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SqlAlchemy queries with MongoDB-style.

Extremely handy if you want to expose limited querying capabilities with a JSON API while keeping it safe against SQL injections.

Tired of adding query parameters for pagination, filtering, sorting? Here is the ultimate solution.

Table of Contents

  • MongoSQL
  • Table of Contents
  • Querying
    • Query Object Syntax
    • Operations
      • Projection Operation
      • Sort Operation
      • Group Operation
      • Filter Operation
      • Join Operation
      • Aggregate Operation
    • JSON Column Support
  • MongoQuery
    • Starting Up
    • Querying
  • CRUD Helpers
    • CrudHelper
    • StrictCrudHelper
    • CrudViewMixin


MongoSQL follows MongoDB query operators syntax with custom additions.

Source for syntax handlers: mongosql/

Query Object Syntax

Querying is made with Query Objects: a dictionary which defines how to perform a query.

An example Query Object is:

  'project': ['id', 'name'],  # Only fetch these columns
  'sort': ['age+'],  # Sort by age, ascending
  'filter': {
    # Filter condition
    'sex': 'female',  # Girls
    'age': { '$gte': 18 },  # Age >= 18
  'join': ['articles'],  # Load 'articles' relationship
  'limit': 100,  # Display 100 per page
  'skip': 10,  # Skip first 10

Detailed syntax for every operation is given below.


Projection Operation

Projection operation allows to specify which columns to include/exclude in the result set.

Produces the following queries through SqlAlchemy:

SELECT a, b           FROM ...;
SELECT      c, d, ... FROM ...;
  • Dictionary syntax.

Specify field names mapped to boolean values: 1 for inclusion, 0 for exclusion.

{ 'a': 1, 'b': 1 }  # Include specific fields. All other fields are excluded
{ 'a': 0, 'b': 0 }  # Exclude specific fields. All other fields are included
  • List syntax.

    List field names to include.

    [ 'a', 'b' ]  # Include these fields only

Sort Operation

Sort rows.

Produces the following queries through SqlAlchemy:

SELECT ... FROM ... ORDER BY a ASC, b DESC, ...;
  • Dictionary syntax.

    Map column names to sort direction: -1 for DESC, +1 for ASC:

    from collections import OrderedDict
    OrderedDict({ 'a': +1, 'b': -1 })
  • List syntax.

    List column names, optionally suffixed by the sort direction: - for DESC, + for ASC:

    [ 'a+', 'b-', 'c' ]  # = { 'a': +1, 'b': -1, 'c': +1 }

Group Operation

Group rows.

Produces the following queries through SqlAlchemy:

SELECT ... FROM ... GROUP BY a, b DESC, ...;

Syntax: same as for Sort Operation.

Filter Operation

Supports most of MongoDB query operators, including array behavior (for PostgreSQL).

Produces the following queries through SqlAlchemy:

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ...<filtering-conditions>...;

Supports the following MongoDB operators:

  • { a: 1 } - equality check. For array: containment check.

    For scalar column: col = value.

    For array column: contains value: ANY(array_col) = value.

    For array column and array value: array equality check: array_col = value.

  • { a: { $lt: 1 } } - <

  • { a: { $lte: 1 } } - <=

  • { a: { $ne: 1 } } - inequality check. For array: not-containment check.

    For scalar column: col != value.

    For array column: does not contain value: ALL(array_col) != value.

    For array column and array value: array inequality check: array_col != value.

  • { a: { $gte: 1 } } - >=

  • { a: { $gt: 1 } } - >

  • { a: { $in: [...] } } - any of. For arrays: intersection check.

    For scalar column: col IN(values)

    For array column: col && ARRAY[values]

  • { a: { $nin: [...] } } - none of. For arrays: empty intersection check.

    For scalar column: col NOT IN(values)

    For array column: NOT( col && ARRAY[values] )

  • { a: { $exists: true } } - IS [NOT] NULL check

  • { arr: { $all: [...] } } - For array columns: contains all values

  • { arr: { $size: 0 } } - For array columns: has a length of N

Supports the following boolean operators:

  • { $or: [ {..criteria..}, .. ] } - any is true
  • { $and: [ {..criteria..}, .. ] } - all are true
  • { $nor: [ {..criteria..}, .. ] } - none is true
  • { $not: { ..criteria.. } } - negation

Join Operation

Allows to eagerly load specific relations by name.

