This is a whatsapp and telegram bot (planning to add discord too) that can do the following:
- Provide live cricket scores
- Send random trending dankmemes, comedyheaven, copypasta subreddit posts
- (only telegram) You can get top posts of the day of your favourite subreddits for every 12 hours
- Get user and subreddit analytics
/livc : get live cricket scores
/dank: get a trendin dank meme
/cohv: get a comedy heaven post
/cpst: get a copypasta
/utc: get utc time
/rtop {subreddit} {all/year/month/week/day/hour} {number of posts}>: get top subreddit posts
/joke: random joke
/redreg {subreddit1: optional} {subreddit2: optional} {subreddit3: optional} ...: register for daily reddit schedule (1130 and 2300 UTC) or unregister(just /redreg)
/redapp {subreddit1: optional} {subreddit2: optional} {subreddit3: optional} ...: add new subreddits to the schedule
/reddel {subreddit1: optional} {subreddit2: optional} {subreddit3: optional} ...: delete subreddits from the schedule
/ruseran {redditor name or url} {number of days to check recent activity: optional}: get user analytics
/rsuban {subreddit name} {number of days to check recent activity: optional}: get subreit analytics