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At Code Your Future, people love to energise through movement and dancing. They share music using Spotify playlists.
However, the individual playlists depend on their personal preferences: some people like to listen to 10-minute-long classical epics, while others prefer 4 minute pop tunes. Some might not like tracks with explicit lyrics, especially if they listen with kids around.
- Frontend link:
- Backend link:
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app (SPS) user, I can add the URL of another Spotify user's shared playlist into my app input box to access the tracks in that playlist.
As someone who has received a playlist, I want to filter out types of tracks from the playlist so that I can remove tracks that I don't want based on the filters below:
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I would like to be able to filter the songs by their duration.
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I would like to be able to filter the songs by their content type (child friendly or explicit).
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I want to be able to login to my account securely.
As a Spotify user, given that I have a list of playlists, I want to get my playlist with the tracks from Spotify into my SPS app after authenticating my SPS app with Spotify login details (i.e. bringing data into the app).
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I want to be able to see my existing playlists displayed in the app (i.e be able to see my playlists names, the number of tracks in the playlists and playlist images).
As a Spotify user, given that I have a list of playlists, I can click a playlist in my Spotify Playlist Sieve app and see a track listing.
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I can play a preview of the tracks on an iframe player when I click on the track images.
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I can see the lyrics of the track (if the lyrics exist on Spotify database) when I click on the link on the iframe player that says "Play on Spotify".
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I can see songs recommended by CYF students and volunteers by clicking the CYF recommendations button.
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I can play a preview of the tracks recommended by CYF students and volunteers by clicking on the play button in the iframe player.
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I am able to use this app on my mobile phone.
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I am able to use this app on my tablet.
As a Spotify Playlist Sieve app user, I am able to use this app on my laptop or desktop.