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This repository provides the iOS sdk version of the Zender Player.

Current version is 2.1.0 , target :ios 9.0 (PhenixSdk version 2019.2.1)

Find your configuration in the Zender Admin

  • Logging to the admin
  • Select a specific stream
  • Get the information (the I icon)
  • Read the targetId and channelId

Zender TargetId and ChannelId

Sample project

A sample project is provided in this repo Demo Project

  • You'll need your targetId and channelId configured in the ViewController.m
  • the project uses Cocoapods , so requires a pod install to install all the dependencies


//  ViewController.m
//  ZenderDemo
//  Created by Patrick Debois on 30/06/2019.
//  Copyright © 2019 Zender. All rights reserved.

#import "ViewController.h"

@import Zender;

@interface ViewController ()<ZenderPlayerDelegate>

@property (atomic, strong) ZenderPlayer *player; // ZenderPlayer is UIViewController
@property (atomic, strong) ZenderAuthentication *authentication;


@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Initialize the target and channel
    NSString *channelId ;
    NSString *targetId;
    targetId = @"<your-target-id>"; // fill-in your own targetId
    channelId = @"<your-channel-id>"; // fill-in your own channelId

    // Create a Zender Player
    self.player= [ZenderPlayer new];
    // Create a player configuration
    ZenderPlayerConfig* settingsConfig = [ZenderPlayerConfig configWithTargetId:targetId channelId:channelId];
    self.player.config = settingsConfig;

    [self setupAuthentication];

    self.player.authentication = _authentication;

	// Set this class as a ZenderPlayerDelegate
    self.player.delegate = self;
    self.player.view.frame = self.view.frame;
    self.player.view.hidden = false;
	[self.player start];
    [self.view addSubview:self.player.view];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

#pragma mark Zender Authentication
- (void)setupAuthentication {
    // Configure authentication, uncomment depending on your configuration

    /* No authentication 

	/* Device Authentication
   _authentication = [ZenderAuthentication authenticationWith:@{
	    @"token": [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString],
	    @"name": @"demo",
	    @"avatar": @""
    } provider:@"device"];

	/* Facebook authentication , requires the facebook framework to be integrated
	_authentication = [ZenderAuthentication authenticationWith:@{
		@"token": [FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken].tokenString,
	} provider:@"facebook"];

	/* Google authentication , requires the google framework to be integrated
    _authentication = [ZenderAuthentication authenticationWith:@{
        @"token": <googleToken>
    } provider:@"google"];

    _authentication = [ZenderAuthentication authenticationWith:@{
    @"token": signed_json_string
    } provider:@"signedProvider"];

#pragma mark Zender Player Delegate

// Listen for player ready event
- (void)zenderPlayer:(ZenderPlayer *)zenderPlayer onZenderPlayerReady:(NSDictionary *)payload {

// Listen for player close event
- (void)zenderPlayer:(ZenderPlayer *)zenderPlayer onZenderPlayerClose:(NSDictionary *)payload {
    // stop the player
    [self.player stop];
    self.player.delegate = nil;
    self.player = nil;

// Listen for player logout event
- (void)zenderPlayer:(ZenderPlayer *)zenderPlayer onZenderPlayerAuthenticationLogout:(NSDictionary *)payload {
    // stop the player
    [self.player stop];
    self.player.delegate = nil;
    self.player = nil;

// Listen for player authentication required
- (void)zenderPlayer:(ZenderPlayer *)zenderPlayer onZenderPlayerAuthenticationRequired:(NSDictionary *)payload {
    // do something to login the user

// Listen for Quiz Share codes
- (void)zenderPlayer:(ZenderPlayer *)zenderPlayer onZenderQuizShareCode:(NSDictionary *)payload {
    // This will open up the native share window
    [zenderPlayer sharePayload:payload controller:self];


For a more detailed explantion on authentication see


Using cocoapods

The sdk is provided via private Cocoapod repository. Add the following to the top of your Podfile

source ''`
source ''

Add this pod :

 # Pods for ZenderDemo
 pod 'Zender'

Note: The pod downloads a large zip file containing the frameworks , this might take some time

Manual installation

A zip file containing the sdk frameworks can be downloaded from

Note: the framework files are large, if you want to check them in you will require github Large File Support

Add to Embedded Frameworks to the project

The second step is to add the frameworks as embedded frameworks:

  • Select your Application Target (on the left)
  • Select the General tab
  • Select Add the framework via the Embedded Binaries (+ button)
  • Select Other to add the framework
  • Browse to your manually downloaded sdk file
  • Add frameworks Zender, ZenderPhenix and PhenixSdk
  • When a screen pops up to 'Choose options for adding these files' (Select Copy if needed)

Add to Embedded Frameworks

Basic frameworks

Now add the necessary frameworks under "General/Linked Frameworks and Libraries":

  • UIKit.framework
  • JavascriptCore.framework
  • AVFoundation.framework
  • AVKit.framework

Additional configuration

Disable bitcode

Zender depends on frameworks that are currrently not BITCODE enabled. Therefore you need to disable it:

  • Select your Application Target (on the left)
  • Select the Build Settings tab
  • Find Enable Bitcode and select NO

Disable bitcode

Background audio

To be able to play audio in background, add this to the background mode:

  • Select your Application Target (on the left)
  • Select the Capabilities tab
  • Select Audio, Airplay, and Picture in Picture

Background Audio

Orientation Portrait

The Zender player autorotates, if you don't want this behaviour you need to fix the app rotation or the controller

  • Select your Application Target (on the left)
  • Select the General tab
  • Select/Deselect the required Device Orientation options

Fix portrait

UI Fullscreen

On iPad screens can be viewed in split screen , it's best to disable that Enable Full screen only

Strip frameworks

The Zender frameworks provides armv7, arm64, x86_64 architecture builds. To publish an app to the appstore, you need to strip the simulator part.

A sample strip script

Push notifications

The Zender Admin console provides a way to send push notifications to users to notifiy them when new streams are available. This requires push notification certificate setup to match the bundleId of your app and allowing us to send the push notifications.

Enable Push notifications in your project/provisioning profile

Enable Push notifications

Sample code

Just add the following part to your AppDelegate.m

@import Zender;

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
    [[Zender sharedInstance] application:application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken];


Zender supports using Universal Deeplinks. The default zender domain is . To make this work, the AppId needs to be configured in the backend.

Enable Universal Links

Add under your domains.

Enable Universal Links

Sample code

Just add the following code so Zender handles the deeplinks

@import Zender;

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray<id<UIUserActivityRestoring>> * _Nullable))restorationHandler {
    BOOL handled = [[Zender sharedInstance] handleUniversalLink:userActivity.webpageURL completion:^(NSError *error) {
    return handled;


More advanced topics are described at Advanced Documentation

Version 1 Documentation

Since version 2.0.0 a lot has changed , but you can still read the Version 1 Documentation


We adhere to the Semantic Versions scheme to indiciate releases. Versions starting with 0.x should be considered beta versions and not yet ready for production use.


Before using people their name, avatar and other information, they should give a consent to use their data. It is up the implementor of the SDK to get the agreement of the user before exposing him in the Zender Player.

The data is securely stored on the Zender platform but there needs to be an agreement


  • All Zender Code is copyrighted and owned by Small Town Heroes BVBA. Extensions have their own license based on the license of the supplier.
  • This code does not grant you ownership or a license to use it. This needs to be arranged by a specific license agreement.
  • All code provided should be treated as confidential until official cleared.


See Changelog