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File metadata and controls

91 lines (71 loc) · 2.97 KB
id title
Log Metrics

Log metrics collecting metrics related to ZIO logging (all ZIO.log* functions). As ZIO core supporting multiple loggers, this logging metrics collector is implemented as specific ZLogger which is responsible just for collecting metrics of all logs - ZIO.log* functions.

The Metrics layer

val layer = zio.logging.logMetrics

will add a default metric named zio_log_total with the label level which will be incremented for each log message with the value of level being the corresponding log level label in lower case.


  • LogLevel.All -> all
  • LogLevel.Fatal -> fatal
  • LogLevel.Error -> error
  • LogLevel.Warning -> warn
  • LogLevel.Info -> info
  • LogLevel.Debug -> debug
  • LogLevel.Trace -> trace
  • LogLevel.None -> off

Custom names for the metric and label can be set via:

val layer = zio.logging.logMetricsWith("log_counter", "log_level")


You can find the source code here

Console logger with metrics

package zio.logging.example

import zio.logging.{ consoleLogger, logMetrics }
import zio.metrics.connectors.MetricsConfig
import zio.metrics.connectors.prometheus.{ PrometheusPublisher, prometheusLayer, publisherLayer }
import zio.{ ExitCode, Runtime, Scope, ZIO, ZIOAppArgs, ZIOAppDefault, ZLayer, _ }

object MetricsApp extends ZIOAppDefault {

  override val bootstrap: ZLayer[ZIOAppArgs, Any, Any] =
    Runtime.removeDefaultLoggers >>> (consoleLogger() ++ logMetrics)

  override def run: ZIO[Scope, Any, ExitCode] =
    (for {
      _            <- ZIO.logInfo("Start")
      _            <- ZIO.logWarning("Some warning")
      _            <- ZIO.logError("Some error")
      _            <- ZIO.logError("Another error")
      _            <- ZIO.sleep(1.second)
      metricValues <- ZIO.serviceWithZIO[PrometheusPublisher](_.get)
      _            <- Console.printLine(metricValues)
      _            <- ZIO.logInfo("Done")
    } yield ExitCode.success)
      .provideLayer((ZLayer.succeed(MetricsConfig(200.millis)) ++ publisherLayer) >+> prometheusLayer)


Expected Console Output:

timestamp=2023-03-15T08:44:39.93193+01:00  level=INFO thread=zio-fiber-6 message="Start"
timestamp=2023-03-15T08:44:39.951764+01:00 level=WARN thread=zio-fiber-6 message="Some warning"
timestamp=2023-03-15T08:44:39.95388+01:00  level=ERROR thread=zio-fiber-6 message="Some error"
timestamp=2023-03-15T08:44:39.954738+01:00 level=ERROR thread=zio-fiber-6 message="Another error"
# TYPE zio_log_total counter
# HELP zio_log_total
zio_log_total{level="error",} 2.0 1678866280778
# TYPE zio_log_total counter
# HELP zio_log_total
zio_log_total{level="warn",} 1.0 1678866280778
# TYPE zio_log_total counter
# HELP zio_log_total
zio_log_total{level="info",} 1.0 1678866280778
timestamp=2023-03-15T08:44:40.972877+01:00 level=INFO thread=zio-fiber-6 message="Done"