Rise of the Machines – Automate Your Development |
An introduction to JVM performance |
Java Collections - The Force Awakens |
10 SQL Tricks That You Didn’t Think Were Possible |
Testing with Spock, the logical choice |
MicroProfile, Apache TomEE Now & Beyond |
Delivering Unicorns |
Reactive Integrations with Akka Streams that Just Work! |
Emerging Application Architectures with Java and Node.js |
Building microservices with Vert.x |
Java 9 Modularity in Action |
The Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservices |
Functional Libraries for Java 8 |
Using Java 8 Idioms in Existing Code |
Just Enough App Server |
Faster Java By Adding Structs (Sort Of) |
What’s In Java 9 |
Panel Discussion: MicroProfile Evolution and Direction |
Functional Data Structures and Java 8 |
The Art of Angular in 2016 |
Optional - The Mother of All Bikesheds |
A practical RxJava example with Ratpack and Couchbase |
Creating efficient microservices with portable binary protocols – gRPC 101 |
Cloud native Java |