Points: 130 Category: Forensics
All we know is the file with the flag is named down-at-the-bottom.txt
... Disk image: dds2-alpine.flag.img.gz
- The sleuthkit has some great tools for this challenge as well.
- Sleuthkit docs here are so helpful: TSK Tool Overview
- This disk can also be booted with qemu!
First the file is zipped. Unzip it with gzip -d dds2-alpine.flag.img
After the file is unzipped, the image file should be visible.
mmls dds2-alpine.flag.img
returned details about the disc image:
DOS Partition Table
Offset Sector: 0
Units are in 512-byte sectors
Slot Start End Length Description
000: Meta 0000000000 0000000000 0000000001 Primary Table (#0)
001: ------- 0000000000 0000002047 0000002048 Unallocated
002: 000:000 0000002048 0000262143 0000260096 Linux (0x83)
By the way, this video gives a really good overview on how to use The Sleuth Kit.
It seems that the first two partitions probably don't have anything interesting in it. Partition at index 002 begins at 2048. I used fls -o 2048 dds2-alpine.flag.img
to check the contents of that partition.
d/d 11: lost+found
r/r 12: .dockerenv
d/d 20321: bin
d/d 4065: boot
d/d 6097: dev
d/d 2033: etc
d/d 26417: home
d/d 8129: lib
d/d 14225: media
d/d 16257: mnt
d/d 18289: opt
d/d 16258: proc
d/d 18290: root
d/d 16259: run
d/d 18292: sbin
d/d 12222: srv
d/d 16260: sys
d/d 18369: tmp
d/d 12223: usr
d/d 14229: var
V/V 32513: $OrphanFiles
I figured the root
directory would be a good starting point. root
has control to everything and CTFs store important things in places with admin permissions. fls -o 2048 dds2-alpine.flag.img 18290
r/r 18291: down-at-the-bottom.txt
It took me a while to figure out how to use the icat
command but eventually, icat -o 2048 dds2-alpine.flag.img 18291
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\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/