All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
- change url for user detail for nuxt static serving - (80ee6d8) - GUO YANKE
- update Dockerfile - (bbcc116) - GUO YANKE
- (ssh-server) discard new channel and user request on error - (63f6685) - GUO YANKE
- (ui) not using password input for server grant - (a91b03d) - GUO YANKE
- rename configuration file to config.yaml - (d9b6a70) - GUO YANKE
- return empty array of granted items instead of null - (b4414c0) - GUO YANKE
- complete field development of first usable version (#9) - (7650b49) - Yanke G
- (ssh-server) update ssh banner - (1be20c8) - GUO YANKE
- migrate from previous repository - (e7802f7) - GUO YANKE
Changelog generated by cocogitto.