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Conditional resolution

Peter Csajtai edited this page Feb 11, 2016 · 19 revisions

If you want to specify in which cases you want to inject some special dependencies, you can use the conditional resolution feature of Stashbox. ##Parent type filter

class Wulfgar : IBarbarian
	public IWeapon Weapon { get; set; }

container.PrepareType<IWeapon, AegisFang>().WhenDependantIs<Wulfgar>().Register();

The constraint above indicates that Stashbox will choose the AegisFang implementation of the IWeapon interface when Wulfgar is being resolved.

##Attribute filter If you set attribute filter for your registration, Stashbox will inject it only, if the dependency is decorated with that attribute:

class NeutralGoodAttribute : Attribute { }
class ChaoticEvilAttribute : Attribute { }

class Drizzt : IDrow
	[Dependency, NeutralGood]
	public IPatron Patron { get; set; }

class Yvonnel : IDrow
	[Dependency, ChaoticEvil]
	public IPatron Patron { get; set; }

container.PrepareType<IPatron, Mielikki>().WhenHas<NeutralGood>().Register();
container.PrepareType<IPatron, Lolth>().WhenHas<ChaoticEvil>().Register();