- [] create an admin panel for settings
- [] create a leaflet map out of mapData and display it in a nicegui Tab
- [] create a nice calendar-view
- [] or look for existing software
- [] could use calendar.HTMLCalendar
- [] could use fullcalendar.js
- [] change all the relevant functions
- [] test
- define class (22.08.)
- define classmethods
- fix recurring events
- ValueError: time data '07/07/2024 - 19:M0' does not match format '%d/%m/%Y - %H:%M' => L'isola Sommer Protest Fest Aachen
- event.add('summary', f"{data[0]} ({data[3]})"); IndexError: list index out of range => Kino knirschendes Gold-Kies frisst Wald
- check how it is possible to support it => works, just use csv or ods file that is automatically updated and cron that on to the server, then search from last timestamp to now. Store timestamp.
- check if web embedding is already shipped
- implement
- ship
- fixed the SpamAssasin problem by properly creating a MimeMultiPart Message (txt and html)
- ship
- upgrade to python telegram bot 21.x.x
- look for way to edit message in telegram Bot => see telegram .py
- look for way to store message_ids => yaml file
- added check if last message has changed or not, so it doesnt crash
- add a cli-argument for editing
- test
- send automatic updates to telegram message every day through cron => ship
look for way to host files via nextcloud=> nextcloud won't work - hosting them via git now -
search for webdav library=> using GitPython for now -
upload=> commit files automatically to new repository - add necessary entries to config files
- change links in umap
- test
- upgrade date.search() to calendar.search()
- test
- upgrade dependencies locally
- test
- pip freeze > requirements.txt
- pull stuff on server
- renew .venv and install dependencies
- copy config
- test on server