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This README describes configuration of supported targets.

Supported Targets


Example 512KB partitioning on STM32-F407

The example firmware provided in the test-app is configured to boot from the primary partition starting at address 0x20000. The flash layout is provided by the default example using the following configuration in target.h:

#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE              0x20000
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE           0x20000


This results in the following partition configuration:

example partitions

This configuration demonstrates one of the possible layouts, with the slots aligned to the beginning of the physical sector on the flash.

The entry point for all the runnable firmware images on this target will be 0x20100, 256 Bytes after the beginning of the first flash partition. This is due to the presence of the firmware image header at the beginning of the partition, as explained more in details in Firmware image

In this particular case, due to the flash geometry, the swap space must be as big as 128KB, to account for proper sector swapping between the two images.

On other systems, the SWAP space can be as small as 512B, if multiple smaller flash blocks are used.

More information about the geometry of the flash and in-application programming (IAP) can be found in the manufacturer manual of each target device.

STM32F4 Programming

st-flash write factory.bin 0x08000000

STM32F4 Debugging

  1. Start GDB server

OpenOCD: openocd --file ./config/openocd/openocd_stm32f4.cfg OR ST-Link: st-util -p 3333

  1. Start GDB Client
add-symbol-file test-app/image.elf 0x20100
mon reset init
b main


Similar layout as the STM32F4, but for a much smaller 64KB flash.

WolfBoot occupy 12KB, followed by 2x25 KB firmware partitions, and a 2KB swap:


This is with the sample config in config/examples/stm32f1.config.

Note that with this partition layout, WolfBoot cannot be compiled with debug support.

The test application for STM32F1 is designed so that if it boots a version 1 software, it will trigger an update If the running software version is 2, all is good. In both cases, PC13 is cleared (lights up the green LED on a Blue Pill board).

STM32F1 Programming

All STM32F1 devices come with a builtin bootloader that can be used to program the device. It allows firmware upload on USART0 (pin A9 and A10 on the Blue Pill) using a usb-serial converter. The bootloader is entered by pulling the BOOT0 pin high. Once the builtin bootloader is active, the STM32F1 can be programmed with stm32flash:

stm32flash -w factory.bin -b 115200 -g 0 /dev/ttyUSB0


Example 1MB partitioning on STM32L4

  • Sector size: 4KB
  • Wolfboot partition size: 40 KB
  • Application partition size: 488 KB
#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE                 0x1000   /* 4 KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE              0x7A000  /* 488 KB */


Scenario 1: TrustZone Enabled

Example Description

The implementation shows how to switch from secure application to non-secure application, thanks to the system isolation performed, which splits the internal Flash and internal SRAM memories into two parts:

  • the first half is used by wolfboot running in secure mode and the secure application
  • the remaining available space is used for non-secure application and update partition

The example configuration for this scenario is available in /config/examples/stm32l5.config.

Hardware and Software environment

  • This example runs on STM32L562QEIxQ devices with security enabled (TZEN=1).
  • This example has been tested with STMicroelectronics STM32L562E-DK (MB1373)
  • User Option Bytes requirement (with STM32CubeProgrammer tool - see below for instructions)
TZEN = 1                            System with TrustZone-M enabled
DBANK = 1                           Dual bank mode
SECWM1_PSTRT=0x0  SECWM1_PEND=0x7F  All 128 pages of internal Flash Bank1 set as secure
SECWM2_PSTRT=0x1  SECWM2_PEND=0x0   No page of internal Flash Bank2 set as secure, hence Bank2 non-secure
  • NOTE: STM32CubeProgrammer V2.3.0 is required (v2.4.0 has a known bug for STM32L5)

How to use it

  1. cp ./config/examples/stm32l5.config .config
  2. make
  3. Prepare board with option bytes configuration reported above
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd mode=hotplug -ob TZEN=1 DBANK=1
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd mode=hotplug -ob SECWM1_PSTRT=0x0 SECWM1_PEND=0x7F SECWM2_PSTRT=0x1 SECWM2_PEND=0x0
  4. flash wolfBoot.bin to 0x0c00 0000
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d ./wolfboot.bin 0x0C000000
  5. flash .\test-app\image_v1_signed.bin to 0x0804 0000
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d ./test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x08040000
  6. RED LD9 will be on
  • NOTE: STM32_Programmer_CLI Default Locations
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe
  • Linux: /usr/local/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/bin/STM32_Programmer_CLI
  • Mac OS/X: /Applications/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/

Scenario 2: Trustzone Enabled, wolfCrypt as secure engine for NS applications

This is similar to Scenario 1, but also includes wolfCrypt in secure mode, and that can be accessed via PKCS11 interface by non-secure applications.

This option can be enabled with the WOLFCRYPT_TZ=1 and WOLFCRYPT_TZ_PKCS11=1 options in your configuration. This enables a PKCS11 accessible from NS domain via non-secure callables (NSC).

The example configuration for this scenario is available in /config/examples/stm32l5-wolfcrypt-tz.config.

For more information, see /docs/

Scenario 3: Trustzone Disabled, using DUAL BANK

Example Description

The implementation shows how to use STM32L5xx in DUAL BANK mode, with TrustZone disabled. The DUAL_BANK option is only available on this target when TrustZone is disabled (TZEN = 0).

The flash memory is segmented into two different banks:

  • Bank 0: (0x08000000)
  • Bank 1: (0x08040000)

Bank 0 contains the bootloader at address 0x08000000, and the application at address 0x08040000. When a valid image is available at the same offset in Bank 1, a candidate is selected for booting between the two valid images. A firmware update can be uploaded at address 0x08048000.

The example configuration is available in /config/examples/stm32l5-nonsecure-dualbank.config.

To run flash ./test-app/image.bin to 0x08000000. - STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d ./test-app/image.bin 0x08000000

Or program each partition using:

  1. flash wolfboot.bin to 0x08000000:
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d ./wolfboot.elf
  2. flash main application to 0x0800 a000
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d ./test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x0800a000

RED LD9 will be on indicating successful boot ().

Updates can be flashed at 0x0804a000:

  • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d ./test-app/image_v2_signed.bin 0x0804a000

The two partition are logically remapped by using BANK_SWAP capabilities. This partition swap is immediate and does not require a SWAP partition.


Use make DEBUG=1 and reload firmware.

  • STM32CubeIDE v.1.3.0 required
  • Run the debugger via:


ST-LINK_gdbserver -d -cp /opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.3.0/plugins/ -e -r 1 -p 3333`

Max OS/X:

sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/lib/libSTLinkUSBDriver.dylib

/Applications/ -d -cp ./Contents/Eclipse/plugins/ -e -r 1 -p 3333
  • Connect with arm-none-eabi-gdb

wolfBoot has a .gdbinit to configure

add-symbol-file test-app/image.elf
mon reset init


The STM32U5 is a Cortex-M33 (ARMv8-M).

Note: We have seen issues with vector table alignment, so the default image header size (IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE) has been increased to 1024 bytes to avoid potential issues.

Scenario 1: TrustZone enabled, staging non-secure application

Example description

The implementation shows how to switch from secure application to non-secure application, thanks to the system isolation performed, which splits the internal Flash and internal SRAM memories into two parts:

  • the first 256KB are used by wolfboot running in secure mode and the secure application
  • the remaining available space is used for non-secure application and update partition

The example configuration for this scenario is available in /config/examples/stm32u5.config.

Example Description

The implementation shows how to switch from secure application to non-secure application, thanks to the system isolation performed, which splits the internal Flash and internal SRAM memories into two parts:

  • the first half for secure application
  • the second half for non-secure application

Hardware and Software environment

  • This example runs on STM32U585AII6Q devices with security enabled (TZEN=1).
  • This example has been tested with STMicroelectronics B-U585I-IOT02A (MB1551)
  • User Option Bytes requirement (with STM32CubeProgrammer tool - see below for instructions)
TZEN = 1                            System with TrustZone-M enabled
DBANK = 1                           Dual bank mode
SECWM1_PSTRT=0x0  SECWM1_PEND=0x7F  All 128 pages of internal Flash Bank1 set as secure
SECWM2_PSTRT=0x1  SECWM2_PEND=0x0   No page of internal Flash Bank2 set as secure, hence Bank2 non-secure
  • NOTE: STM32CubeProgrammer V2.8.0 or newer is required

How to use it

  1. cp ./config/examples/stm32u5.config .config
  2. make TZEN=1
  3. Prepare board with option bytes configuration reported above
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd mode=hotplug -ob TZEN=1 DBANK=1
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd mode=hotplug -ob SECWM1_PSTRT=0x0 SECWM1_PEND=0x7F SECWM2_PSTRT=0x1 SECWM2_PEND=0x0
  4. flash wolfBoot.bin to 0x0c000000
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d ./wolfboot.bin 0x0C000000
  5. flash .\test-app\image_v1_signed.bin to 0x08010000
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d ./test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x08100000
  6. RED LD9 will be on
  • NOTE: STM32_Programmer_CLI Default Locations
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe
  • Linux: /usr/local/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/bin/STM32_Programmer_CLI
  • Mac OS/X: /Applications/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/

Scenario 2: TrustZone Enabled, wolfCrypt as secure engine for NS applications

This is similar to Scenario 1, but also includes wolfCrypt in secure mode, and that can be accessed via PKCS11 interface by non-secure applications.

This option can be enabled with the WOLFCRYPT_TZ=1 and WOLFCRYPT_TZ_PKCS11=1 options in your configuration. This enables a PKCS11 accessible from NS domain via non-secure callables (NSC).

The example configuration for this scenario is available in /config/examples/stm32u5-wolfcrypt-tz.config.

For more information, see /docs/

Scenario 3: TrustZone Disabled (DUAL BANK mode)

Example Description

The implementation shows how to use STM32U5xx in DUAL_BANK mode, with TrustZone disabled. The DUAL_BANK option is only available on this target when TrustZone is disabled (TZEN = 0).

The flash memory is segmented into two different banks:

  • Bank 0: (0x08000000)
  • Bank 1: (0x08100000)

Bank 0 contains the bootloader at address 0x08000000, and the application at address 0x08100000. When a valid image is available at the same offset in Bank 1, a candidate is selected for booting between the two valid images. A firmware update can be uploaded at address 0x08110000.

The example configuration is available in /config/examples/stm32u5-nonsecure-dualbank.config.

Program each partition using:

  1. flash wolfboot.bin to 0x08000000:
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d ./wolfboot.bin 0x08000000
  2. flash image_v1_signed.bin to 0x08010000
    • STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d ./test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x08010000

RED LD9 will be on indicating successful boot ()


Use make DEBUG=1 and reload firmware.

  • STM32CubeIDE v.1.7.0 required
  • Run the debugger via:


ST-LINK_gdbserver -d -cp /opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.3.0/plugins/ -e -r 1 -p 3333

Max OS/X:

/Applications/ -d -cp /Applications/ -e -r 1 -p 3333


ST-LINK_gdbserver -d -cp C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.7.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\\tools\bin -e -r 1 -p 3333
  • Connect with arm-none-eabi-gdb or gdb-multiarch

wolfBoot has a .gdbinit to configure

add-symbol-file test-app/image.elf


Example 192KB partitioning on STM32-L073

This device is capable of erasing single flash pages (256B each).

However, we choose to use a logic sector size of 4KB for the swaps, to limit the amount of writes to the swap partition.

The proposed geometry in this example target.h uses 32KB for wolfBoot, and two partitions of 64KB each, leaving room for up to 8KB to use for swap (4K are being used here).

#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE                 0x1000   /* 4 KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE              0x10000 /* 64 KB */

STM32L0 Building

Use make TARGET=stm32l0. The option CORTEX_M0 is automatically selected for this target.


Supports STM32G0x0x0/STM32G0x1.

Example 128KB partitioning on STM32-G070:

  • Sector size: 2KB
  • Wolfboot partition size: 32KB
  • Application partition size: 44 KB
#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE                 0x800   /* 2 KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE              0xB000  /* 44 KB */

Building STM32G0

Reference configuration (see /config/examples/stm32g0.config). You can copy this to wolfBoot root as .config: cp ./config/examples/stm32g0.config .config. To build you can use make.

The TARGET for this is stm32g0: make TARGET=stm32g0. The option CORTEX_M0 is automatically selected for this target. The option NVM_FLASH_WRITEONCE=1 is mandatory on this target, since the IAP driver does not support multiple writes after each erase operation.

STM32G0 Secure Hide Protection Feature (Optional)

This part supports a "secure memory protection" feature makes the wolfBoot partition unaccessible after jump to application.

It uses the FLASH_CR:SEC_PROT and FLASH_SECT:SEC_SIZE registers. This is the number of 2KB pages to block access to from the 0x8000000 base address.

Command example to enable this for 32KB bootloader:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd mode=hotplug -ob SEC_SIZE=0x10


STM32G0 Programming

Compile requirements: make TARGET=stm32g0 NVM_FLASH_WRITEONCE=1

The output is a single factory.bin that includes wolfboot.bin and test-app/image_v1_signed.bin combined together. This should be programmed to the flash start address 0x08000000.

Flash using the STM32CubeProgrammer CLI:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d factory.bin 0x08000000

STM32G0 Debugging

Use make DEBUG=1 and program firmware again.

