Please install and setup AIMET before proceeding further.
This model was tested with the torch_gpu
variant of AIMET 1.22.2.
- Clone the original repository
git clone
cd pytorch-ssd
git checkout f61ab424d09bf3d4bb3925693579ac0a92541b0d
git apply ../aimet-model-zoo/zoo_torch/examples/ssd_mobilenetv2/patch_ssd.patch
- Add AIMET model zoo and Pytorch-SSD to the python path
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path to parent>/pytorch-ssd
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path to parent>/aimet-model-zoo
- The original MobileNetV2-SSD-lite checkpoint can be downloaded from here:
- Optimized checkpoint can be downloaded from the Releases.
- Pascal VOC2007 dataset can be downloaded from here:
- To run evaluation with QuantSim in AIMET, use the following
python --dataset-path <The root directory of dataset, e.g., my_path/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/>
- Weight quantization: 8 bits, per tensor asymmetric quantization
- Bias parameters are not quantized
- Activation quantization: 8 bits, asymmetric quantization
- Model inputs are quantized
- TF_enhanced was used as quantization scheme
- Cross-layer-Equalization and Adaround have been applied on optimized checkpoint