Trace and format recursive dependency trees asynchronously.
Create an instance of Deptrace to trace your dependencies.
const tracer = new Deptrace({
setup: function () {
// optional method to call before running graph
depsFor: function (input) {
// extract an array of dependencies from some input
resolve: function (dep, parents) {
// resolve an individual dependency into a more detailed form
format: function (input, children, tree) {
// format a node in a dependency graph after all dependencies are resolved
concurrency: 4
Use this to perform any setup necessary before running a graph. May return a promise.
Type: Function
Default: null
Receives an object and must return a promise yielding an array of its dependencies.
Type: Function
Default: null
Example extracting an array of dependencies from the contents of a package.json
const Deptrace = require('./');
const archy = require('archy');
const promise = require('bluebird');
const tracer = new Deptrace({
depsFor: function (input) {
var deps = input.dependencies || [];
return promise.resolve(Object.keys(deps).map(function(depName) {
return {
name: depName,
version: deps[depName]
tracer.graph(require('./package.json')).then(function (graph) {
Receives each dependency gathered by depsFor
, as well as an array of all parent dependencies. Must return a promise. This method is optional and can be used to resolve a more detailed represenstation of a dependency. (e.g. converting the name of a dependency in package.json to the actual package.json of that dependency).
Type: Function
Default: see source
Here is a naive example which can trace dependencies for any npm module for which all dependencies are on github:
const Deptrace = require('./');
const archy = require('archy');
const githubUrlFromGit = require('github-url-from-git');
const promise = require('bluebird');
const request = promise.promisify(require('request').get);
const tracer = new Deptrace({
depsFor: Deptrace.packageJson('dependencies'),
resolve: function (dep, parents) {
return request(''
then(function(pkg) {
return [
var requestPkg = require('./node_modules/request/package.json');
tracer.graph(requestPkg).then(function (graph) {
This method can be used to format the result for each node of the graph after all of its direct dependencies have been resolved.
Type: Function
Default: see source
The default implementation formats the dependency graph to be compatible with archy (as follows):
label: 'parent',
nodes: [
label: 'child'
nodes: [
label: 'subchild'
nodes: []
Asynchronously trace a dependency graph for the provided input.
This helper can be used to generate a depsFor method that will extract an array of name/version dependencies from the specified dependency field in a package.json
file. See example for opts.resolve(deps, parents).