Start GDB server on port 3333:

ST-LINK_gdbserver -d -e -r 1 -p 3333
st-util -p 3333

wolfBoot has a .gdbinit to configure GDB

add-symbol-file test-app/image.elf 0x08008100
mon reset init


Supports STM32C0x0/STM32C0x1. Instructions are for the STM Nucleo-C031C6 dev board.

Tested build configurations:

  • With RSA2048 and SHA2-256 the code size is 10988 and it boots in under 1 second.
  • With ED25519 and SHA2-384 the code size is 10024 and takes about 10 seconds for the LED to turn on.
  • With LMS-8-10-1 and SHA2-256 the code size is 8164 on gcc-13 (could fit in 8KB partition)

Example 32KB partitioning on STM32-G070

with ED25519 or LMS-8-10-1:

  • Sector size: 2KB
  • Wolfboot partition size: 10KB
  • Application partition size: 10 KB
  • Swap size 2KB
#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE                 0x800   /* 2 KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_BOOT_ADDRESS      0x08002800 /* at 10KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE              0x2800  /* 10 KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_UPDATE_ADDRESS    0x08005000 /* at 20KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SWAP_ADDRESS      0x08007800 /* at 30KB */

with RSA2048:

  • Sector size: 2KB
  • Wolfboot partition size: 12KB
  • Application partition size: 8 KB
  • Swap size 2KB
#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE                 0x800      /* 2 KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_BOOT_ADDRESS      0x08003000 /* at 12KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE              0x2000     /* 8 KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_UPDATE_ADDRESS    0x08005000 /* at 20KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SWAP_ADDRESS      0x08007800 /* at 30KB */

Building STM32C0

Reference configuration files (see config/examples/stm32c0.config, config/examples/stm32c0-rsa2048.config and config/examples/stm32c0-lms-8-10-1.config).

You can copy one of these to wolfBoot root as .config: cp ./config/examples/stm32c0.config .config. To build you can use make.

The TARGET for this is stm32c0: make TARGET=stm32c0. The option CORTEX_M0 is automatically selected for this target. The option NVM_FLASH_WRITEONCE=1 is mandatory on this target, since the IAP driver does not support multiple writes after each erase operation.

STM32C0 Secure Hide Protection Feature (Optional)

This part supports a "secure memory protection" feature makes the wolfBoot partition unaccessible after jump to application.

It uses the FLASH_CR:SEC_PROT and FLASH_SECT:SEC_SIZE registers. This is the number of 2KB pages to block access to from the 0x8000000 base address.

Command example to enable this for 10KB bootloader:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd mode=hotplug -ob SEC_SIZE=0x05


STM32C0 Programming

Compile requirements: make TARGET=stm32c0 NVM_FLASH_WRITEONCE=1

The output is a single factory.bin that includes wolfboot.bin and test-app/image_v1_signed.bin combined together. This should be programmed to the flash start address 0x08000000.

Flash using the STM32CubeProgrammer CLI:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d factory.bin 0x08000000

STM32C0 Debugging

Use make DEBUG=1 and program firmware again.

Start GDB server on port 3333:

ST-LINK_gdbserver -d -e -r 1 -p 3333
st-util -p 3333

wolfBoot has a .gdbinit to configure GDB

add-symbol-file test-app/image.elf 0x08008100
mon reset init


Example partitioning on Nucleo-68 board:

  • Sector size: 4KB
  • Wolfboot partition size: 32 KB
  • Application partition size: 128 KB
#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE                 0x1000   /* 4 KB */
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE              0x20000 /* 128 KB */

STM32WB55 Building

Use make TARGET=stm32wb.

The option NVM_FLASH_WRITEONCE=1 is mandatory on this target, since the IAP driver does not support multiple writes after each erase operation.

Compile with:


STM32WB55 with OpenOCD

openocd --file ./config/openocd/openocd_stm32wbx.cfg

telnet localhost 4444
reset halt
flash write_image unlock erase factory.bin 0x08000000
flash verify_bank 0 factory.bin

STM32WB55 with ST-Link

git clone
cd stlink
cmake .
sudo make install
st-flash write factory.bin 0x08000000

# Start GDB server
st-util -p 3333

STM32WB55 Debugging

Use make DEBUG=1 and reload firmware.

wolfBoot has a .gdbinit to configure

add-symbol-file test-app/image.elf 0x08008100
mon reset init

SiFive HiFive1 RISC-V


  • E31 RISC-V 320MHz 32-bit processor
  • Onboard 16KB scratchpad RAM
  • External 4MB QSPI Flash

Default Linker Settings

  • FLASH: Address 0x20000000, Len 0x6a120 (424 KB)
  • RAM: Address 0x80000000, Len 0x4000 (16 KB)

Stock bootloader

Start Address: 0x20000000 is 64KB. Provides a "double tap" reset feature to halt boot and allow debugger to attach for reprogramming. Press reset button, when green light comes on press reset button again, then board will flash red.

Application Code

Start Address: 0x20010000

wolfBoot configuration

The default wolfBoot configuration will add a second stage bootloader, leaving the stock "double tap" bootloader as a fallback for recovery. Your production implementation should replace this and partition addresses in target.h will need updated, so they are 0x10000 less.

To set the Freedom SDK location use FREEDOM_E_SDK=~/src/freedom-e-sdk.

For testing wolfBoot here are the changes required:

  1. Makefile arguments:

    • TARGET=hifive1
    make ARCH=RISCV TARGET=hifive1 RAM_CODE=1 clean
    make ARCH=RISCV TARGET=hifive1 RAM_CODE=1

    If using the riscv64-unknown-elf- cross compiler you can add CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-elf- to your make or modify as follows:

     ifeq ($(ARCH),RISCV)
    -  CROSS_COMPILE:=riscv32-unknown-elf-
    +  CROSS_COMPILE:=riscv64-unknown-elf-
  2. include/target.h

Bootloader Size: 0x10000 (64KB) Application Size 0x40000 (256KB) Swap Sector Size: 0x1000 (4KB)

#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE                 0x1000

#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE              0x40000

Build Options

  • To use ECC instead of ED25519 use make argument SIGN=ECC256
  • To output wolfboot as hex for loading with JLink use make argument wolfboot.hex


Loading with JLink:

JLinkExe -device FE310 -if JTAG -speed 4000 -jtagconf -1,-1 -autoconnect 1
loadbin factory.bin 0x20010000


Debugging with JLink:

In one terminal: JLinkGDBServer -device FE310 -port 3333

In another terminal:

riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb wolfboot.elf -ex "set remotetimeout 240" -ex "target extended-remote localhost:3333"
add-symbol-file test-app/image.elf 0x20020100


The STM32-F76x and F77x offer dual-bank hardware-assisted swapping. The flash geometry must be defined beforehand, and wolfBoot can be compiled to use hardware assisted bank-swapping to perform updates.

Example 2MB partitioning on STM32-F769:

  • Dual-bank configuration

BANK A: 0x08000000 to 0x080FFFFFF (1MB) BANK B: 0x08100000 to 0x081FFFFFF (1MB)

  • WolfBoot executes from BANK A after reboot (address: 0x08000000)
  • Boot partition @ BANK A + 0x20000 = 0x08020000
  • Update partition @ BANK B + 0x20000 = 0x08120000
  • Application entry point: 0x08020100
#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE              0x20000
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE           0x40000

#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SWAP_ADDRESS   0x0   /* Unused, swap is hw-assisted */

Build Options

To activate the dual-bank hardware-assisted swap feature on STM32F76x/77x, use the DUALBANK_SWAP=1 compile time option. Some code requires to run in RAM during the swapping of the images, so the compile-time option RAMCODE=1 is also required in this case.

Dual-bank STM32F7 build can be built using:


Loading the firmware

To switch between single-bank (1x2MB) and dual-bank (2 x 1MB) mode mapping, this stm32f7-dualbank-tool can be used. Before starting openocd, switch the flash mode to dualbank (e.g. via make dualbank using the dualbank tool).

OpenOCD configuration for flashing/debugging, can be copied into openocd.cfg in your working directory:

source [find interface/stlink.cfg]
source [find board/stm32f7discovery.cfg]
$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init {
    mmw 0xe0042004 0x7 0x0

OpenOCD can be either run in background (to allow remote GDB and monitor terminal connections), or directly from command line, to execute terminal scripts.

If OpenOCD is running, local TCP port 4444 can be used to access an interactive terminal prompt. telnet localhost 4444

Using the following openocd commands, the initial images for wolfBoot and the test application are loaded to flash in bank 0:

flash write_image unlock erase wolfboot.bin 0x08000000
flash verify_bank 0 wolfboot.bin
flash write_image unlock erase test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x08020000
flash verify_bank 0 test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x20000
resume 0x0000001

To sign the same application image as new version (2), use the sign tool provided:

tools/keytools/sign test-app/image.bin wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 2

From OpenOCD, the updated image (version 2) can be flashed to the second bank:

flash write_image unlock erase test-app/image_v2_signed.bin 0x08120000
flash verify_bank 0 test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x20000

Upon reboot, wolfboot will elect the best candidate (version 2 in this case) and authenticate the image. If the accepted candidate image resides on BANK B (like in this case), wolfBoot will perform one bank swap before booting.

The bank-swap operation is immediate and a SWAP image is not required in this case. Fallback mechanism can rely on a second choice (older firmware) in the other bank.

STM32F7 Debugging

Debugging with OpenOCD:

Use the OpenOCD configuration from the previous section to run OpenOCD.

From another console, connect using gdb, e.g.:

(gdb) target remote:3333


Like STM32L5 and STM32U5, STM32H5 support is also demonstrated through different scenarios.

Additionally, wolfBoot can be compiled with FLASH_OTP_KEYSTORE option, to store the public key(s) used for firmware authentication into a dedicated, one-time programmable flash area that can be write protected. For more information, see /docs/

Scenario 1: TrustZone enabled, staging non-secure application

Example description

The implementation shows how to switch from secure application to non-secure application, thanks to the system isolation performed, which splits the internal Flash and internal SRAM memories into two parts:

  • the first 256KB are used by wolfboot running in secure mode and the secure application
  • the remaining available space is used for non-secure application and update partition

The example configuration for this scenario is available in /config/examples/stm32h5.config.

How to use it

  • set the option bytes to enable trustzone:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -ob TZEN=0xB4

  • set the option bytes to enable flash secure protection of first 256KB: STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -ob SECWM1_PSTRT=0x0 SECWM1_PEND=0x1F SECWM2_PSTRT=0x1F SECWM2_PEND=0x0

  • flash the wolfboot image to the secure partition: STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d wolfboot.bin 0x0C000000

  • flash the application image to the non-secure partition: STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x08040000

For a full list of all the option bytes tested with this configuration, refer to

Scenario 2: TrustZone Enabled, wolfCrypt as secure engine for NS applications

This is similar to Scenario 1, but also includes wolfCrypt in secure mode, and that can be accessed via PKCS11 interface by non-secure applications.

This option can be enabled with the WOLFCRYPT_TZ=1 and WOLFCRYPT_TZ_PKCS11=1 options in your configuration. This enables a PKCS11 accessible from NS domain via non-secure callables (NSC).

The example configuration for this scenario is available in /config/examples/stm32h5-tz.config.

For more information, see /docs/

Scenario 3: DUALBANK mode

The STM32H5 can be configured to use hardware-assisted bank swapping to facilitate the update. The configuration file to copy into .config is config/examples/stm32h5-dualbank.config.

For DUALBANK with TrustZone use stm32h5-tz-dualbank-otp.config.

DUALBANK configuration (Tested on NUCLEO-STM32H563ZI):

BANK A: 0x08000000 to 0x080FFFFFF (1MB) BANK B: 0x08100000 to 0x081FFFFFF (1MB)

First of all, ensure that the SWAP_BANK option byte is off when running wolfBoot for the first time:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -ob SWAP_BANK=0

It is a good idea to start with an empty flash, by erasing all sectors via:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -e 0 255

Compile wolfBoot with make. The file factory.bin contains both wolfboot and the version 1 of the application, and can be uploaded to the board at the beginning of the first bank using STM32_Programmer_CLI tool:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d factory.bin 0x08000000

Optionally, you can upload another copy of wolfboot.bin to the beginning of the second bank. Wolfboot should take care of copying itself to the second bank upon first boot if you don't.:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d wolfboot.bin 0x08100000

After uploading the images, reboot your board. The green LED should indicate that v1 of the test application is running.

To initiate an update, sign a new version of the app and upload the v3 to the update partition on the second bank:

tools/keytools/sign --ecc256 test-app/image.bin wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 3
STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=swd -d test-app/image_v3_signed.bin 0x08110000

Reboot the board to initiate an update via DUALBANK hw-assisted swap. Any version except the first one will also turn on the orange LED.


The STM32H7 flash geometry must be defined beforehand.

Use the "make config" operation to generate a .config file or copy the template using cp ./config/examples/stm32h7.config .config.

Example 2MB partitioning on STM32-H753:


Build Options

The STM32H7 build can be built using:

make TARGET=stm32h7 SIGN=ECC256

The STM32H7 also supports using the QSPI for external flash. To enable use QSPI_FLASH=1 in your configuration. The pins are defined in hal/spi/spi_drv_stm32.h. A built-in alternate pin configuration can be used with QSPI_ALT_CONFIGURATION. The flash and QSPI parameters are defined in src/qspi_flash.c and can be overridden at build time.

