Web3 Pancakeswap, BiSwap & Mdex Sniper && Take Profit/StopLose bot written in python3, Please note the license conditions!
Our sniper bot is specifically designed to help you quickly purchase tokens during high-demand events such as token launches and swap enablement. With its lightning-fast speed, the bot is capable of executing trades in a matter of seconds, giving you a competitive edge in securing a significant portion of the new tokens. This powerful tool is designed to buy and sell with BNB to ensure you always get the best return on investment.
The tool uses advanced algorithms to analyze multiple exchange routes to find the most efficient path for your swap.
There's a 0.7% tax on the swap amount, but if you hold 1k TIGS, your tax rate drops to an incredibly low 0.2%. This means you can keep more of your profits.
With this tool, you can effortlessly swap your assets for BNB and take advantage of the many benefits it offers. So why wait? Start maximizing your returns today!
Support Us and the Community with TIGS Token
By purchasing TIGS tokens, you not only support our platform, but you also contribute to the growth and development of our community. Invest in our future and help us continue to bring value to you and other members.
python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 -a 0.001 -tx 2 -hp -wb 10 -tp 50
python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 --sellonly
python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 -a 0.001 --buyonly
python Sniper.py -t 0x34faa80fec0233e045ed4737cc152a71e490e2e3 -tsl 10 -tp 10 -sl 10 -nb
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