A simple project for learning about Spring Integration and it's flows when used in a RabbitMQ environment.
The project is built to integrate with a broker as follows:
A producer (created as project module) sends a message to a consumer (also a project module) through an intermediate queue called FilaValidador. As simple as is, the queue is bound to the producer through and exchange, which gets to know the target queue if the routing key NOVO_ARQUIVO_POSTADO is used in the process of sending the message.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Integration
- Docker
- RabbitMQ
To setup the project:
1. Make sure you have Maven installed in your machine.
2. Download this repository into a directory of your preference either by clicking on the download button in this repo or by cloning it using the GIT CLI:
$ git clone https://github.com/100f/active-queue-manager-sample.git
3. Set up detached Docker container for the RabbitMQ Management Server by executing compose command in the queue-server
folder (don't forget to have Docker in your machine and to have Docker daemon up and running):
$ docker-compose up -d
4. Enter the RabbitMQ Management Server by accessing localhost:15672
and logging with the username admin
, password 1234
and do the following:
- Create a queue called FilaValidador with durable property set to true;
- Create an exchange called validador.exchange with durable property set to true;
- Enter in validador.exchange through server interface and add a binding to queue FilaValidador with NOVO_ARQUIVO_POSTADO as the routing key.
5. Install the dependencies of producer and consumer projects (modules) by executing mvn install
inside each one.
6. Run the projects.
The producer runs at port 8088 and has message/notificar
endpoint available.
Just send a POST request using the query param rotulo
with a label for the message (it's appended in message headers)
and using a JSON body with mensagem
field (message payload).
Example of request:
curl --request POST \
--url 'http://localhost:8088/message/notificar?rotulo=TESTLABEL' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
Made by Caio Enrique - Aug, 2022. 👓