All notable changes to this add-on will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Standalone script 'PrivateMethodAccess.js'
- Variant script 'AddUrlParams.js'
- Extender script 'ScanMonitor.js'
- Update minimum ZAP version to 2.16.0 and compile with Java 17.
- Add cautionary note to help and readme.
- Maintenance and documentation changes.
- The following scripts were not being loaded as scan rules:
- active/SSTI.js
- passive/Mutliple Security Header Check.js
19 - 2024-07-01
- extender/arpSyndicateSubdomainDiscovery.js - uses the API of ARPSyndicate's Subdomain Center to find and add subdomains to the Sites Tree.
- passive/JavaDisclosure.js - Passive scan for Java error messages leaks
- httpsender/ - A script that encrypts requests using RSA
- selenium/FillOTPInMFA.js - A script that fills the OTP in MFA
- authentication/KratosApiAuthentication.js - A script to authenticate with Kratos using the API flow
- authentication/KratosBrowserAuthentication.js - A script to authenticate with Kratos using the browser flow
- Update minimum ZAP version to 2.15.0.
- Use Prettier to format all JavaScript scripts.
- Update the following scripts to implement the
function with revised metadata:- active/Cross Site WebSocket Hijacking.js
- active/cve-2019-5418.js
- active/gof_lite.js
- active/JWT None Exploit.js
- active/SSTI.js
- passive/clacks.js
- passive/CookieHTTPOnly.js
- passive/detect_csp_notif_and_reportonly.js
- passive/detect_samesite_protection.js
- passive/f5_bigip_cookie_internal_ip.js
- passive/find base64 strings.js
- passive/Find Credit Cards.js
- passive/Find Emails.js
- passive/Find Hashes.js
- passive/Find HTML Comments.js
- passive/Find IBANs.js
- passive/Find Internal IPs.js
- passive/
- passive/
- passive/Mutliple Security Header Check.js
- passive/google_api_keys_finder.js
- passive/JavaDisclosure.js
- passive/Report non static sites.js
- passive/RPO.js
- passive/s3.js
- passive/Server Header Disclosure.js
- passive/SQL injection detection.js
- passive/Telerik Using Poor Crypto.js
- passive/Upload form discovery.js
- passive/X-Powered-By_header_checker.js
- httpsender/Alert on Unexpected Content Types.js now checks for common content-types (
, andyaml
) more consistently. - targeted/request_to_xml.js no longer uses deprecated method to show the message in the editor dialogue.
18 - 2024-01-29
- httpsender/ - A script that signs requests using RSA
- Update minimum ZAP version to 2.14.0.
- Remove checks for CFU initiator in HTTP Sender scripts and docs, no longer needed.
- Rename AWS signing script.
- Update descriptions/comments in scripts.
- standalone/Open Fortune 500 websites in a browser.zst - Fix typo in
17 - 2023-06-28
- targeted/SQLMapCommandGenerator.js - it will generate and copy sqlmap command based on the request
- encode-decode/JwtDecode.js - Decodes JWTs
- Update minimum ZAP version to 2.12.0:
- Remove compatibility code that provided the singletons (
) in JavaScript scripts, they can now be accessed directly always. - Use provided singletons (
) in Python scripts. - Use non-deprecated
constructor. - extender/Simple Reverse Proxy.js - replace usage of deprecated core classes.
- Remove compatibility code that provided the singletons (
- Remove statements that return the message in HTTP Sender scripts, the message passed as parameter is used/sent always.
16 - 2023-03-29
- httpsender/UpgradeHttp1To2.js - changes all HTTP/1.1 requests to use HTTP/2
- standalone/devTools.js - Tools used to explore objects returned by the Java engine and better plug Nashorn objects into it
- encode-decode/double-spacer.js - adapted to the functionality of Encoder 1.0.0.
- standalone/Run report.js - no longer working, the old/deprecated class that it used was removed.
- active/User defined attacks.js - correctly escape dot character in some evidence strings.
- targeted/curl_command_generator.js - prevent and warn on local file inclusion when generating the command. Thanks to James Kettle (@albinowax) for reporting.
15 - 2022-10-02
- active/
- active/
- active/SSTI.js - An active scan script to check for SSTI in 14 different template engines.
- httpfuzzerprocessor/addCacheBusting.js - Fuzzing with cache busting.
- encode-decode
- - Summary of the script type.
- double-spacer.js - A script that inserts a space after every character in a string.
- standalone/SecurityCrawlMazeScore.js
- scan-hooks/ and httpsender/LogMessages.js to help debugging, especially in docker.
- standalone/enableDebugLogging.js > Updated for more recent logging funtionality.
- Update JS scripts to use passed singleton variables (control, model, view) if available (>= ZAP 2.12.0).
- passive/Server Header Disclosure.js > Updated to check that the Server Header contains something that looks like a semantic version component.
14 - 2021-11-01
- variant/CompoundCookies.js - An input vector script that handles splitting of compound cookies (Issue 6582).
- active/ > An active scan script to check for CORS related issues.)
- payloadgenerator/securerandom.js > A fuzzer payload generator script that uses Java's SecureRandom as it's source (related to issue 6892).