  • List syntax.

    Relation names list.

    [ 'posts', 'comments' ]
  • Dict syntax, query on relations.

    Further, you can apply operations to relations using Query Object Syntax!

    Map relation name to a Query Object, and the specified operations will be applied to related entities:

      'posts': {  # Load relation 'posts'
        'filter': { 'id': { '$gt': 100 } },  # Only load posts with id > 100
        'sort': ['id-'],
        'skip': 0,
        'limit': 100,
        # ... see Query Object Syntax
      'comments': None,  # No specific options, just load

    Note that no relations are loaded implicitly: you need to specify them in a 'join'.

Aggregate Operation

Allows to fetch aggregated values with the help of aggregation functions.

Dict syntax: custom name of the computed field mapped to an expression:

{ computed-field-name: expression }

The ** can be:

  • Column name

  • Aggregation operator:

    • { $min: operand } -- smallest value
    • { $max: operand } -- largest value
    • { $avg: operand } -- average value
    • { $sum: operand } -- sum of values

    The ** can be:

    • Column name
    • Boolean expression: see Filter Operation
    • Integer value (only supported by $sum operator)


# Count people by age
# NOTE: should be used together with grouping by 'age'
  'age': 'age',  # Column value
  'n': { '$sum': 1 },  # Count
}  # -> SELECT age, count(*) AS n ...

# Average salary by profession
# NOTE: should be used together with grouping by 'profession'
  'prof': 'profession',
  'salary': { '$avg': 'salary' }
}  # -> SELECT profession AS prof, avg(salary) AS salary ...

# Count people matching certain conditions
  'adults':    { '$sum': { 'age': { '$gte': 18 } } },
  'expensive': { '$sum': { 'salary': { '$gt': 10000 } } }
}  # -> SELECT SUM(age >= 18) AS adults, SUM(salary > 10000) AS expensive ...

JSON Column Support

PostgreSQL 9.3 supports JSON & JSONB column types, and so does MongoSQL! :)

To access sub-properties of a JSON field, use dot-notation.

Given a model field: = { 'rating': 5.5, 'list': [1,2,3], 'obj': {'a': 1} }

You can reference JSON field properties:

'data.obj.z'  # gives NULL

Operations that support it:

  • Sort and Group operations:

  • Filter operation:

    { 'data.rating': { '$gte': 5.5 } }
    { 'data.rating': None }  # Test for missing property
  • Aggregation:

    { 'max_rating': { '$max': 'data.rating' } }

NOTE: PostgreSQL is a bit capricious about data types, so MongoSql tries to guess it using the operand you provide. Hence, when filtering with a property known to contain a float-typed field, provide float values to it.


Source: mongosql/

Starting Up

MongoQuery is the interface to be used for querying with safe JSON objects. It relies on MongoModel: a wrapper for SqlAlchemy models that holds cached data and build pieces for the query.

To enable MongoQuery in your application, you have two options:

  1. (low-level) Construct MongoQuery manually from your model:

    from mongosql import MongoQuery
    from .models import User  # Your model
    ssn = Session()
    mq = MongoQuery.get_for(
        User,  # Model
        ssn.query(User)  # Initial query to start with

    This will create and cache MongoModel for you.

  2. (high-level) Use convenience mixin for your Base:

    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    from mongosql import MongoSqlBase
    Base = declarative_base(cls=(MongoSqlBase,))
    class User(Base):

    Using this Base, your models will have a shortcut method which returns MongoQuery:


    With mongoquery(), you can construct a query from a session:

    mq = User.mongoquery(session)

    sqlalchemy.orm.Query, which allows you to apply some initial filtering:

    mq = User.mongoquery(
        session.query(User).filter_by(active=True)  # Only query active users


Having a MongoQuery, you need just two methods:

  • query(**query_object): Make queries with a Query Object provided as keyword arguments.
  • end(): Get the resulting Query, ready for execution

AssertionError is raised for validation errors, e.g. an unknown field is provided by the user. No SQL stuff is ever contained in this error: it's safe to display it to the user.


