCK_REFRESH, G_CALLBACK(maps_layer_redownload_all), vml );
+ (void)vu_menu_add_item ( menu, _("_Delete Map Tile(s)"), GTK_STOCK_REMOVE, G_CALLBACK(maps_layer_delete_tiles), vml );
(void)vu_menu_add_item ( menu, _("_Show Tile Information"), GTK_STOCK_INFO, G_CALLBACK(maps_layer_tile_info), vml );