- active/ > an active scan script for inject blind xss payloads to the parameters
13 - 2021-10-14
- targeted/cve-2021-41773-apache-path-trav.js - Set path as escaped so that it's handled properly, set pluginid properly.
12 - 2021-10-07
- authentication/OfflineTokenRefresh.js - refresh oauth2 offline tokens
- httpsender/AddBearerTokenHeader.js - refresh oauth2 offline tokens
- targeted/WordPress Username Enumeration.js - A targeted script to check for WordPress Username Enumeration via author archives
- targeted/cve-2021-41773-apache-path-trav.js - an active scan script to test for Apache 2.4.49 CVE-2021-41773 path traversal.
- Update minimum ZAP version to 2.11.0.
11 - 2021-09-07
- active/Cross Site WebSocket Hijacking.js > an active scan for Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking vulnerability
- targeted/cve-2021-22214.js > A targeted script to check for Unauthorised SSRF on GitLab - CVE 2021-22214
- httpsender/full-session-n-csrf-nashorn.js > full session and csrf token management.
- httpfuzzerprocessor/unexpected_responses.js > compare response codes to a (pass/fail) regex and generate alerts
- targeted/dns-email-spoofing > Check if DMARC / SPF policies are configured on a domain.
- httpsender/add-more-headers.js > Add caller-specified headers to all requests.
- Update links in READMEs.
- Update JavaDoc links to latest version.
10 - 2021-06-11
- standalone/load_context_from_burp -> import context from burp config file
- Passive scan script for finding potential s3 Bucket URLs
- payloadprocessor/to-hex.js > string to hex payload script.
- selenium and session scripts.
- httpfuzzerprocessor/random_x_forwarded_for_ip.js > Set 'X-Forwarded-For' to a random IP value.
- httpfuzzerprocessor/randomUserAgent.js > Set 'User-Agent' to a random user-agent.
- Add the following Payload Processor scripts ported from SQLMap:
- apostrophemask
- apostrophenullencode
- chardoubleencode
- charencode
- charunicodeencode
- equaltolike
- lowercase
- percentage
- randomcase
- space2comments
- Add Google API keys finder script
- Update minimum ZAP version to 2.10.0.
- Rename reliability to confidence.
- standalone/enableDebugLogging.js > use new Log4j 2 APIs.
- standalone/window_creation_template.js > no longer extend
. - httpsender/Alert on HTTP Response Code Errors.js and Alert on Unexpected Content Types.js:
- Check if messages being analyzed are globally excluded or not;
- Ignore check for update messages;
- Include more expected content types.
- httpsender/ > read AWS environment variables for default values.
- active/ and passive/ > correct links to OWASP site.
- standalone/loadListInGlobalVariable.js > superseded by core functionality,
- extender/HTTP Message Logger.js > fix typo in Integer constant.
9 - 2020-01-30
- Add repo URL, shown in the marketplace and Manage Add-ons dialogue.
- active/cve-2019-5418.js > An active scanner for Ruby on Rails Accept header content disclosure issue.
- active/JWT None Exploit.js > Checks if the application's JWT implementation allows the usage of the 'none' algorithm.
- authentication/DjangoAuthentication.js > Django authentication script.
- authentication/GetsWithRedirectThenPost.js > An authentication script that follows GET redirects and then submits a POST with the authentication credentials.
- extender/Simple Reverse Proxy.js > Adds a simple reverse proxy.
- extender/ZAP onEvent Handler.js > An example for how to listen for internal ZAP events.
- httpsender/add-extra-headers.js > Adds encountered 'extra' headers to all requests.
- httpsender/ > Signs requests to AWS.
- httpsender/fingerprinter.js > Logs MD5s of responses.
- httpsender/greenbone-maintain-auth.js > An auth helper script for OpenVAS Greenbone web interface.
- httpsender/inject-xss.js > Injects XSS payloads into JSON responses.
- httpsender/juice-shop-maintain-auth.js > An auth helper script for OWASP JuiceShop.
- httpsender/keep-cookies-going.js > An auth helper script.
- httpsender/maintain-jwt.js > Tracks JWTs and updates Authorization bearer headers.
- passive/Find IBANs.js > Finds IBANs in HTTP response bodies.
- passive/ > Merge of existing HUNT scripts.
- proxy/Drop requests by response code.js > Drops requests that have a given response code.
- standalone/scan_rule_list.js > Lists details from both active and passive scan rules.
- standalone/Split download extract.rb > Concatenates split file downloads.
- Change info URL to link to the online help page.
- Updated to target ZAP 2.9
- The following scripts were merged into a new script
:- passive/HUNT - Debug & Logic
- passive/HUNT - File
- passive/HUNT -
- passive/HUNT -
- passive/HUNT -
- passive/HUNT -
- passive/HUNT -
- Fix links to source files in zaproxy repo.
- Update from community-scripts repo.
- Update from community-scripts repo.
- Update from community-scripts repo.
- Updated for 2.7.0.
- Updated with the latest scripts for 2.6.0
- Stop the scripts from being registered twice
- Updated with the latest scripts for 2.5.0
- Fixed bug which prevents ZAP configs from being saved correctly
- First packaged version