You can download the latest EXTIO driver from the releases: The direct link to the current version v1.2.0 Version released at 18/3/2021 is:
If you want to try the beta EXTIO driver which is for testing, you can find the binary for each change here: Select one specific code change you like to try, click on the link of the change. And you will find the binary on the bottom of the change.
- Install Visual Studio 2019 with Visual C++ support. You can use the free community version, which can be downloaded from:
- Install CMake 3.19+,
- Running the following commands in the root folder of the cloned repro:
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> cmake --build .
> cmake --build . --config Release
> cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo
You need to download 32bit version of fftw library from fftw website Copy libfftw3f-3.dll from the downloaded zip package to the same folder of extio DLL.
If you are running 64bit OS, you need to run the following different commands instead of "cmake .." based on your Visual Studio Version:
VS2022: >cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A Win32
VS2019: >cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32
VS2017: >cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win32"
VS2015: >cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win32"
- download latest Cypress EZ-USB FX3 SDK from here:
- follow the installation instructions in the PDF document 'Getting Started with FX3 SDK'; on Windows the default installation path will be 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Cypress\EZ-USB FX3 SDK\1.3' (see pages 17-18) - on Linux the installation path could be something like '/opt/Cypress/cyfx3sdk'
- add the following environment variables:
export FX3FWROOT=<installation path>
export ARMGCC_INSTALL_PATH=<ARM GCC installation path>
export ARMGCC_VERSION=4.8.1
(on Linux you may want to add those variables to your '.bash_profile' or '.profile')
- all the previous steps need to be done only once (or when you want to upgrade the version of the Cypress EZ-USB FX3 SDK)
- to compile the firmware run:
- Install development packages:
> sudo apt install libfftw3-dev
- Follow Windows Build Instruction to run cmake to build Linux libaray
\Core\ > Core logic of the component
r2iq.cpp > The logic to demodulize IQ from ADC real samples
FX3handler.cpp > Interface with firmware
RadioHandler.cpp > The abstraction of different radios
Radio\*.cpp > Hardware specific logic
\ExtIO_sddc\ > ExtIO_sddc sources,
extio_sddc.cpp > The implementation of EXTIO contract
tdialog.cpp > The Configuration GUI Dialog
\libsddc\ > libsddc lib
\SDDC_FX3\ > Firmware sources
- Use Ringbuffer for input and output #157
- Delegate the VHF and HF decision to radio class #194
- Debug trace via USB #195
- Arm neon port #203
- A dialogBox with SDR name and FX3 serial number allows selection of a device from many. #210
So far the known issues:
- Al power up sometime FX3 is not enumerated as Cypress USB FX3 BootLoader Device. When it happens also Cypress USB Control Center app is not able to detect it and a hardware disconnect and reconnect maybe required to enumerate the unit.
- Fix the crosstalk HF <-> VHF/UHF issue #177
- When HDSDR's version >= HDSDR v2.81 beta3 (March 8, 2021) following an ADC's sampling rate change the new IF bandwidths are computed dynamically and restart of HDSDR in not required.
- The ADC's nominal sampling frequency is user selectable from 50 MHz to 140 MHz at 1Hz step,
- The reference calibration can be adjusted in the dialog GUI in a range of +/- 200 ppm. (#171)
- The tuner IF center frequency is moved to 4.570 MHz that is the standard for RT820T. We were using 5 MHz before when we did not have yet fine tune ability. (#159)
- Support for AVX/2/512 instructions added. This change may reduce CPU usage for some modern hardware.(#152)
- The Kaiser-Bessel IF filter with 85% of Nyquist band are computed at initialization. It simplifies managment of IF filters (#147)
- Add automatically build verification for both master branch and PRs. This feature of the Github environment speeds development checks(#141)
So far the known issues:
- The ADC sampling frequency can be selected via the ExtIO dialog. HDSDR versions <= 2.80 require to close HDSDR.exe and restart the application to have the right IF sample rates. Higher HDSDR releases will have dynamically allocated IF sample rates and they will not require the restart.
- This release does not operate correctly with HF103 and similar designs that do not use a pll to generate the ADC sampling clock.
- The accuracy is that of the SI5351a programming about 1 Hz
- Fix the round of rf/if gains in the UI #109
- Fix sounds like clipping, on strong stations #120
- Fix reboot of FX3 #119
So far the known issues:
- The reference frequency correction via HDSDR -> Options -> Calibration Settings ->LO Frequency Calibration doesn't work correctly. This problem will be addressed in the next release.
- Supports 128M ADC sampling rate selectable via the dialog GUI ( Justin Peng and Howard Su )
- Use of libsddc allows development of Linux support and Soapy integration ( Franco Venturi
- Tune the LO with a 1Hz step everywhere (Hayati Ayguen
- Move multi thread r2iq to a multithreaded pipeline model to better leverage multi cores. Remove callback in USB (adcsample) thread to HDSDR to make sure we can reach 128Msps.
- Continuous tuning LW,MW,HF and VHF.
- Dialog GUI has samplerates and gains settings for use with other SDR applications than HDSDR.
- Test harmonic R820T tuning is there (Hayati Ayguen
- the gain correction is made via HDSDR -> Options -> Calibration Settings ->S-Meter Calibration.
So far the known issues:
- The reference frequency correction via HDSDR -> Options -> Calibration Settings ->LO Frequency Calibration doesn't work correctly. This problem will be addressed in the next release.
- The 128M adc rate is experimental and must be activated manually in the ExtIO dialog GUI. It works with RX888 hardware that have 60 MHz LPF and requires a quite fast PC.
- SDDC_FX3 directory contains ARM sources and GPIFII project to compile sddc_fx3.img
- Detects the HW type: BBRF103, BBRF103, RX888 at runtime.
- Si5351a and R820T2 driver moved to FX3 code
- Redesign of FX3 control commands
- Rename of FX3handler (ex: OpenFX3) and RadioHandler (ex: BBRF103) modules
- Simplified ExtIO GUI Antenna BiasT, Dither, and Rand.
- Reference frequency correction via software +/- 200 ppm range
- Gain adjust +/-20 dB step 1dB
- R820T2 controls RF gains via a single control from GUI
- ExtIO.dll designed for HDSDR use.
- HF103 added a tuning limit at ADC_FREQ/2.
R820T2 is enabled to support VHF
Initial version
- EXTIO Specification from
- Discussion and Support
- Recommended Application
- Alberto di Bene, I2PHD
- Mario Taeubel
- LightCoder (aka LC)
- Howard Su
- Hayati Ayguen
- Franco Venturi
- All the Others !