- Laravel : 8.*
- Composer : 2.*
- React JS : 16.*
- Clone the repo to your local machine -go to the local machine directory -Open cmd or git bash -paste this command (git clone https://github.com/AJakif/Account-Dashboard-Laravel-API-Reactjs.git)
- After completing clone proccess got to backend folder
- open CMD and type (Composer install)
- copy the copy env to env file and type this command on CMD (composer genarate key)
- change the database name in the env file
- Now Go to frontend folder
- Open CMD and type (npm install)
- Go to backend folder , open CMD and type (php artisan serve)
- Go to front end folder , open CMD and type (npm start)
- Website -
- Frontend Mentor - @Ahmed Jahin Akif
- Linkedin - Ahmed Jahin Akif