3 commits
to antalya
since this release
Changes compared to v24.12.2.20101.altinityantalya (15e2755f888)
Bug Fix (user-visible misbehavior in an official stable release)
- Limit parsing threads for distributed case. (#648 by @ianton-ru)
- Use ParquetMetadataCache for ParquetMetadata format as well. (#636 by @arthurpassos)
- Distributed object storage table engines. (#615 by @ianton-ru)
- Turn parquet metadata cache on by default. (#669, #674 by @arthurpassos)
Experimental Feature
- Fix the bug of leaking keeper watches when enable Cluster Discovery. (ClickHouse#74521 by @RinChanNOWWW via #629)
Full Changelog: v24.12.2.20203.altinityantalya...v24.12.2.20101.altinityantalya
Available for both AMD64 and Aarch64 from https://builds.altinity.cloud/ as either .deb
, .rpm
, or .tgz
Docker images
Available for both AMD64 and Aarch64: altinity/clickhouse-server: