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Creating HTTPure Responses

The Response Monad

The HTTPure.ResponseM monad is the return type of the router function. It is an Aff type that contains an HTTPure.Response. Because it is an Aff, it transparent to add asynchronous behavior when you need.

To see an example server taking advantage of asynchronous responses, see the Async Response example.

Response Helpers

HTTPure defines a number of helpers for creating response monads for all different HTTP response status codes. Some of these helpers take a body, for instance, HTTPure.ok and HTTPure.partialContent, and some do not, for instance HTTPure.created or HTTPure.noContent. There are prime functions corresponding to each helper--for instance, HTTPure.ok' and HTTPure.created'. The prime versions are the same as the base versions except they also return response headers--see the Setting Response Headers section below for more details.

For a full list of helpers, see the Response module.

In some cases, the defined helpers don't cover your needs--for instance, if HTTPure doesn't have a helper defined for some HTTP response code you care about (and you don't want to contribute it--hint hint, you should contribute it!), or if you need to specify a body where normally one wouldn't be sent. For these cases, you can use HTTPure.response, which takes a status code and a body. If you need to specify headers, use HTTPure.response'. If you don't need to specify a body, you can use HTTPure.emptyResponse or HTTPure.emptyResponse'.

Raw Responses

The HTTPure.ResponseM monad contains a HTTPure.Response value, which is a Record type containing the following fields:

  • status - An Int HTTP response status code.
  • headers - A HTTPure.Headers containing the HTTP response headers.
  • body - A String containing the HTTP response body.

You can manually construct a response if you want to:

router _ = pure $ { status: 200, headers: HTTPure.headers [], body: "foo" }

This can be useful in some circumstances, but in the vast majority of cases it's recommended that you use the response helpers described above -- they are more explicit and allow you to avoid using magic numbers in your code for HTTP status codes.

Setting Response Headers

If you need to return response headers, you can do so using the prime versions of the response helpers. These functions take an HTTPure.Headers object. You can construct an HTTPure.Headers in a few ways:

  • HTTPure.empty - Construct an empty HTTPure.Headers
  • HTTPure.header - Given a string with a header name and a string with a value, construct a singleton HTTPure.Headers. For instance:
headers = HTTPure.header "X-My-Header" "value"
  • HTTPure.headers - Construct a HTTPure.Headers from an Array of Tuples of two Strings, where the first String is the header name and the second String is the header value. For instance:
headers = HTTPure.headers
  [ Tuple "X-Header-A" "valueA"
  , Tuple "X-Header-B" "valueB"

Because HTTPure.Headers has an instance of Semigroup, you can also append HTTPure.Headers objects:

headers =
  HTTPure.header "X-Header-A" "valueA" <> HTTPure.header "X-Header-B" "valueB"

To see an example server that sets response headers, see the Headers example.