STM32H7 Programming

ST-Link Flash Tools:

st-flash write factory.bin 0x08000000


st-flash write wolfboot.bin 0x08000000
st-flash write test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x08020000

STM32H7 Testing

To sign the same application image as new version (2), use the sign tool

Python: tools/keytools/sign --ecc256 --sha256 test-app/image.bin wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 2

C Tool: tools/keytools/sign --ecc256 --sha256 test-app/image.bin wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 2

Flash the updated version 2 image: st-flash write test-app/image_v2_signed.bin 0x08120000

Upon reboot, wolfboot will elect the best candidate (version 2 in this case) and authenticate the image. If the accepted candidate image resides on BANK B (like in this case), wolfBoot will perform one bank swap before booting.

STM32H7 Debugging

  1. Start GDB server

ST-Link: st-util -p 3333

ST-Link: ST-LINK_gdbserver -d -e -r 1 -p 3333

Mac OS:

/Applications/ -d -cp /Applications/ -e -r 1 -p 3333
  1. Start GDB Client from wolfBoot root:
add-symbol-file test-app/image.elf 0x08020000
mon reset init
b main

NXP LPC54xxx

Build Options

The LPC54xxx build can be obtained by specifying the CPU type and the MCUXpresso SDK path at compile time.

The following configuration has been tested against LPC54606J512BD208:

make TARGET=lpc SIGN=ECC256 MCUXPRESSO?=/path/to/LPC54606J512/SDK
    MCUXPRESSO_CPU?=LPC54606J512BD208 \

Loading the firmware

Loading with JLink (example: LPC54606J512)

JLinkExe -device LPC606J512 -if SWD -speed 4000
loadbin factory.bin 0

Debugging with JLink

JLinkGDBServer -device LPC606J512 -if SWD -speed 4000 -port 3333

Then, from another console:

arm-none-eabi-gdb wolfboot.elf -ex "target remote localhost:3333"
(gdb) add-symbol-file test-app/image.elf 0x0000a100


The LS1028A is a AARCH64 armv8-a Cortex-A72 processor. Support has been tested with the NXP LS1028ARDB.

Example configurations for this target are provided in:

Building wolfBoot for NXP LS1028A

  1. Download aarch64-none-elf- toolchain.

  2. Copy the example nxp-ls1028a.cofig file to root directory and rename to .config

  3. Build keytools and wolfboot

cp ./config/examples/nxp-ls1028a.config .config
make distclean
make keytools

This should output 3 binary files, wolfboot.bin, image_v1_signed.bin and factory.bin

  • wolfboot.bin is the wolfboot binary
  • image_v1_signed.bin is the signed application image and by default is test-app/app_nxp_ls1028a
  • factory.bin is the two binaries merged together

Hardware Setup LS1028ARDB

DIP Switch Configuration for XSPI_NOR_BOOT:

SW2 : 0xF8 = 11111000  SW3 : 0x70 = 01110000  SW5 : 0x20 = 00100000
Where '1' = UP/ON

UART Configuration:

Baud Rate: 115200
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Specify device type - PC16552D
Configured for UART1 DB9 Connector

Programming NXP LS1028A

Programming requires three components:

  1. RCW binary - Distribured by NXP at or can be generated using (tested with rcw_1300.bin)
  2. woflBoot
  3. Application - Test app found in test-app/app_nxp_ls1028a.c

Once you have all components, you can use a lauterbach or CW to flash NOR flash. You must flash RCW, wolfboot and singed_image. factory.bin can be used which is wolfboot and the signed image merged. You will need to build a signed image for every update to the application code, which can be done by using keytools in tools/keytools/sign see docs/ for more details and to sign a custom image.

Usage: tools/keytools/sign [options] image key version

Lauterbach Flashing and Debugging

  1. Launch lauterbach and open the demo script debug_wolfboot.cmm.
  2. Open any desired debug windows.
  3. Hit the play button on the demo script.
  4. It should pop up with a code window and at the reset startpoint. (May requrie a reset or power cycle)

Open Script > debug_wolfboot.cmm

You can modify the Lauterbach NOR flash demo or use debug_wolfboot.cmm script, just make sure the flash offset for the RCW is 0x0 and the address offset for wolboot is 0x1000.

Other Tools

  1. Make sure the memory addresses are aligned with the .config file.
  2. Note the important NOR flash addresses in the default config are as follows.
  3. RCW location is offset 0x0 or 0x20000000 memory mapped.
  4. Wolfboot location is offset 0x1000 or 0x20001000 where wolfboot starts.
  5. Application location is offset 0x20000 or 0x20020000 where application code goes.
  6. Update location is offset 0x40000 or 0x20040000 where the new or updated applciaiton goes.
  7. Load Location is 0x18020100 which is OCRAM or where the applciaiton code is loaded if using RAM loading from
  8. DTS Location is
  9. Update memory locations as needed.

Cortex-A53 / Raspberry PI 3 (experimental)

Tested using on Ubuntu 20

Prerequisites: sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu qemu-system-aarch64

Compiling the kernel

  • Get raspberry-pi linux kernel:
git clone linux-rpi -b rpi-4.19.y --depth=1
  • Build kernel image:
export wolfboot_dir=`pwd`
cd linux-rpi
patch -p1 < $wolfboot_dir/tools/wolfboot-rpi-devicetree.diff
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- bcm2711_defconfig
make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
  • Copy Image and .dtb to the wolfboot directory
cp ./arch/arm64/boot/Image arch/arm64/boot/dts/broadcom/bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb $wolfboot_dir
cd $wolfboot_dir

Testing with qemu-system-aarch64

  • Build wolfboot using the example configuration (RSA4096, SHA3)
cp config/examples/raspi3.config .config
make clean
make wolfboot.bin CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
  • Sign Linux kernel image
make keytools
./tools/keytools/sign --rsa4096 --sha3 Image wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 1
  • Compose the image
tools/bin-assemble/bin-assemble wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin 0x0 wolfboot.bin \
                              0xc0000 Image_v1_signed.bin
dd if=bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb of=wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin bs=1 seek=128K conv=notrunc
  • Test boot using qemu

Download root file system image(

qemu-system-aarch64 -M raspi3b -m 1024 -serial stdio -kernel wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin -cpu cortex-a53 -drive file=../wolfboot/2020-02-13-raspbian-buster-lite.img,if=sd,format=raw
  • Copy dtb file for Raspberry PI 3 B Plus to the wolfboot directory
cp /path/to/raspberry-pi-linux/arch/arm64/boot/dts/broadcom/bcm2710-rpi-3-b-plus.dtb $wolfboot_dir
cd $wolfboot_dir
  • Compose the image
dd if=bcm2710-rpi-3-b-plus.dtb of=wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin bs=1 seek=128K conv=notrunc
  • Copy the kernel image to boot partition of boot media. e.g. SD card

Raspberry Pi loads kernel8.img when it is in AArch64 mode. Therefore, the kernel image is copied to boot partition as kernel8.img file name.

cp wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin /media/foo/boot/kernel8.img
  • Troubleshooting

o Turn on UART for debugging to know what boot-process is going on. Changing DEBUG_UART property in .config to 1.


UART properties set as 115200 bps, 8bit data transmission, 1 stop bit and no parity.

You would see the following message when wolfboot starts.

My board version is: 0xA020D3
Trying partition 0 at 0x140000
Boot partition: 0x140000 (size 14901760, version 0x1)

Note: Now, integrity-check takes 2 - 3 minutes to complete before running Linux kernel.

o Kernel panic after wolfboot message Mount position of root file system could be wrong. Checking your boot media by lsblk command.

$ lsblk
mmcblk0 179:0 0 29.7G 0 disk
├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 63M 0 part
├─mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 1K 0 part
├─mmcblk0p5 179:5 0 32M 0 part
├─mmcblk0p6 179:6 0 66M 0 part /boot
└─mmcblk0p7 179:7 0 29.6G 0 part /

It need to modify dtb file accordingly. Go to /path/to/raspberry-pi-linux/arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm2710-rpi-3-b-plus.dts. Change root=/dev/mmcblk0p7 of the following line in the file to your root file system device.

bootargs = "coherent_pool=1M 8250.nr_uarts=1 console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p7 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles";

Testing with kernel encryption

The raspberry pi target is used to demonstrate the end-to-end encryption when booting images from RAM. The image is encrypted after being signed. The bootloader uses the same symmetric key to decrypt the image to RAM before performing the validity checks. Here are the steps to enable this feature:

  • Build wolfboot using the example configuration (RSA4096, SHA3, ENCRYPT=1)
cp config/examples/raspi3-encrypted.config .config
make clean
make wolfboot.bin CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
  • Create the decrypt key + nonce
printf "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789ab" > /tmp/enc_key.der
  • Sign and encrypt Linux kernel image
make keytools
./tools/keytools/sign --aes256 --encrypt /tmp/enc_key.der --rsa4096 --sha3 Image wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 1
  • Compose the image
tools/bin-assemble/bin-assemble wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin 0x0 wolfboot.bin \
                              0xc0000 Image_v1_signed_and_encrypted.bin
dd if=bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb of=wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin bs=1 seek=128K conv=notrunc
  • Test boot using qemu
qemu-system-aarch64 -M raspi3b -m 1024 -serial stdio -kernel wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin -cpu cortex-a53

Xilinx Zynq UltraScale

Xilinx UltraScale+ ZCU102 (Aarch64)

See example .config file at config/examples/zynqmp.config.

Example build options (.config):


Building Zynq with Xilinx tools (Vitis IDE)

See IDE/XilinxSDK/ for using Xilinx IDE

Building Zynq with gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu

Requires gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu package. Use make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-

Building Zynq with QNX

source ~/qnx700/
cp ./config/examples/zynqmp.config .config
make clean
make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-unknown-nto-qnx7.0.0-

Testing Zynq with QEMU

qemu-system-aarch64 -machine xlnx-zcu102 -cpu cortex-a53 -serial stdio -display none \
    -device loader,file=wolfboot.bin,cpu-num=0

Testing with qemu-system-aarch64

  • Build wolfboot using the example configuration (RSA4096, SHA3)
cp config/examples/raspi3.config .config
make clean
make wolfboot.bin CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
  • Sign Linux kernel image
make keytools
./tools/keytools/sign --rsa4096 --sha3 Image wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 1
  • Compose the image
tools/bin-assemble/bin-assemble wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin 0x0 wolfboot.bin \
                              0xc0000 Image_v1_signed.bin
dd if=bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb of=wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin bs=1 seek=128K conv=notrunc
  • Test boot using qemu
qemu-system-aarch64 -M raspi3b -m 1024 -serial stdio -kernel wolfboot_linux_raspi.bin -cpu cortex-a53

Signing Zynq

tools/keytools/sign --rsa4096 --sha3 /srv/linux-rpi4/vmlinux.bin wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 1

Cypress PSoC-6

The Cypress PSoC 62S2 is a dual-core Cortex-M4 & Cortex-M0+ MCU. The secure boot process is managed by the M0+. WolfBoot can be compiled as second stage flash bootloader to manage application verification and firmware updates.


The following configuration has been tested using PSoC 62S2 Wi-Fi BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-052S2-43012).

Target specific requirements

wolfBoot uses the following components to access peripherals on the PSoC:

Cypress provides a customized OpenOCD for programming the flash and debugging.

Clock settings

wolfBoot configures PLL1 to run at 100 MHz and is driving CLK_FAST, CLK_PERI, and CLK_SLOW at that frequency.

Build configuration

The following configuration has been tested on the PSoC CY8CKIT-62S2-43012:

make TARGET=psoc6 \
    CYPRESS_PDL=./lib/psoc6pdl \
    CYPRESS_CORE_LIB=./lib/core-lib \

Note: A reference .config can be found in /config/examples/cypsoc6.config.

Hardware acceleration is enable by default using psoc6 crypto hw support.

To compile with hardware acceleration disabled, use the option


in your wolfBoot configuration.

OpenOCD installation

Compile and install the customized OpenOCD.

Use the following configuration file when running openocd to connect to the PSoC6 board:

### openocd.cfg for PSoC-62S2

source [find interface/kitprog3.cfg]
transport select swd
adapter speed 1000
source [find target/psoc6_2m.cfg]
reset init

Loading the firmware

To upload factory.bin to the device with OpenOCD, connect the device, run OpenOCD with the configuration from the previous section, then connect to the local openOCD server running on TCP port 4444 using telnet localhost 4444.

From the telnet console, type:

program factory.bin 0x10000000

When the transfer is finished, you can either close openOCD or start a debugging session.


Debugging with OpenOCD:

Use the OpenOCD configuration from the previous sections to run OpenOCD.

From another console, connect using gdb, e.g.:

(gdb) target remote:3333

To reset the board to start from the M0+ flash bootloader position (wolfBoot reset handler), use the monitor command sequence below:

(gdb) mon init
(gdb) mon reset init
(gdb) mon psoc6 reset_halt

Microchip SAMA5D3

SAMA5D3 is a Cortex-A5 Microprocessor. The ATSAMA5D3-XPLAINED is the evaluation board used for wolfBoot port, which also equips a 2MB NAND flash. WolfBoot replaces the default first stage bootloader (at91bootstrap).

