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Plain NodeJS ciphering tool which supports ROT-N algorithms

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Ciphering CLI Tool

CLI tool accepts 3 options (short alias and full name):

  1. -c, --config: config for ciphers Config is a string with pattern {XY(-)}n, where:
  • X is a cipher mark:
    • C is for Caesar cipher (with shift 1)
    • A is for Atbash cipher
    • R is for ROT-8 cipher
  • Y is flag of encoding or decoding (mandatory for Caesar cipher and ROT-8 cipher and not applicable for Atbash cipher)
    • 1 is for encoding
    • 0 is for decoding
  1. -i, --input: a path to input file (Optional. if it is missing, use stdin)
  2. -o, --output: a path to output file (Optional. if it is missing, use stdout)

For example, config "C1-C1-R0-A" means "encode by Caesar cipher => encode by Caesar cipher => decode by ROT-8 => use Atbash"

To stop using stdin/stdout, use Ctrl+C.

To run tests:

npm run test

To get tests code coverage:

npm run test:coverage

Usage example:

$ node my_ciphering_cli -c "A"

stdin This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!

stdout Gsrh rh hvxivg. Nvhhztv zylfg "_" hbnylo!

$ node my_ciphering_cli -c "A-A"

stdin This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!

stdout This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!

$ node my_ciphering_cli -c "C1-C1-R0-A" -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"

input.txt This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!

output.txt Myxn xn nbdobm. Tbnnfzb ferlm "_" nhteru!

$ node my_ciphering_cli -c "C1-C0-A-R1-R0-A-R0-R0-C1-A" -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"

input.txt This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!

output.txt Vhgw gw wkmxkv. Ckwwoik onauv "_" wqcnad!

$ node my_ciphering_cli -c "A-A-A-R1-R0-R0-R0-C1-C1-A" -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"

input.txt This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!

output.txt Hvwg wg gsqfsh. Asggous opcih "_" gmapcz!

$ node my_ciphering_cli -c "C1-R1-C0-C0-A-R0-R1-R1-A-C1" -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"

input.txt This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!

output.txt This is secret. Message about "_" symbol!


Plain NodeJS ciphering tool which supports ROT-N algorithms






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