diff --git a/active-rfcs/0000-props-can-be-provided-with-setter.md b/active-rfcs/0000-props-can-be-provided-with-setter.md
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index 00000000..3282c8d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/active-rfcs/0000-props-can-be-provided-with-setter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+- Start Date: 2020-05-15
+- Target Major Version: 2.x, 3.x
+- Reference Issues: N/A
+- Implementation PR:
+# Summary
+- Make it simpler to pass `v-model` down in (say) wrapper components.
+# Basic Example
+# Motivation
+It is often required that we rewrite existing form components that accept `v-model`s in wrapper components. However, we cannot simply pass the `v-model` down from the wrapper to the wrapped component:
+# Detailed design
+An error can be thrown when trying to set a prop without setter. However when a prop has a setter (in the `set` property, the same way as in `computed`), an attempt to set the prop will call the prop’s setter.
+# Drawbacks
+It may make Vue’s one-way data flow less apparent.
+# Alternatives
+# Adoption Strategy