Building wolfBoot

An example configuration file is provided.

cp config/examples/sama5d3.config .config

Run make to build wolfBoot.bin and the test application


Programming wolfboot.bin into NAND flash

To flash any firmware image into the device NVMs, you need the tool sam-ba, distributed by Microchip.

This procedure has been tested using sam-ba v.3.8 using ATSAMA5D3-XPLAINED board, with JP6 (aka the SPI_CS jumper) removed, so the system boots from NAND by default.

Step 1: install the tool, connect a J-Link device to the J24 JTAG connector then run the following command to activate "lowlevel" mode:

sam-ba -p j-link -b sama5d3-xplained -t 5 -a lowlevel

Step 2: erase the entire NAND flash:

sam-ba -p j-link -b sama5d3-xplained -t 5 -a nandflash -c erase

Step 3: program wolfboot.bin to the beginning of the flash:

sam-ba -p j-link -b sama5d3-xplained -t 5 -a nandflash -c writeboot:wolfboot.bin

Programming the test application into NAND flash

The application can be written to a second partition in nand, e.g. at address "0x40000"

sam-ba -p j-link -b sama5d3-xplained -t 5 -a nandflash -c write:test-app/image_v1_signed.bin:0x400000

With the example configuration, wolfBoot will evaluate two alternative images at addresses 0x400000 and 0x800000, authenticate, load to DRAM and stage from LOAD_ADDRESS.

Ensure that the application is compiled to run from LOAD_ADDRESS. Check test-app/ARM-sama5d3.ld for details.

Microchip SAME51

SAME51 is a Cortex-M4 microcontroller with a dual-bank, 1MB flash memory divided in blocks of 8KB.


Although it is possible to build wolfBoot with xc32 compilers, we recommend to use gcc for building wolfBoot for best results in terms of footprint and performance, due to some assembly optimizations in wolfCrypt, being available for gcc only. There is no limitation however on the toolchain used to compile the application firmware or RTOS as the two binary files are independent.

Building using gcc/makefile

The following configurations have been tested using ATSAME51J20A development kit.

  • config/examples/same51.config - example configuration with swap partition (dual-bank disabled)
  • config/examples/same51-dualbank.config - configuration with two banks (no swap partition)

To build wolfBoot, copy the selected configuration into .config and run make.

Building using MPLAB IDE

Example projects are provided to build wolfBoot and a test application using MPLAB. These projects are configured to build both stages using xc32-gcc, and have been tested with MpLab IDE v. 6.20.

The example application can be used to update the firmware over USB.

More details about building the example projects can be found in the IDE/MPLAB directory in this repository.

Uploading the bootloader and the firmware image

Secure boot and updates have been tested on the SAM E51 Curiosity Nano evaluation board, connecting to a Pro debugger to the D0/D1 pads.

The two firmware images can be uploaded separately using the JLinkExe utility:

$ JLinkExe -if swd -speed 1000 -Device ATSAME51J20

J-Link> loadbin wolfboot.bin 0x0

J-Link> loadbin test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x8000

The above is assuming the default configuration where the BOOT partition starts at address 0x8000.


The NXP iMX-RT10xx family of devices contain a Cortex-M7 with a DCP coprocessor for SHA256 acceleration.

WolfBoot currently supports the NXP RT1040, RT1050, RT1060/1061/1062, and RT1064 devices.

Building wolfBoot

MCUXpresso SDK is required by wolfBoot to access device drivers on this platform. A package can be obtained from the MCUXpresso SDK Builder, by selecting a target and keeping the default choice of components.

  • For the RT1040 use EVKB-IMXRT1040. See configuration example in config/examples/imx-rt1040.config.
  • For the RT1050 use EVKB-IMXRT1050. See configuration example in config/examples/imx-rt1050.config.
  • For the RT1060 use EVKB-IMXRT1060. See configuration example in config/examples/imx-rt1060.config.
  • For the RT1064 use EVK-IMXRT1064. See configuration example in config/examples/imx-rt1064.config.

Set the wolfBoot MCUXPRESSO configuration variable to the path where the SDK package is extracted, then build wolfBoot normally by running make.

wolfBoot support for iMX-RT1060/iMX-RT1050 has been tested using MCUXpresso SDK version 2.14.0. Support for the iMX-RT1064 has been tested using MCUXpresso SDK version 2.13.0

DCP support (hardware acceleration for SHA256 operations) can be enabled by using PKA=1 in the configuration file.

You can also get the SDK and CMSIS bundles using these repositories:



Custom Device Configuration Data (DCD)

On iMX-RT10xx it is possible to load a custom DCD section from an external source file. A customized DCD section should be declared within the .dcd_data section, e.g.:

const uint8_t __attribute__((section(".dcd_data"))) dcd_data[] = { /* ... */ };

If an external .dcd_data section is provided, the option NXP_CUSTOM_DCD=1 must be added to the configuration.

Building wolfBoot for HAB (High Assurance Boot)

The imx_rt target supports building without a flash configuration, IVT, Boot Data and DCD. This is needed when wanting to use HAB through NXP's Secure Provisioning Tool to sign wolfBoot to enable secure boot. To build wolfBoot this way TARGET_IMX_HAB needs to be set to 1 in the configuration file (see config/examples/imx-rt1060 _hab.config for an example). When built with TARGET_IMX_HAB=1 wolfBoot must be written to flash using NXP's Secure Provisioning Tool.

Building libwolfBoot

To enable interactions with wolfBoot, your application needs to include libwolfBoot. When compiling this a few things are important to note:

  • When using XIP, functions that have the RAMFUNCTION signature need to be located in RAM and not flash. To do this the .ramcode section needs to be placed in RAM. Note that defining WOLFBOOT_USE_STDLIBC will not use wolfBoot's implementation of memcpy, and thus breaks this requirement.
  • When using XIP, the DCACHE_InvalidateByRange function from NXP's SDK needs to be placed in RAM. To do this exclude the file it's located in from being put into flash
.text :
        ) .text*) /* .text* sections (code) */
        ) .rodata*) /* .rodata* sections (constants, strings, etc.) */

and instead include it in your RAM section .ram : { /fsl_cache.c.obj(.text .rodata*) } > RAM


Firmware can be directly uploaded to the target by copying factory.bin to the virtual USB drive associated to the device, or by loading the image directly into flash using a JTAG/SWD debugger.

The RT1050 EVKB board comes wired to use the 64MB HyperFlash. If you'd like to use QSPI there is a rework that can be performed (see AN12183). The default onboard QSPI 8MB ISSI IS25WP064A (CONFIG_FLASH_IS25WP064A). To use a 64Mbit Winbond W25Q64JV define CONFIG_FLASH_W25Q64JV (16Mbit, 32Mbit, 128Mbit, 256Mbit and 512Mbit versions are also available). These options are also available for the RT1042 and RT1061 target.

If you have updated the MCULink to use JLink then you can connect to the board with JLinkExe using one of the following commands:

# HyperFlash
JLinkExe -if swd -speed 5000 -Device "MIMXRT1042xxxxB"
JLinkExe -if swd -speed 5000 -Device "MIMXRT1052XXX6A"
JLinkExe -if swd -speed 5000 -Device "MIMXRT1062XXX6B"
JLinkExe -if swd -speed 5000 -Device "MIMXRT1042xxxxB?BankAddr=0x60000000&Loader=QSPI"
JLinkExe -if swd -speed 5000 -Device "MIMXRT1052XXX6A?BankAddr=0x60000000&Loader=QSPI"
JLinkExe -if swd -speed 5000 -Device "MIMXRT1062XXX6B?BankAddr=0x60000000&Loader=QSPI"

Flash using:

loadbin factory.bin 0x60000000

Testing Update

First make the update partition, pre-triggered for update:


Run the "loadbin" commands to flash the update:

loadbin update.bin 0x60030000

Reboot device. Expected output:

wolfBoot Test app, version = 1
wolfBoot Test app, version = 8


# Start JLink GDB server for your device
JLinkGDBServer -Device MIMXRT1042xxxxB -speed 5000 -if swd -port 3333
JLinkGDBServer -Device MIMXRT1052xxx6A -speed 5000 -if swd -port 3333
JLinkGDBServer -Device MIMXRT1062xxx6B -speed 5000 -if swd -port 3333

# From wolfBoot directory
add-symbol-file test-app/image.elf 0x60010100
mon reset init
b main

NXP Kinetis

Supports K64 and K82 with crypto hardware acceleration.

Build options

See /config/examples/kinetis-k82f.config for example configuration.

The TARGET is kinetis. For LTC PKA support set PKA=.


Example partitioning for K82



The NXP QorIQ P1021 is a PPC e500v2 based processor (two cores). This has been tested with a NAND boot source.

Boot ROM NXP P1021

wolfBoot supports loading from external flash using the eLBC FMC (Flash Machine) with NAND.

When each e500 core comes out of reset, its MMU has one 4-Kbyte page defined at 0x0_FFFF_Fnnn. For NAND boot the first 4KB is loaded to this region with the first offset jump instruction at 0x0_FFFF_FFFC. The 4KB is mapped to the eLBC FCM buffers.

This device defines the default boot ROM address range to be 8 Mbytes at address 0x0_FF80_0000 to 0x0_FFFF_FFFF.

These pin determine if the boot ROM will use small or large flash page:

  • cfg_rom_loc[0:3] = 1000 Local bus FCM-8-bit NAND flash small page
  • cfg_rom_loc[0:3] = 1010 Local bus FCM-8-bit NAND flash large page

If the boot sequencer is not enabled, the processor cores exit reset and fetches boot code in default configurations.

A loader must reside in the 4KB page to handle early startup including DDR and then load wolfBoot into DDR for execution.

Design for NXP P1021

  1. First stage loader (4KB) resides in first block of NAND flash.
  2. Boot ROM loads this into eLBC FCM RAM and maps it to 0xFFFF0000 and sets PC to 0xFFFFFFFC
  3. wolfBoot boot assembly configures TLB MMU, LAW, DDR3 and UART (same for all boot stages)
  4. First stage loader relocates itself to DDR (to free FCM to allow reading NAND)
  5. First stage loader reads entire wolfBoot from NAND flash to DDR and jumps to it
  6. wolfBoot loads and parses the header for application partition
  7. wolfBoot performs SHA2-384 hash of the application
  8. wolfBoot performs a signature verification of the hash
  9. wolfBoot loads the application into DDR and jumps to it

First Stage Loader (stage 1) for NXP P1021 PPC

A first stage loader is required to load the wolfBoot image into DDR for execution. This is because only 4KB of code space is available on boot. The stage 1 loader must also copy iteslf from the FCM buffer to DDR (or L2SRAM) to allow using of the eLBC to read NAND blocks.

Flash Layout for NXP P1021 PPC (default)

File NAND offset
stage1/loader_stage1.bin 0x00000000
wolfboot.bin 0x00008000
test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0x00200000
update 0x01200000
fsl_qe_ucode_1021_10_A.bin 0x01F00000
swap block 0x02200000

Building wolfBoot for NXP P1021 PPC

By default wolfBoot will use powerpc-linux-gnu- cross-compiler prefix. These tools can be installed with the Debian package gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu (sudo apt install gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu).

The make creates a factory_wstage1.bin image that can be programmed at 0x00000000, that include the first stage loader, wolfBoot and a signed test application.

To build the first stage load, wolfBoot, sign a custom application and assembly a single factory image use:

cp config/examples/nxp-p1021.config .config

# build the key tools
make keytools

make clean
make stage1

# Build wolfBoot (with or without DEBUG)
make DEBUG=1 wolfboot.bin
# OR
make wolfboot.bin

# Sign application
# 1=version (can be any 32-bit value)
./tools/keytools/sign \
    --ecc384 \
    --sha384 \
    test-app/image.bin \
    wolfboot_signing_private_key.der \

./tools/bin-assemble/bin-assemble \
  factory.bin \
    0x0        hal/nxp_p1021_stage1.bin \
    0x8000     wolfboot.bin \
    0x200000   test-app/image.bin \
    0x01F00000 fsl_qe_ucode_1021_10_A.bin

Debugging NXP P1021 PPC

Use V=1 to show verbose output for build steps. Use DEBUG=1 to enable debug symbols.

The first stage loader must fit into 4KB. To build this in release and assemble a debug version of wolfBoot use the following steps:

make clean
make stage1
make DEBUG=1 wolfboot.bin
make DEBUG=1 test-app/image_v1_signed.bin
make factory_wstage1.bin


The NXP QorIQ T1024 is a two core 64-bit PPC e5500 based processor at 1400MHz. Each core has 256KB L2 cache.

Board: T1024RDB Board rev: 0x3031 CPLD ver: 0x42

T1024E, Version: 1.0, (0x8548_0010) e5500, Version: 2.1, (0x8024_1021)

Reset Configuration Word (RCW): 00000000: 0810000e 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010: 2d800003 40408812 fc027000 21000000 00000020: 00000000 00000000 60000000 00036800 00000030: 00000100 484a5808 00000000 00000006

Flash is NOR on IFC CS0 (0x0_EC00_0000) 64MB (default).

