This repository is a personal journey to deepen my understanding of the C++ programming language. Despite pursuing a Computer Science degree, I realized that my grasp of C++ was not really that good. I think it's because most of my learning involved following along tutorials or working with/copying existing programs without fully understanding the underlying concepts.
I prefer to have understanding before tackling a problem. This mindset enhances my ability to perform tasks efficiently. Hopefully I can solidify my knowledge by engaging in rudimentary materials. I've also picked up Neovim since starting to code and this has fostered a deeper connection compared to using a basic IDE such as Visual Studio or VS Code (my previous editors/IDE's).
- I do not intend to take credit for the work presented here, since the foundation of this repository is based on the resources found in I have adapted their tutorials, starting from the very basics, to fill my knowledge gaps. This is not meant as a tutorial for others, but simply a catalog of my own learning. I find putting ideas/concepts in my own words drives my understanding and thoroughly increases my usage of learned content. I hope that this is the catalyst I need to learn vulkan next. From zygote to birth. Cheers!