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+layout: post
+title: Revisiting the self and singleton class in Ruby
+date: 2024-01-28 23:10:18 UTC
+In Ruby, everything is an object, and every object has an anonymous class, which defines the methods the object can respond to. This anonymous class is called the _singleton class_.
+![ruby singleton class inheritance](/assets/images/2024/01/ruby-singleton-class-inheritance.png)
+When calling a method on an object, Ruby will perform the method lookup by first checking on the object’s _singleton class_, before traversing the rest of the method chain.
+## Ruby has no class methods
+The class methods are just instance methods on its _singleton class_.
+class Animal
+ def self.all; end
+#=> [:all]
+#=> ##all()>
+## The "current class"
+Ruby always holds a reference to the current class, which is called "[default definee](https://blog.yugui.jp/entry/846)" by Yugui of the Ruby core team. Thus, if you define a method without giving an explicit receiver, the _current class_ will have the method as an instance method.
+class Animal
+ def weight; end
+#=> #
+If you give a receiver to a method definition, the method will be added into the _singleton class_ of the receiver.
+word = "hello"
+def word.spell; end
+#=> #>#spell()>
+The `class` syntax changes both `self` and the _current class_ to the class which is being defined. However, method definition doesn't.
+class Foobar
+ def foo
+ def bar; end
+ def self.baz; end
+ end
+f = Foobar.new
+#=> #
+#=> #
+#=> []
+#=> [:baz]
+## The eval methods
+In Ruby, `instance_eval` and `class_eval` provide that provide the ability to modify a class or an object. The names are very similar, and their behavior is counterintuitive.
+- Use `ClassName#instance_eval` to define a _class method_ (one associated with the class object but not visible to instances).
+- Use `ClassName#class_eval` to define an _instance_ method (one that applies to all of the instances of `ClassName`).
+To understand why this is true, let’s see what happens when we call the eval methods.
+The `instance_eval` changes `self` to the receiver, the _current class_ to its _singleton class_.
+class Animal
+ def weight; end
+Animal.instance_eval do
+ def all; end
+#=> NameError (undefined method `all' for class `Animal')
+#=> ##all()>
+The `class_eval` changes both `self` and the _current class_ to the receiver.
+class Animal; end
+Animal.class_eval do
+ def weight; 1 end
+#=> #
+#=> 1
+#=> NoMethodError (undefined method `weight' for Animal:Class)
+## Open classes
+Ruby supports a concept known as "Open classes", which opens the object's _singleton class_. This is equivalent to giving a receiver a method definition.
+class Example
+ class << self
+ def foo; end
+ end
+ def self.bar; end
+class << Example
+ def baz; end
+#=> [:foo, :bar, :baz]
+Let's go through some examples:
+class Foobar; end
+Foobar.instance_eval do
+ self #=> Foobar
+ def method_by_instance_eval; end
+Foobar.class_eval do
+ self #=> Foobar
+ def method_by_class_eval; end
+class << Foobar
+ self #=> #
+ def method_by_open_class; end
+#=> [:method_by_class_eval, ...]
+#=> [:method_by_instance_eval, :method_by_open_class]
+The above context changes can be summarized in the following table:
+| | self | current class |
+| ----------------- | :------------------------------ | ------------------------------- |
+| class_eval | the receiver | the receiver |
+| instance_eval | the receiver | singleton class of the receiver |
+| class << receiver | singleton class of the receiver | singleton class of the receiver |
+## Takeaways
+In Ruby,
+1. everything is an object, and every object has a singleton class;
+2. there are no class methods;
+3. the `instance_eval` changes `self` to the receiver, the _current class_ to its _singleton class_;
+4. the `class_eval` changes both `self` and the _current class_ to the receiver;
+5. what "open classes" does is opening the singleton class of the receiver object.
+## References
+- [Understanding Ruby Singleton Classes](https://devalot.com/articles/2008/09/ruby-singleton)
+- [What is the Singleton Class in Ruby?](https://maximomussini.com/posts/understanding-the-singleton-class/)
+- [Self in Ruby: A Comprehensive Overview](https://airbrake.io/blog/ruby/self-ruby-overview)
+- [Metaprogramming in Ruby: It's All About the Self](https://yehudakatz.com/2009/11/15/metaprogramming-in-ruby-its-all-about-the-self/)
+- [Three implicit contexts in Ruby](https://blog.yugui.jp/entry/846)
+- [Understanding class_eval and instance_eval](https://web.stanford.edu/~ouster/cgi-bin/cs142-winter15/classEval.php)
+- [class_eval vs instance_eval - Matheus Moreira](https://stackoverflow.com/a/10306049)
+- [Diving into Ruby Singleton Classes](https://medium.com/@leo_hetsch/demystifying-singleton-classes-in-ruby-caf3fa4c9d91)
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+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+if ! gem list foreman -i --silent; then
+ echo "Installing foreman..."
+ gem install foreman
+exec foreman start -f Procfile.dev "$@"
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