Default NOR Flash Memory Layout (64MB) (128KB block, 1K page)

Description Address Size
RCW 0xEC000000 0x00020000 (128 KB)
Free 0xEC020000 0x000D0000 (832 KB)
Swap Sector 0xEC0F0000 0x00010000 ( 64 KB)
Free 0xEC100000 0x00700000 ( 7 MB)
FDT (Primary) 0xEC800000 0x00020000 (128 KB)
FDT (Update) 0xEC820000 0x00020000 (128 KB)
Free 0xEC840000 0x008A0000 ( 8MB)
Ethenet Config 0xED0E0000 0x00000400 ( 1 KB)
Free 0xED100000 0x00F00000 ( 15 MB)
Application (OS) 0xEE000000 0x00F00000 ( 15 MB)
Update (OS) 0xEEF00000 0x00F00000 ( 15 MB)
QUICC 0xEFE00000 0x00100000 ( 1 MB)
DPAA (FMAN) 0xEFF00000 0x00020000 (128 KB)
wolfBoot 0xEFF40000 0x000BC000 (752 KB)
wolfBoot Stage 1 0xEFFFC000 0x00004000 ( 16 KB)

QE: uploading microcode 'Microcode for T1024 r1.0' version 0.0.1


Building wolfBoot for NXP T1024 PPC

By default wolfBoot will use powerpc-linux-gnu- cross-compiler prefix. These tools can be installed with the Debian package gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu (sudo apt install gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu).

The make creates a factory_stage1.bin image that can be programmed at 0xEC000000

cp ./config/examples/nxp-t1024.config .config
make clean
make keytools

Or each make component can be manually built using:

make stage1
make wolfboot.elf
make test-app/image_v1_signed.bin

If getting errors with keystore then you can reset things using make distclean.

Signing Custom application

./tools/keytools/sign --ecc384 --sha384 custom.elf wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 1

Assembly of custom firmware image

./tools/bin-assemble/bin-assemble factory_custom.bin \
    0xEC000000 RCW_CTS.bin \
    0xEC020000 custom.dtb \
    0xEE000000 custom_v1_signed.bin \
    0xEFE00000 iram_Type_A_T1024_r1.0.bin \
    0xEFF00000 fsl_fman_ucode_t1024_r1.0_108_4_5.bin \
    0xEFF40000 wolfboot.bin \
    0xEFFFC000 stage1/loader_stage1.bin

Flash factory_custom.bin to NOR base 0xEC00_0000


The NXP QorIQ T2080 is a PPC e6500 based processor (four cores). Support has been tested with the NAII 68PPC2.

Example configurations for this target are provided in:

Design NXP T2080 PPC

The QorIQ requires a Reset Configuration Word (RCW) to define the boot parameters, which resides at the start of the flash (0xE8000000).

The flash boot entry point is 0xEFFFFFFC, which is an offset jump to wolfBoot initialization boot code. Initially the PowerPC core enables only a 4KB region to execute from. The initialization code (src/boot_ppc_start.S) sets the required CCSR and TLB for memory addressing and jumps to wolfBoot main().

RM 4.3.3 Boot Space Translation

"When each core comes out of reset, its MMU has one 4 KB page defined at 0x0_FFFF_Fnnn. Each core begins execution with the instruction at effective address 0x0_FFFF_FFFC. To get this instruction, the core's first instruction fetch is a burst read of boot code from effective address 0x0_FFFF_FFC0."

Building wolfBoot for NXP T2080 PPC

By default wolfBoot will use powerpc-linux-gnu- cross-compiler prefix. These tools can be installed with the Debian package gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu (sudo apt install gcc-powerpc-linux-gnu).

The make creates a factory.bin image that can be programmed at 0xE8080000

cp ./config/examples/nxp-t2080-68ppc2.config .config
make clean
make keytools

Or each make component can be manually built using:

make wolfboot.elf
make test-app/image_v1_signed.bin

If getting errors with keystore then you can reset things using make distclean.

Building QorIQ Linux SDK fsl-toolchain

To use the NXP cross-compiler:

Find "QorIQ Linux SDK v2.0 PPCE6500 IMAGE.iso" on and extract the "fsl-toolchain". Then run the script to install to default location /opt/fsl-qoriq/2.0/.

Then add the following lines to your .config:


Programming NXP T2080 PPC

NOR Flash Region: 0xE8000000 - 0xEFFFFFFF (128 MB)

Flash Layout (with files):

Description File Address
Reset Configuration Word (RCW) 68PPC2_RCW_v0p7.bin 0xE8000000
Frame Manager Microcode fsl_fman_ucode_t2080_r1.0.bin 0xE8020000
Signed Application test-app/image_v1_signed.bin 0xE8080000
wolfBoot wolfboot.bin 0xEFF40000
Boot Entry Point (with offset jump to init code) 0xEFFFFFFC

Or program the factory.bin to 0xE8080000

Example Boot Debug Output:

wolfBoot Init
Part: Active 0, Address E8080000
Image size 1028
Firmware Valid
Loading 1028 bytes to RAM at 19000
Failed parsing DTB to load.
Booting at 19000
Test App


Flash Programming with Lauterbach

See these TRACE32 demo script files:

  • ./demo/powerpc64bit/hardware/qoriq_t2/t2080rdb/flash_cfi.cmm
  • ./demo/powerpc64bit/hardware/qoriq_t2/t2080rdb/demo_set_rcw.cmm
DO flash_cfi.cmm

FLASH.ReProgram 0xEFF40000--0xEFFFFFFF /Erase
Data.LOAD.binary wolfboot.bin 0xEFF40000

Data.LOAD.binary wolfboot.bin 0xEFF40000 /Verify

Note: To disable the flash protection bits use:

;enter Non-volatile protection mode (C0h)
Data.Set 0xE8000000+0xAAA %W 0xAAAA
Data.Set 0xE8000000+0x554 %W 0x5555
Data.Set 0xE8000000+0xAAA %W 0xC0C0
;clear all protection bit (80h/30h)
Data.Set 0xE8000000 %W 0x8080
Data.Set 0xE8000000 %W 0x3030
;exit Non-volatile protection mode (90h/00h)
Data.Set 0xE8000000 %W 0x9090
Data.Set 0xE8000000 %W 0x0000

Flash Programming with CodeWarrior TAP

In CodeWarrior use the Flash Programmer tool (see under Commander View -> Miscellaneous)

  • Connection: "CodeWarrior TAP Connection"
  • Flash Configuration File: "T2080QDS_NOR_FLASH.xml"
  • Unprotect flash memory before erase: Check
  • Choose file and set offset address.

Flash Programming from U-Boot

tftp 1000000 wolfboot.bin
protect off eff40000 +C0000
erase eff40000 +C0000
cp.b 1000000 eff40000 C0000
protect on eff40000 +C0000
cmp.b 1000000 eff40000 C0000

Debugging NXP T2080 PPC


SYStem.BdmClock 15.MHz
SYStem.CPU T2080

Data.LOAD.Elf wolfboot.elf /NoCODE

Break main

If cross-compiling on a different machine you can use the /StripPART option:

sYmbol.SourcePATH.SetBaseDir ~/wolfBoot
Data.LOAD.Elf wolfboot.elf /NoCODE /StripPART "/home/username/wolfBoot/"

CodeWarrior TAP

This is an example for debugging the T2080 with CodeWarrior TAP, however we were not successful using it. The Lauterbach is what we ended up using to debug.

Start GDB Proxy:

Linux: /opt/Freescale/CW_PA_v10.5.1/PA/ccs/bin/gdbproxy Windows: C:\Freescale\CW_PA_v10.5.1\PA\ccs\bin\gdbproxy.exe

set logging on
set debug remote 10
set remotetimeout 20
set tdesc filename ../xml/e6500.xml
set remote hardware-breakpoint-limit 10
target remote t2080-tap-01:2345
mon probe fpga
mon ccs_host t2080-tap-01
mon ccs_path /opt/Freescale/CodeWarrior_PA_10.5.1/PA/ccs/bin/ccs
mon jtag_speed 12500
mon jtag_chain t4amp
mon connect
Remote debugging using t2080-tap-01:2345
0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) mon get_probe_status
Connected to gdbserver t2080-tap-01:2345

Executing Initialization File: /opt/Freescale/CodeWarrior_PA_10.5.1/PA/PA_Support/Initialization_Files/QorIQ_T2/68PPC2_init_sram.tcl
thread break: Stopped, 0x0, 0x0, cpuPowerPCBig,  Connected (state, tid, pid, cpu, target)


NXP MCXA153 is a Cortex-M33 microcontroller running at 96MHz. The support has been tested using FRDM-MCXA153 with the onboard MCU-Link configured in JLink mode.

This requires the MCXA SDK from the NXP MCUXpresso SDK Builder. We tested using SDK_2.14.2_MCXA153 and placed into ../NXP/MCXA153 by default (see .config or set with MCUXPRESSO). MCUXpresso SDK Builder

MCX A: Configuring and compiling

Copy the example configuration file and build with make:

cp config/examples/mcxa.config .config`

MCX A: Loading the firmware

The NXP Freedom MCX W board debugger comes loaded with MCU Link, but it can be updated to JLink.

  • Download and install the tool to update MCU Link to support jlink: @NXP: LinkServer for microcontrollers

  • put the rom bootloader in 'dfu' mode by adding a jumper JP8 (ISP_EN)

  • run scripts/program_JLINK to update the onboard debugger

  • when the update is complete, remove the jumper in JP8

Use JLinkExe tool to upload the initial firmware: JLinkExe -if swd -Device MCXA153

At the Jlink prompt, type:

loadbin factory.bin 0
Downloading file [factory.bin]...
J-Link: Flash download: Bank 0 @ 0x00000000: Skipped. Contents already match

Reset or power cycle board.

Once wolfBoot has performed validation of the partition and booted the D15 Green LED on P3_13 will illuminate.

MCX A: Testing firmware update

  1. Sign the test-app with version 2:
./tools/keytools/sign --ecc256 test-app/image.bin wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 2
  1. Create a bin footer with wolfBoot trailer "BOOT" and "p" (ASCII for 0x70 == IMG_STATE_UPDATING):
echo -n "pBOOT" > trigger_magic.bin
  1. Assembly new factory update.bin:
./tools/bin-assemble/bin-assemble \
  update.bin \
    0x0    test-app/image_v2_signed.bin \
    0xAFFB trigger_magic.bin
  1. Flash update.bin to 0x13000 (loadbin update.bin 0x13000). The D15 RGB LED Blue P3_0 will show if version is > 1.

Note: For alternate larger scheme flash update.bin to 0x14000 and place trigger_magic.bin at 0x9FFB.

MCX A: Debugging

Debugging with JLink:

Note: We include a .gdbinit in the wolfBoot root that loads the wolfboot and test-app elf files.

In one terminal: JLinkGDBServer -if swd -Device MCXA153 -port 3333

In another terminal use gdb:

b main
mon reset


NXP MCXW716 is a Cortex-M33 microcontroller running at 96MHz. The support has been tested using FRDM-MCXW716 with the onboard MCU-Link configured in JLink mode.

This requires the MCXW SDK from the NXP MCUXpresso SDK Builder. We tested using mcux-sdk and CMSIS_5` placed under "../NXP". Adjust the MCUXPRESSO and MCUXPRESSO_CMSIS variables in your .config file according to your paths.

MCX W: Configuring and compiling

Copy the example configuration file and build with make:

cp config/examples/mcxw.config .config`

MCX W: Loading the firmware

The NXP Freedom MCX W board debugger comes loaded with MCU Link, but it can be updated to JLink.

  • Download and install the tool to update MCU Link to support jlink: @NXP: LinkServer for microcontrollers

  • put the rom bootloader in 'dfu' mode by adding a jumper in JP5 (ISP_EN)

  • run scripts/program_JLINK to update the onboard debugger

  • when the update is complete, remove the jumper in JP5

Use JLinkExe tool to upload the initial firmware: JLinkExe -if swd -Device MCXW716

At the Jlink prompt, type:

loadbin factory.bin 0
Downloading file [factory.bin]...
J-Link: Flash download: Bank 0 @ 0x00000000: Skipped. Contents already match

Reset or power cycle board.

The blue led (PA20) will show to indicate version 1 of the firmware has been staged.

MCX W: Testing firmware update

  1. Sign the test-app with version 2:
./tools/keytools/sign --ecc256 test-app/image.bin wolfboot_signing_private_key.der 2
  1. Create a bin footer with wolfBoot trailer "BOOT" and "p" (ASCII for 0x70 == IMG_STATE_UPDATING):
echo -n "pBOOT" > trigger_magic.bin
  1. Assembly new factory update.bin:
./tools/bin-assemble/bin-assemble \
  update.bin \
    0x0    test-app/image_v2_signed.bin \
    0xAFFB trigger_magic.bin
  1. Flash update.bin to 0x13000 (loadbin update.bin 0x13000).

Once wolfBoot has performed validation of the partition and staged a firmware with version > 1, the D15 Green LED on PA19 will show.

Note: For alternate larger scheme flash update.bin to 0x14000 and place trigger_magic.bin at 0x9FFB.

MCX W: Debugging

Debugging with JLink:

Note: We include a .gdbinit in the wolfBoot root that loads the wolfboot and test-app elf files.

In one terminal: JLinkGDBServer -if swd -Device MCXW716 -port 3333

In another terminal use gdb:

b main
mon reset

TI Hercules TMS570LC435

See /config/examples/ti-tms570lc435.config for example configuration.

