- Prometheus
- node_exporter
- blackbox_exporter
- mysql_exporter
- alertmanager
- sec_os and sec_ssh
- Vagrant * only if using Vagrant driver
- VirtualBox * only if using Vagrant driver
- chef workstation
- docker
the chef workstation including
install kitchen plugin
chef gem install kitchen-vagrant #only if using Vagrant driver
chef gem install kitchen-ansible
chef gem install kitchen-docker
download the binaries packages into local ./script/binaries/
make download
copy all using binarise packages into the roles dir
make dist
make sure chef workstation
and vagrant
installed, all test script in test/integration/default/
## create test env
kitchen create
## prepare env
kitchen converge
## running ansible role which define in test/integration/default/default.yml
kitchen setup
## running test and verify env define in test/integration/default/*.rb
kitchen verify
## destroy all env
kitchen destroy
running all step above, Test (destroy, create, converge, setup, verify and destroy) one or more instances
kitchen test
# using Vagrant driver
vagrant up
# using docker
kitchen create
kitchen converge
kitchen login