# QueryObject
query_object = {
  'filter': {
    'sex': 'f',
    'age': { '$gte': 18, '$lte': 25 },  # 18..25 years
  'order': ['weight+'],  #  slims first
  'limit': 50,  # just enough :)

# MongoQuery
q = User.mongoquery(session) \
    .query(**query_object) \

# Execute the query
girls = q.all()

In addition, MongoQuery has chainable methods for every Query Object Operation:

q = User.mongoquery(session) \
    .filter({'sex': 'f', 'age': { '$gte': 18, '$lte': 25 }}) \
    .order(['weight+']) \
    .limit(50) \
girls = q.all()

CRUD Helpers

MongoSql is designed to help with data selection for the APIs, and these usually offer CRUD operations.

To ease the pain of implementing CRUD for all of your models, MongoSQL comes with a CRUD helper that exposes MongoSQL capabilities for querying. Together with RestfulView from flask-jsontools, CRUD controllers are extremely easy to build.


Source: mongosql/

CrudHelper is a helper class that contains parts of CRUD logic that can be used in CRUD views.

You just instantiate it over an SqlAlchemy model:

from .models import User
from mongosql import CrudHelper

user_crudhelper = CrudHelper(User)

and now the following methods are available:

  • mquery(query, query_obj=None): Construct `MongoQuery <#mongoquery>`__ for the model, using query as the intial Query. query_obj is the optional Query Object.

  • create_model(entity): Create an SqlAlchemy instance from entity dictionary.

  • update_model(entity, prev_instance): Update an existing SqlAlchemy instance with some fields from the provided entity dictionary.

    With PostgreSQL JSON fields, it has an additional feature: dictionaries are shallowly merged together. This way, update_model() allows you to add certain fields without loading the entity.

AssertionError is raised for validation errors, e.g. an unknown field is provided by the user.


Source: mongosql/

Usually it's not safe to allow changing all fields, loading all relations, listing thousands of entities, etc.

StrictCrudHelper subclasses `CrudHelper <#crudhelper>`__ and adds strict limitations to the things the user can do with your models.

Its constructor accepts the following additional arguments:

  • ro_fields=(): List of read-only fields or field names. The user is not allowed to change or define these.

    Alternatively, this can be a callable which returns the list of read-only fields at runtime (e.g. in case this depends on the current user permissions).

  • allow_relations=(): List of relations of relation names the user is allowed to join.

    All joins in Query Objects are then checked against the list, and the user can never request a relation that's not explicitly allowed with this list.

    It supports relations on the parent model, as well as relations on sub-models using the dot-notation syntax (see the example below).

  • query_defaults=None: Provide default values for the Query Object in case certain fields are not provided by the user.

    A good idea is to specify the default sorting fields and direction. The user can override it with his custom Query Objects.

  • maxitems=None: Set a hard limit on the number of entities the user can load.

    This value cannot be overridden with a Query Object: the user will never load more than maxitems entities with a single query.

AssertionError is raised for validation errors when the user tries to hit the limits.


from .models import User
from mongosql import StrictCrudHelper

user_crudhelper = StrictCrudHelper(User,
    # Don't allow to change the primary key, and some secured fields
    ro_fields=('id', 'is_admin'),
    # Only allow to load the specified relations
    # In addition, allow some sub-relations
        'articles.comments',  # sub-relation 'comments' on articles
    # Query Object defaults
    query_defaults = {
        'sort': ['id-'],  # id DESC
    # Max 100 entities with a list query

Having the limits specified, just use `CrudHelper <#crudhelper>`__ methods and enjoy security.


Source: mongosql/

`CrudHelper <#crudhelper>`__ itself if not the end-product: you still need a view to manage your models.

CrudViewMixin is a mixin for class-based views that leverages `CrudHelper <#crudhelper>`__ and `MongoQuery <#mongoquery>`__ to create a perfect, dynamic API endpoint.

Have a look at flask.ext.jsontools.RestfulView: they are designed to be a perfect couple, so our example will use both.

When subclassing CrudViewMixin, you need to do the following:

  1. Initialize the crudhelper attribute with a `CrudHelper <#crudhelper>`__ or `StrictCrudHelper <#strictcrudhelper>`__
  2. Override the _query() method, so CrudViewMixin knows how to get the database session
  3. Implement CRUD methods using _method_list|create|get|update|delete() helpers
  4. If required, implement _save_hook(new_instance, prev_instance=None) to handle cases when an entity is going to be saved (created or updated)

A full-featured and tested example: tests/ It's still quite verbose, so make sure you create another base view for your application :)