Nordic nRF52840

We have full Nordic nRF5280 examples for Contiki and RIOT-OS in our wolfBoot-examples repo

Examples for nRF52:

Example of flash memory layout and configuration on the nRF52:

  • 0x000000 - 0x01efff : Reserved for Nordic SoftDevice binary
  • 0x01f000 - 0x02efff : Bootloader partition for wolfBoot
  • 0x02f000 - 0x056fff : Active (boot) partition
  • 0x057000 - 0x057fff : Unused
  • 0x058000 - 0x07ffff : Upgrade partition
#define WOLFBOOT_SECTOR_SIZE              4096
#define WOLFBOOT_PARTITION_SIZE           0x28000


Nordic nRF5340

Tested with the Nordic nRF5340-DK. This device has two cores:

  1. Application core: Cortex-M33 at 128MHz, w/TrustZone, 1MB flash, 512KB RAM
  2. Network core: Cortex-M33 at 64MHz, 256KB Flash and 64KB RAM

The DK board has two virtual COM ports. Application core and Network core will each output to different VCOM ports. The cores communicate firmware updates using shared memory hosted on application core.

Example Boot Output:

Application Core:

wolfBoot HAL Init (app core)
Boot header magic 0x00000000 invalid at 0x20000128
Update partition: 0x100000 (sz 4120, ver 0x1, type 0x202)
Network Image: Update not found
Network Core: Releasing for boot
Status: App 8 (ver 0), Net 1 (ver 1)
Boot partition: 0xC000 (sz 4832, ver 0x1, type 0x201)
Boot header magic 0x00000000 invalid at 0x20000128
Boot partition: 0xC000 (sz 4832, ver 0x1, type 0x201)
Booting version: 0x1
Waiting for network core...
nRF5340 wolfBoot (app core)
Copyright 2024 wolfSSL Inc
GPL v3
Version : 0x1

Network Core:

wolfBoot HAL Init (net core)
Boot partition: 0x100C000 (sz 4120, ver 0x1, type 0x202)
Network Image: Ver 0x1, Size 4120
Waiting for status from app core...
Status: App 8 (ver 0), Net 1 (ver 2)
Boot partition: 0x100C000 (sz 4120, ver 0x1, type 0x202)
Boot header magic 0xF7E99810 invalid at 0x21000128
Boot partition: 0x100C000 (sz 4120, ver 0x1, type 0x202)
Booting version: 0x1
nRF5340 wolfBoot (net core)
Copyright 2024 wolfSSL Inc
GPL v3
Version : 0x1

Example output when doing an update:

Application Core:

wolfBoot HAL Init (app core)
Update partition: 0x0 (sz 4832, ver 0x2, type 0x201)
Network Image: Ver 0x2, Size 4832
Found Network Core update: Ver 1->2, Size 4376->5088
Network image valid, loading into shared mem
Waiting for net core update to finish...
Network core firmware update done
Status: App 8 (ver 2), Net 4 (ver 2)
Update partition: 0x0 (sz 4832, ver 0x2, type 0x201)
Boot partition: 0xC000 (sz 4832, ver 0x1, type 0x201)
Update partition: 0x0 (sz 4832, ver 0x2, type 0x201)
Staring Update (fallback allowed 0)
Update partition: 0x0 (sz 4832, ver 0x2, type 0x201)
Boot partition: 0xC000 (sz 4832, ver 0x1, type 0x201)
Versions: Current 0x1, Update 0x2
Copy sector 0 (part 1->2)
Copy sector 0 (part 0->1)
Copy sector 0 (part 2->0)
Boot partition: 0xC000 (sz 4832, ver 0x2, type 0x201)
Boot header magic 0x00000000 invalid at 0x20000128
Copy sector 1 (part 1->2)
Copy sector 1 (part 0->1)
Copy sector 1 (part 2->0)
Erasing remainder of partitions (235 sectors)...
Boot partition: 0xC000 (sz 4832, ver 0x2, type 0x201)
Boot header magic 0x00000000 invalid at 0x20000128
Copy sector 236 (part 0->2)
Boot partition: 0xC000 (sz 4832, ver 0x2, type 0x201)
Booting version: 0x2
Waiting for network core...
nRF5340 wolfBoot (app core)
Copyright 2024 wolfSSL Inc
GPL v3
Version : 0x2

Network Core:

wolfBoot HAL Init (net core)
Boot partition: 0x100C000 (sz 4120, ver 0x1, type 0x201)
Network Image: Ver 0x1, Size 4120
Waiting for status from app core...
Starting update: Ver 1->2, Size 4376->4376
Status: App 2 (ver 2), Net 1 (ver 1)
Update partition: 0x100000 (sz 4120, ver 0x2, type 0x202)
Boot partition: 0x100C000 (sz 4120, ver 0x1, type 0x201)
Update partition: 0x100000 (sz 4120, ver 0x2, type 0x202)
Staring Update (fallback allowed 0)
Update partition: 0x100000 (sz 4120, ver 0x2, type 0x202)
Boot partition: 0x100C000 (sz 4120, ver 0x1, type 0x201)
Versions: Current 0x1, Update 0x2
Copy sector 0 (part 1->2)
Copy sector 0 (part 0->1)
Copy sector 0 (part 2->0)
Boot partition: 0x100C000 (sz 4120, ver 0x2, type 0x202)
Update partition: 0x100000 (sz 4120, ver 0x1, type 0x201)
Copy sector 1 (part 1->2)
Copy sector 1 (part 0->1)
Copy sector 1 (part 2->0)
Copy sector 2 (part 1->2)
Copy sector 2 (part 0->1)
Copy sector 2 (part 2->0)
Erasing remainder of partitions (88 sectors)...
Boot partition: 0x100C000 (sz 4120, ver 0x2, type 0x202)
Update partition: 0x100000 (sz 4120, ver 0x1, type 0x201)
Copy sector 90 (part 0->2)
Boot partition: 0x100C000 (sz 4120, ver 0x2, type 0x202)
Booting version: 0x2
Boot partition: 0x100C000 (sz 4120, ver 0x2, type 0x202)
Network Image: Ver 0x2, Size 4120
Network version (after update): 0x2
nRF5340 wolfBoot (net core)
Copyright 2024 wolfSSL Inc
GPL v3
Version : 0x2

Building / Flashing Nordic nRF5340

You may optionally use ./tools/scripts/nrf5340/ for building and flashing both cores.

The nrfjprog can be used to program external QSPI flash for testing. Example: nrfjprog --program <qspi_content.hex> --verify -f nrf53

Application Core

Flash base: 0x00000000, SRAM base: 0x20000000

Building Application core:

cp config/examples/nrf5340.config .config
make clean

Flashing Application core with JLink:

JLinkExe -device nRF5340_xxAA_APP -if SWD -speed 4000 -jtagconf -1,-1 -autoconnect 1
loadbin factory.bin 0x0

Network Core

Flash base: 0x01000000, SRAM base: 0x21000000

Building Network core:

cp config/examples/nrf5340_net.config .config
make clean

Flashing Network core with JLink:

JLinkExe -device nRF5340_xxAA_NET -if SWD -speed 4000 -jtagconf -1,-1 -autoconnect 1
loadbin factory.bin 0x01000000

Debugging Nordic nRF5340

Debugging with JLink:

  1. Start GDB Server:
JLinkGDBServer -device nRF5340_xxAA_APP -if SWD -port 3333
  1. Start GDB This will use .gdbinit, but can supply wolfboot.elf -ex "target remote localhost:3333" if permissions not allowing.
b main
mon reset


You can create a simulated target that uses files to mimic an internal and optionally an external flash. The build will produce an executable ELF file wolfBoot.elf. You can provide another executable ELF as firmware image and it will be executed. The command-line arguments of wolfBoot.elf are forwarded to the application. The example application test-app\app_sim.c uses the arguments to interact with libwolfboot.c and automate functional testing. You can find an example configuration in config/examples/sim.config.

An example of using the test-app/sim.c to test firmware update:

cp ./config/examples/sim.config .config

# create the file internal_flash.dd with firmware v1 on the boot partition and
# firmware v2 on the update partition
make test-sim-internal-flash-with-update
# it should print 1
./wolfboot.elf success get_version
# trigger an update
./wolfboot.elf update_trigger
# it should print 2
./wolfboot.elf success get_version
# it should print 2
./wolfboot.elf success get_version

Note: This also works on Mac OS, but objcopy does not exist. Install with brew install binutils and make using OBJCOPY=/usr/local/Cellar//binutils/2.41/bin/objcopy make.

Raspberry Pi Pico rp2350

See instructions in IDE/pico-sdk/rp2350/

Renesas RX65N

Tested on the:

  • RX65N-2MB-Starter-Kit-Plus
  • RX65N Target Board (RTK5RX65N0C00000BR) (includes onboard E2 Lite emulator)

Both include an E2 Lite Emulator.

Renesas Console

Console output is supported with DEBUG_UART=1.

RSK+: This board includes a USB to Serial port that uses SCI8 and PJ1/PJ2. This is the wolfBoot HAL default for RX65N.

RX65N target board:

Can route UART Serial output to PC3 via PMOD1-IO0 at Pin 9. This requires an external TTL UART to USB adapter. You will need to set CFLAGS_EXTRA+="-DDEBUG_UART_SCI=3" in .config. In the renesas-rx.c uart_init these port mode and port function select settings are needed:

/* Configure PC3/PC2 for UART */
PORT_PMR(0xC) |= ((1 << 2) | (1 << 3));
/* SCI Function Select = 0xA (UART) */
MPC_PFS(0xC2) = 0xA; /* PC2-RXD5 */
MPC_PFS(0xC3) = 0xA; /* PC3-TXD5 */

Example Boot Output (with DEBUG_UART=1):

wolfBoot HAL Init
Boot partition: 0xFFE00000
Image size 25932

| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Renesas RX User Application in BOOT partition started by wolfBoot   |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |

wolfBoot HAL Init

=== Boot Partition[ffe00000] ===
Magic:    WOLF
Version:  01
Status:   ff (New)
Trailer Magic: ˇˇˇˇ

=== Update Partition[ffef0000] ===
Magic:    ˇˇˇˇ
Version:  00
Status:   ff (New)
Trailer Magic: ˇˇˇˇ

Current Firmware Version: 1
Hit any key to call wolfBoot_success the firmware.

Renesas Flash Layout

Default Onboard Flash Memory Layout (2MB) (32KB sector):

Description Address Size
OFSM Option Mem 0xFE7F5D00 0x00000080 (128 B )
Application 0xFFE00000 0x000F0000 (960 KB)
Update 0xFFEF0000 0x000F0000 (960 KB)
Swap 0xFFFE0000 0x00010000 ( 64 KB)
wolfBoot 0xFFFF0000 0x00010000 ( 64 KB)

Renesas Data Endianess

To switch RX parts to big endian data use:

# Big Endian
rfp-cli -if fine -t e2l -device RX65x -auth id FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -write32 0xFE7F5D00 0xFFFFFFF8
# Little Endian
rfp-cli -if fine -t e2l -device RX65x -auth id FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -write32 0xFE7F5D00 0xFFFFFFFF

Building Renesas RX65N

Building RX wolfBoot requires the RX-ELF compiler. Please Download and install the Renesas RX GCC toolchain:

Default installation path (Linux): ~/toolchains/gcc_8.3.0.202311_rx_elf Default installation path (Windows): C:\ProgramData\GCC for Renesas RX\rx-elf\rx-elf

Configuration: Use ./config/examples/renesas-rx65n.config as a starting point by copying it to the wolfBoot root as .config.

cp ./config/examples/renesas-rx65n.config .config

With RX GCC path or or custom cross compiler directly: make CROSS_COMPILE="~/toolchains/gcc_8.3.0.202311_rx_elf/bin/rx-elf-" OR make RX_GCC_PATH="~/toolchains/gcc_8.3.0.202311_rx_elf"

TSIP: To enable TSIP use make PKA=1. See docs/ for details.

Flashing Renesas RX65N

Download the Renesas Flashing Tool: Download the Renesas E2 Lite Linux Driver:


Flash Using:

rfp-cli -if fine -t e2l -device RX65x -auto -auth id FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF \
    -bin FFFF0000 wolfboot.bin \
    -bin FFE00000 test-app/image_v1_signed.bin \

Note: Endianess: if using big endian add -endian big

Note: Linux Install E2 Lite USB Driver:

sudo cp 99-renesas-emu.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

Debugging Renesas RX65N

Create a new "Renesas Debug" project. Choose the "E2 Lite" emulator and the built wolfboot.elf. After project is created open the "Debug Configuration" and change the debugger interface from "JTAG" to "FINE". Run debug and it will stop in the "reset" code in boot_renesas_start.S. If using Big Endian change endianess mode in "Debugger -> Debug Tool Settings -> Memory Endian -> Big Endian".

Renesas RX72N

Tested on the RX72N ENVISION KIT (HMI development kit for IoT systems). This includes an onboard E2 Lite emulator.

The Renesas RX72N is supported either natively with "make" or through e2Studio. If using e2Studio see

Default UART Serial on SCI2 at P12-RXD2 P13-TXD2. Use USB on CN8 to attach a Virtual USB COM port. This feaure is enabled with DEBUG_UART=1.

