This vim plugin allows you to load (git) project specific .vimrc files
I recommend using Vim Pathogen
cd .vim/bundle
git clone git://
Alternatively - simply put the file independence.vim in your plugin folder directly
The plugin is automatic; it will look for and load all .vimrc
files found from the git project
root to the buffer's folder. When not in a git project, no action is taken.
For example, let's consider that you use the Syntastic
plugin, and most of your projects are php. The default standard for syntastic to check code against
is the Zend standard - a reasonable default. If all of your projects follow the Zend standard, that's
fine. If all of your projects follow a different standard - that's also fine, you can simply define
in your ~/.vimrc
file and the syntastic plugin will take that config.
If you need to follow more than one standard using vim independence that becomes easy:
in ~/somepearproject
create ~/somepearproject/.vimrc
with the following contents:
let g:syntastic_phpcs_conf = '--standard=Pear`
in ~/somesymfony2project
create ~/somesymfony2project/.vimrc
with the following contents:
let g:syntastic_phpcs_conf = '--standard=Symfony2`
As you may deduce from the above example, if you modify a global variable in a project-specific
file - those settings will persist for all subsequent buffers you open.
0.1.0 Intial release
0.2.0 Load all ".vimrc" files from the git project root down to the buffer's folder