Example Boot Output (with DEBUG_UART=1):

wolfBoot HAL Init
Boot partition: 0xFFC00000
Image size 27772

| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Renesas RX User Application in BOOT partition started by wolfBoot   |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------- |

wolfBoot HAL Init

=== Boot Partition[ffc00000] ===
Magic:    WOLF
Version:  01
Status:   ff (New)
Trailer Magic: ˇˇˇˇ

=== Update Partition[ffdf0000] ===
Magic:    ˇˇˇˇ
Version:  00
Status:   ff (New)
Trailer Magic: ˇˇˇˇ

Current Firmware Version: 1
Hit any key to call wolfBoot_success the firmware.

Default Onboard Flash Memory Layout (4MB) (32KB sector):

Description Address Size
OFSM Option Mem 0xFE7F5D00 0x00000080 ( 128 B )
Application 0xFFC00000 0x001F0000 (1984 KB)
Update 0xFFDF0000 0x001F0000 (1984 KB)
Swap 0xFFFE0000 0x00010000 ( 64 KB)
wolfBoot 0xFFFF0000 0x00010000 ( 64 KB)

To switch RX parts to big endian data use:

# Big Endian
rfp-cli -if fine -t e2l -device RX72x -auth id FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -write32 0xFE7F5D00 0xFFFFFFF8
# Little Endian
rfp-cli -if fine -t e2l -device RX72x -auth id FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -write32 0xFE7F5D00 0xFFFFFFFF

Building Renesas RX72N

Building RX wolfBoot requires the RX-ELF compiler. Please Download and install the Renesas RX GCC toolchain:

Default installation path (Linux): ~/toolchains/gcc_8.3.0.202311_rx_elf Default installation path (Windows): C:\ProgramData\GCC for Renesas RX\rx-elf\rx-elf

Configuration: Use ./config/examples/renesas-rx72n.config as a starting point by copying it to the wolfBoot root as .config.

cp ./config/examples/renesas-rx72n.config .config

With RX GCC path or or custom cross compiler directly: make CROSS_COMPILE="~/toolchains/gcc_8.3.0.202311_rx_elf/bin/rx-elf-" OR make RX_GCC_PATH="~/toolchains/gcc_8.3.0.202311_rx_elf"

TSIP: To enable TSIP use make PKA=1. See docs/ for details.

Flashing Renesas RX72N

Download the Renesas Flashing Tool: Download the Renesas E2 Lite Linux Driver:


Flash Using:

rfp-cli -if fine -t e2l -device RX72x -auto -auth id FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF \
    -bin FFFF0000 wolfboot.bin \
    -bin FFC00000 test-app/image_v1_signed.bin \

Note: Endianess: if using big endian add -endian big

Note: Linux Install E2 Lite USB Driver:

sudo cp 99-renesas-emu.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

Renesas RA6M4

This example for Renesas RA6M4 demonstrates a simple secure firmware update by wolfBoot. A sample application v1 is securely updated to v2. Both versions behave the same except displaying its version of v1 or v2. They are compiled by e2Studio and running on the target board.

In this demo, you may download two versions of application binary file by Renesas Flash Programmer. You can download and execute wolfBoot by e2Studio debugger. Use a USB connection between PC and the board for the debugger and flash programmer.

Flash Allocation:

| B |H|                     |H|                      |     |
| o |e|   Primary           |e|   Update             |Swap |
| o |a|   Partition         |a|   Partition          |Sect |
| t |d|                     |d|                      |     |
0x00000000: wolfBoot
0x00010000: Primary partition (Header)
0x00010200: Primary partition (Application image)
0x00080000: Update  partition (Header)
0x00080200: Update  partition (Application image)
0x000F0000: Swap sector

Detailed steps can be found at

Renesas RZN2L

This example demonstrates simple secure firmware boot from external flash by wolfBoot. A sample application v1 is securely loaded into internal RAM if there is not higher version in update region. A sample application v2 will be loaded when it is in update region.Both versions behave the same except blinking LED Red(v1) or Yellow(v2). They are compiled by e2Studio and running on the target board.

The example uses SPI boot mode with external flash on the evaluation board. On this boot mode, the loader program, which is wolfBoot, is copied to the internal RAM(B-TCM). wolfBoot copies the application program from external flash memory to RAM(System RAM). As final step of wolfBoot the entry point of the copied application program is called if its integrity and authenticity are OK.

Operation Overview

Detailed steps can be found at

Qemu x86-64 UEFI

The simplest option to compile wolfBoot as a bootloader for x86-64bit machines is the UEFI mode. This mechanism requires an UEFI bios, which stages wolfBoot by running the binary as an EFI application.

The following instructions describe the procedure to configure wolfBoot as EFI application and run it on qemu using tianocore as main firmware. A GNU/Linux system built via buildroot is then authenticated and staged by wolfBoot.


On a debian-like system it is sufficient to install the packages as follows:

# for wolfBoot and others
apt install git make gcc

# for test scripts
apt install sudo dosfstools curl
apt install qemu qemu-system-x86 ovmf gnu-efi

# for buildroot
apt install file bzip2 g++ wget cpio unzip rsync bc


An example configuration is provided in config/examples/x86_64_efi.config

Building and running on qemu

The bootloader and the initialization script startup.nsh for execution in the EFI environment are stored in a loopback FAT partition.

The script tools/efi/ creates a new empty FAT loopback partitions and adds startup.nsh.

A kernel with an embedded rootfs partition can be now created and added to the image, via the script tools/efi/ The script actually adds two instances of the target systems: kernel.img and update.img, both signed for authentication, and tagged with version 1 and 2 respectively.

Compiling with make will produce the bootloader image in wolfboot.efi.

The script tools/efi/ will add wolfboot.efi to the bootloader loopback partition, and run the system on qemu. If both kernel images are present and valid, wolfBoot will choose the image with the higher version number, so update.img will be staged as it's tagged with version 2.

The sequence is summarized below:

cp config/examples/x86_64_efi.config .config
EFI v2.70 (EDK II, 0x00010000)
Mapping table
      FS0: Alias(s):F0a:;BLK0:
     BLK1: Alias(s):
Press ESC in 1 seconds to skip startup.nsh or any other key to continue.
Starting wolfBoot EFI...
Image base: 0xE3C6000
Opening file: kernel.img, size: 6658272
Opening file: update.img, size: 6658272
Active Part 1
Firmware Valid
Booting at 0D630000
Staging kernel at address D630100, size: 6658016

You can Ctrl-C or login as root and power off qemu with poweroff

Intel x86_64 with Intel FSP support

This setup is more complex than the UEFI approach described earlier, but allows for complete control of the machine since the very first stage after poweron.

In other words, wolfBoot can run as a secure replacement of the system BIOS, thanks to the integration with the Intel Firmware Support Package (FSP). FSP provides services for target-specific initial configuration (memory and silicon initialization, power management, etc.). These services are designed to be accessed and invoked by the bootloader.

If wolfBoot is compiled with FSP support, it invokes the necessary machine-dependent binary code, which that can be obtained from the chip manufacturer.

The following variables must be set in your .config file when using this feature:

  • ARCH = x86_64
  • TARGET = A useful name for the target you want to support. You can refer to x86_fsp_qemu or kontron_vx3060_s2 for reference
  • FSP_T_BASE: the base address where the FSP-T binary blob will be loaded.
  • FSP_M_BASE: the base address where the FSP-M binary blob will be loaded.
  • FSP_S_BASE: the base address where the FSP-S binary blob will be loaded.
  • FSP_T_BIN: path to the FSP-T binary blob
  • FSP_M_BIN: path to the FSP-M binary blob
  • FSP_S_BIN: path to the FSP-S binary blob
  • WOLFBOOT_ORIGIN: the start address of wolfBoot inside the flash (flash is mapped so that it ends at the 4GB boundary)
  • BOOTLOADER_PARTITION_SIZE: the size of the partition that stores wolfBoot in the flash
  • WOLFBOOT_LOAD_BASE: the address where wolfboot will be loaded in RAM after the first initialization phase

While Intel FSP aims to abstract away specific machine details, you still need some machine-specific code. Current supported targets are QEMU and the TigerLake based Kontron VX3060-S2 board. Refer to the Intel Integration Guide of the selected silicon for more information.


  • This feature requires NASM to be installed on the machine building wolfBoot.

Running on 64-bit QEMU

Two example configuration files are available: config/examples/x86_fsp_qemu.config and config/examples/x86_fsp_qemu_seal.config. Both will try to load a 64bit ELF/Multiboot2 payload from the emulated sata drive. The second one is an example of configuration that also do measure boot and seal/unseal secrets using a TPM.

A test ELF/Multiboot2 image is provided as well. To test config/examples/x86_fsp_qemu.config use the following steps:

# Copy the example configuration for this target
cp config/examples/x86_fsp_qemu.config .config

# Create necessary Intel FSP binaries from edk2 repo

# build wolfboot

# make test-app
make test-app/image.elf

# sign the image, creates a file-based hard disk image with GPT table and raw partitions and then copies the signed images into the partitions.
IMAGE=test-app/image.elf tools/scripts/x86_fsp/qemu/

# run wolfBoot + test-image

Sample boot output using config/examples/x86_fsp_qemu.config

Cache-as-RAM initialized
FSP-T:0.0.10 build 0
FSP-M:0.0.10 build 0
no microcode for QEMU target
calling FspMemInit...

============= FSP Spec v2.0 Header Revision v3 ($QEMFSP$ v0.0.10.0) =============
Fsp BootFirmwareVolumeBase - 0xFFE30000
Fsp BootFirmwareVolumeSize - 0x22000
Fsp TemporaryRamBase       - 0x4
Fsp TemporaryRamSize       - 0x50000
Fsp PeiTemporaryRamBase    - 0x4
Fsp PeiTemporaryRamSize    - 0x34000
Fsp StackBase              - 0x34004
Fsp StackSize              - 0x1C000
Register PPI Notify: DCD0BE23-9586-40F4-B643-06522CED4EDE
Install PPI: 8C8CE578-8A3D-4F1C-9935-896185C32DD3
Install PPI: 5473C07A-3DCB-4DCA-BD6F-1E9689E7349A
The 0th FV start address is 0x000FFE30000, size is 0x00022000, handle is 0xFFE30000
Register PPI Notify: 49EDB1C1-BF21-4761-BB12-EB0031AABB39
Register PPI Notify: EA7CA24B-DED5-4DAD-A389-BF827E8F9B38
Install PPI: B9E0ABFE-5979-4914-977F-6DEE78C278A6
Install PPI: A1EEAB87-C859-479D-89B5-1461F4061A3E
Install PPI: DBE23AA9-A345-4B97-85B6-B226F1617389
DiscoverPeimsAndOrderWithApriori(): Found 0x2 PEI FFS files in the 0th FV
Loading PEIM 9B3ADA4F-AE56-4C24-8DEA-F03B7558AE50
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFE3D8C8 EntryPoint=0x000FFE3EC4C PcdPeim.efi
Install PPI: 06E81C58-4AD7-44BC-8390-F10265F72480
Install PPI: 01F34D25-4DE2-23AD-3FF3-36353FF323F1
Install PPI: 4D8B155B-C059-4C8F-8926-06FD4331DB8A
Install PPI: A60C6B59-E459-425D-9C69-0BCC9CB27D81
Register PPI Notify: 605EA650-C65C-42E1-BA80-91A52AB618C6
Loading PEIM 9E1CC850-6731-4848-8752-6673C7005EEE
Loading PEIM at 0x000FFE3F114 EntryPoint=0x000FFE411DF FspmInit.efi
FspmInitPoint() - Begin
BootMode : 0x0
Install PPI: 7408D748-FC8C-4EE6-9288-C4BEC092A410
Register PPI Notify: F894643D-C449-42D1-8EA8-85BDD8C65BDE
PeiInstallPeiMemory MemoryBegin 0x3EF00000, MemoryLength 0x100000
FspmInitPoint() - End
Temp Stack : BaseAddress=0x34004 Length=0x1C000
Temp Heap  : BaseAddress=0x4 Length=0x34000
Total temporary memory:    327680 bytes.
  temporary memory stack ever used:       3360 bytes.
  temporary memory heap used for HobList: 2104 bytes.
  temporary memory heap occupied by memory pages: 0 bytes.
Old Stack size 114688, New stack size 131072
Stack Hob: BaseAddress=0x3EF00000 Length=0x20000
Heap Offset = 0x3EF1FFFC Stack Offset = 0x3EECFFFC
Loading PEIM 52C05B14-0B98-496C-BC3B-04B50211D680
Loading PEIM at 0x0003EFF5150 EntryPoint=0x0003EFFBBC6 PeiCore.efi
Reinstall PPI: 8C8CE578-8A3D-4F1C-9935-896185C32DD3
Reinstall PPI: 5473C07A-3DCB-4DCA-BD6F-1E9689E7349A
Reinstall PPI: B9E0ABFE-5979-4914-977F-6DEE78C278A6
Install PPI: F894643D-C449-42D1-8EA8-85BDD8C65BDE
Notify: PPI Guid: F894643D-C449-42D1-8EA8-85BDD8C65BDE, Peim notify entry point: FFE40AB2
Memory Discovered Notify invoked ...
FSP TOLM = 0x3F000000
Migrate FSP-M UPD from 7F540 to 3EFF4000
FspMemoryInitApi() - [Status: 0x00000000] - End
top reserved 0_3EF00000h
mem: [ 0x3EEF0000, 0x3EF00000 ] - stack (0x10000)
mem: [ 0x3EEEFFF4, 0x3EEF0000 ] - stage2 parameter (0xC)
mem: [ 0x3EEE8000, 0x3EEEFFF4 ] - page tables (0x7FF4)
page table @ 0x3EEE8000 [length: 7000]
mem: [ 0x3EEE7FF8, 0x3EEE8000 ] - stage2 ptr holder (0x8)
TempRamExitApi() - Begin
Memory Discovered Notify completed ...
TempRamExitApi() - [Status: 0x00000000] - End
mem: [ 0x800000, 0x800084 ] - stage1 .data (0x84)
mem: [ 0x8000A0, 0x801A80 ] - stage1 .bss (0x19E0)
mem: [ 0xFED5E00, 0xFEEAF00 ] - FSPS (0x15100)
Authenticating FSP_S at FED5E00...
Image size 86016
verify_payload: image open successfully.
verify_payload: integrity OK. Checking signature.
FSP_S: verified OK.
FSP-S:0.0.10 build 0
call silicon...
SiliconInitApi() - Begin
Install PPI: 49EDB1C1-BF21-4761-BB12-EB0031AABB39
Notify: PPI Guid: 49EDB1C1-BF21-4761-BB12-EB0031AABB39, Peim notify entry point: FFE370A2
The 1th FV start address is 0x0000FED5F00, size is 0x00015000, handle is 0xFED5F00
DiscoverPeimsAndOrderWithApriori(): Found 0x4 PEI FFS files in the 1th FV
Loading PEIM 86D70125-BAA3-4296-A62F-602BEBBB9081
Loading PEIM at 0x0003EFEE150 EntryPoint=0x0003EFF15B9 DxeIpl.efi
Install PPI: 1A36E4E7-FAB6-476A-8E75-695A0576FDD7
Install PPI: 0AE8CE5D-E448-4437-A8D7-EBF5F194F731
Loading PEIM 131B73AC-C033-4DE1-8794-6DAB08E731CF
Loading PEIM at 0x0003EFE6000 EntryPoint=0x0003EFE702B FspsInit.efi
FspInitEntryPoint() - start
Register PPI Notify: 605EA650-C65C-42E1-BA80-91A52AB618C6
Register PPI Notify: BD44F629-EAE7-4198-87F1-39FAB0FD717E
Register PPI Notify: 7CE88FB3-4BD7-4679-87A8-A8D8DEE50D2B
Register PPI Notify: 6ECD1463-4A4A-461B-AF5F-5A33E3B2162B
Register PPI Notify: 30CFE3E7-3DE1-4586-BE20-DEABA1B3B793
FspInitEntryPoint() - end
Loading PEIM BA37F2C5-B0F3-4A95-B55F-F25F4F6F8452
Loading PEIM at 0x0003EFDC000 EntryPoint=0x0003EFDDA67 QemuVideo.efi
NO valid graphics config data found!
Loading PEIM 29CBB005-C972-49F3-960F-292E2202CECD
Loading PEIM at 0x0003EFD2000 EntryPoint=0x0003EFD3265 FspNotifyPhasePeim.efi
The entry of FspNotificationPeim
Reinstall PPI: 0AE8CE5D-E448-4437-A8D7-EBF5F194F731
FSP HOB is located at 0x3EF20000
Install PPI: 605EA650-C65C-42E1-BA80-91A52AB618C6
Notify: PPI Guid: 605EA650-C65C-42E1-BA80-91A52AB618C6, Peim notify entry point: FFE3EB9A
Notify: PPI Guid: 605EA650-C65C-42E1-BA80-91A52AB618C6, Peim notify entry point: 3EFE6EE0
FSP is waiting for NOTIFY
FspSiliconInitApi() - [Status: 0x00000000] - End
pcie retraining failed FFFFFFFF
cap a 0
ddt disabled 0
device enable: 0
device enable: 128
NotifyPhaseApi() - Begin  [Phase: 00000020]
FSP Post PCI Enumeration ...
Install PPI: 30CFE3E7-3DE1-4586-BE20-DEABA1B3B793
Notify: PPI Guid: 30CFE3E7-3DE1-4586-BE20-DEABA1B3B793, Peim notify entry point: 3EFE6F12
NotifyPhaseApi() - End  [Status: 0x00000000]
NotifyPhaseApi() - Begin  [Phase: 00000040]
FSP Ready To Boot ...
Install PPI: 7CE88FB3-4BD7-4679-87A8-A8D8DEE50D2B
Notify: PPI Guid: 7CE88FB3-4BD7-4679-87A8-A8D8DEE50D2B, Peim notify entry point: 3EFE6F44
NotifyPhaseApi() - End  [Status: 0x00000000]
NotifyPhaseApi() - Begin  [Phase: 000000F0]
FSP End of Firmware ...
Install PPI: BD44F629-EAE7-4198-87F1-39FAB0FD717E
Notify: PPI Guid: BD44F629-EAE7-4198-87F1-39FAB0FD717E, Peim notify entry point: 3EFE6F76
NotifyPhaseApi() - End  [Status: 0x00000000]
CPUID(0):D 68747541 444D4163
mem: [ 0x1FFFF00, 0x200CC70 ] - wolfboot (0xCD70)
mem: [ 0x200CC70, 0x222FA00 ] - wolfboot .bss (0x222D90)
load wolfboot end
Authenticating wolfboot at 2000000...
Image size 52336
verify_payload: image open successfully.
verify_payload: integrity OK. Checking signature.
wolfBoot: verified OK.
starting wolfboot 64bit
AHCI port 0: No disk detected
AHCI port 1: No disk detected
AHCI port 2: No disk detected
AHCI port 3: No disk detected
AHCI port 4: No disk detected
AHCI port 5: Disk detected (det: 3 ipm: 1)
SATA disk drive detected on AHCI port 5
Reading MBR...
Found GPT PTE at sector 1
Found valid boot signature in MBR
Valid GPT partition table
Current LBA: 0x1
Backup LBA: 0x1FFFF
Max number of partitions: 128
Software limited: only allowing up to 16 partitions per disk.
Disk size: 66043392
disk0.p0 (0_1000000h@ 0_100000)
disk0.p1 (0_1000000h@ 0_1100000)
Total partitions on disk0: 2
Checking primary OS image in 0,0...
Checking secondary OS image in 0,1...
Versions, A:1 B:2
Load address 0x222FA00
Attempting boot from partition B
mem: [ 0x222FA00, 0x2241DC8 ] - ELF (0x123C8)
Loading image from disk...done.
Image size 74696
Checking image integrity...done.
Verifying image signature...done.
Firmware Valid.
Booting at 222FB00
mem: [ 0x100, 0x1E0 ] - MPTABLE (0xE0)
Loading elf at 0x222FB00
Found valid elf64 (little endian)
Program Headers 7 (size 56)
Load 504 bytes (offset 0x0) to 0x400000 (p 0x400000)
Load 3999 bytes (offset 0x1000) to 0x401000 (p 0x401000)
Load 1952 bytes (offset 0x2000) to 0x402000 (p 0x402000)
Load 32 bytes (offset 0x3000) to 0x403000 (p 0x403000)
Entry point 0x401000
Elf loaded (ret 0), entry 0x0_401000
mb2 header found at 2232B00
wolfBoot QEMU x86 FSP test app

Running on QEMU with swtpm (TPM emulator)

First step: clone and install swtpm, a TPM emulator that can be connected to qemu guest VMs. This TPM emulator will create a memory-mapped I/O device.

A small note is that config/examples/x86_fsp_qemu_seal.config showcases two different key ecc size of 384 and 256 of authentication for image verification and TPM sealing respectively.

The correct steps to run the example:

# copy the example configuration for this target
cp config/examples/x86_fsp_qemu_seal.config .config

# create necessary Intel FSP binaries from edk2 repo

# make keytools and tpmtools
make keytools
make tpmtools

# create two keys, one for signing the images (ecc384) and one to seal/unseal secret into the TPM (ecc256)
./tools/keytools/keygen --force --ecc384 -g wolfboot_signing_private_key.der --ecc256 -g tpm_seal_key.key

# build wolfboot, manually add ECC256 for TPM

# compute the value of PCR0 to sign with TPM key
PCR0=$(python ./tools/scripts/x86_fsp/ --target qemu wolfboot_stage1.bin | tail -n 1)

# sign the policy
./tools/tpm/policy_sign -ecc256 -key=tpm_seal_key.key  -pcr=0 -pcrdigest=$PCR0

# install the policy
./tools/scripts/x86_fsp/ policy.bin.sig

# make test-app
make test-app/image.elf

# sign the image, creates a file-based hard disk image with GPT table and raw partitions and then copy the signed images into the partitions.
IMAGE=test-app/image.elf SIGN=--ecc384 tools/scripts/x86_fsp/qemu/

# run wolfBoot + test-image, use -t to emulate a TPM (requires swtpm)
./tools/scripts/x86_fsp/qemu/ -t

For more advanced uses of TPM, please check to configure wolfBoot according to your secure boot strategy.

Kontron VX3060-S2

wolfBoot supports Kontron VX3060-S2 board using Intel Firmware Support Package (FSP). You can find more details about the wolfBoot support with Intel FSP in the above section. A minimal configuration example is provided in config/examples/kontron_vx3060_s2.config. In order to produce a flashable flash image, a dump of the original flash is required. To build wolfBoot, follow the following steps:

cp config/examples/kontron_vx3060_s2.config .config
./tools/scripts/x86_fsp/tgl/ -n /path/to/original/flash/dump

After running the above commands, you should find a file named final_image.bin in the root folder of the repository. The image can be flashed directly into the board. By default wolfBoot tries to read a wolfBoot image from the SATA drive. The drive should be partitioned with a GPT table, wolfBoot tries to load an image saved in the 5th or the 6th partition. You can find more details in src/update_disk.c. wolfBoot doesn't try to read from a filesystem and the images need to be written directly into the partition. This is an example boot log:

Press any key within 2 seconds to toogle BIOS flash chip
Cache-as-RAM initialized
FSP-T:A.0.7E build 70
FSP-M:A.0.7E build 70
microcode revision: AA, date: 12-28-2022
calling FspMemInit...
warm reset required
Press any key within 2 seconds to toogle BIOS flash chip
Cache-as-RAM initialized
FSP-T:A.0.7E build 70
FSP-M:A.0.7E build 70
microcode revision: AA, date: 12-28-2022
calling FspMemInit...
top reserved 0_78C50000h
mem: [ 0x78C40000, 0x78C50000 ] - stack (0x10000)
mem: [ 0x78C3FFF4, 0x78C40000 ] - stage2 parameter (0xC)
mem: [ 0x78C38000, 0x78C3FFF4 ] - page tables (0x7FF4)
page table @ 0x78C38000 [length: 7000]
mem: [ 0x78C37FF8, 0x78C38000 ] - stage2 ptr holder (0x8)
TOLUM: 0x78C37FF8
mem: [ 0x100000, 0x100014 ] - stage1 .data (0x14)
mem: [ 0x100020, 0x100040 ] - stage1 .bss (0x20)
CPUID(0):1B 756E6547 6C65746E
mem: [ 0x58000100, 0x5806196C ] - wolfboot (0x6186C)
mem: [ 0x5806196C, 0x58282000 ] - wolfboot .bss (0x220694)
load wolfboot end
Authenticating wolfboot at 58000200...
Boot partition: 0x58000100 (sz 399212, ver 0x1, type 0x201)
verify_payload: image open successfully.
verify_payload: integrity OK. Checking signature.
wolfBoot: verified OK.
starting wolfboot 64bit
call temp ram exit...successA.0.7E build 70
call silicon...successcap a 2268409840
ddt disabled 0
device enable: 172049
device enable: 172049
AHCI port 0: Disk detected (det: 04 ipm: 00)
AHCI port 1: Disk detected (det: 03 ipm: 01)
SATA disk drive detected on AHCI port 1
Reading MBR...
Found GPT PTE at sector 1
Found valid boot signature in MBR
Valid GPT partition table
Current LBA: 0x1
Backup LBA: 0x6FCCF2F
Max number of partitions: 128
Software limited: only allowing up to 16 partitions per disk.
Disk size: 1107095552
disk0.p0 (0_8000000h@ 0_100000)
disk0.p1 (0_20000000h@ 0_8100000)
disk0.p2 (4_0h@ 0_28100000)
disk0.p3 (4_0h@ 4_28100000)
disk0.p4 (1_0h@ 8_28100000)
disk0.p5 (0_80000000h@ 9_28100000)
disk0.p6 (0_80000000h@ 9_A8100000)
Total partitions on disk0: 7
Checking primary OS image in 0,5...
Checking secondary OS image in 0,6...
Versions, A:1 B:1
Load address 0x58282000
Attempting boot from partition A

At this point, the kernel image in partition "A" is verified and staged and you should be seeing the log messages of your OS booting.

Infineon AURIX TC3xx

wolfBoot supports the AURIX TC3xx family of devices, and provides a demo application targeting the TC375 AURIX LiteKit-V2.

For detailed instructions on using wolfBoot with the AURIX TC3xx, please refer to IDE/AURIX/

wolfBoot can also integrate with wolfHSM on AURIX TC3xx devices, offloading cryptographic operations and key storage to the AURIX HSM core. For more information on using wolfBoot with wolfHSM on AURIX devices, please contact us at [email protected].