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Signed-off-by: david.perkins <[email protected]>
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david.perkins committed Sep 2, 2021
1 parent 6425238 commit d2e4bc7
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13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions

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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
# Guiding Principles for Contribution
First of all, thank you for taking the time to contribute! The HRI Team values your contribution.

Since we have not completely moved our development into the open yet, external contributions are limited. If you would like to make contributions, please create an issue detailing the change. We will work with you to get it merged in.
In general, contributions can be made using the standard fork and pull request process. We use the [Git Flow]( branching model, so branch off of and submit the pull request back to the `develop` branch. If updating an older release, submit a pull request against the associated `support-<major>.x` branch. If one does not exist, contact us, and we will create one.

The GitHub actions may not run successfully in your forked repository without several secrets and external resources used for integration testing. You can ignore this and rely on the actions that will run in our repository when you create the pull request, but you should be able to run local unit tests to test your changes.

Once the pull request is reviewed and approved and all the integration tests pass, we will merge it and handle releasing the updates.

If making a significant contribution, please reach out to the development team's Slack channel, [#health-record-ingestion](, so that we can coordinate the desired changes.
20 changes: 16 additions & 4 deletions Makefile
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@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2020
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# This creates an IBM Function's zipped actionloop executable for every *.go file in the base src/ directory.
# Each of these files should have a 'main' method and use common/actionloopmin to implement the actionloop protocol.
# Also '// +build !tests' must be at the beginning of the file, so it is excluded from tests.
Expand All @@ -7,26 +11,34 @@ BIN:=$(MAINS:src/%.go=$(BUILD)/
SRCS:=$(find src -name *.go)

# Multiple builds on the same input files is causing the Makefile's automatic rebuild only on dependency file modification to not work properly. Added clean to the default build, so the actions are always built.
bins: clean test format $(BIN)
bins: clean test format tidy $(BIN)

$(BIN): $(SRCS) src/go.mod src/go.sum $(BUILD)
cd src; GOOS=linux GOACH=amd64 go build -o exec $(@:$(BUILD)/
cd src; zip ../$@ -qr exec
cd src; zip ../$@ -qr exec exec.env
rm src/exec

# '-tags tests' is used to excluded the multiple main declarations from test builds
# GOPRIVATE environment variable needs to be set in order for this project to be able to access the private Resource Controller golang client
cd src; go test -coverprofile testCoverage.out ./... -v -tags tests

cd src; go tool cover -html=testCoverage.out

cd src; go fmt ./...

cd src; go mod tidy

cd src; go list -m all

-rm -f $(BUILD)/*.zip 2>/dev/null

mkdir $(BUILD)

# targets that don't produce physical files and get run every time
.PHONY: test clean
.PHONY: test clean tidy deps
51 changes: 33 additions & 18 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
# HRI Management API
The IBM Watson Health, Health Record Ingestion service is an open source project designed to serve as a “front door”, receiving health data for cloud-based solutions. See our [documentation]( for more details.
The Alvearie Health Record Ingestion service: a common 'Deployment Ready Component' designed to serve as a “front door” for data for cloud-based solutions. See our [documentation]( for more details.

This repo contains the code for the Management API of the HRI, which uses [IBM Functions]( (Serverless built on [OpenWhisk]( with [Golang]( This repo defines an API and maps endpoints to Golang executables packaged into 'actions'. IBM Functions takes care of standing up an API Gateway, executing & scaling the actions, and transmitting data between the gateway and action endpoints. [mgmt-api-manifest.yml](mgmt-api-manifest.yml) defines the actions, API, and the mapping between them. A separate OpenAPI specification is maintained in [Alvearie/hri-api-spec]( for external user's reference. Please Note: Any changes to this (RESTful) Management API for the HRI requires changes in both the api-spec repo and this mgmt-api repo.

This is an initial publish of the code, which is being transitioned to open source, but is not yet completed. To use this code, you will need to update the CI/CD for your environment. There is a TravisCI build and integration tests, but all the references to the CD Process that deployed to internal IBM Cloud environments were removed. At some future date, a more comprehensive CI/CD pipeline will be published, as part of Watson Health's continuing Open Source initiative.
This repo contains the code for the Management API of the HRI, which uses [IBM Functions]( (Serverless built on [OpenWhisk]( with [Golang]( Basically, this repo defines an API and maps endpoints to Golang executables packaged into 'actions'. IBM Functions takes care of standing up an API Gateway, executing & scaling the actions, and transmitting data between them. [mgmt-api-manifest.yml](mgmt-api-manifest.yml) defines the actions, API, and the mapping between them. A separate OpenAPI specification is maintained in [Alvearie/hri-api-spec]( for external user's reference. Please Note: Any changes to this (RESTful) Management API for the HRI requires changes in both the hri-api-spec repo and this hri-mgmt-api repo.

## Communication
* Please TBD
* Please see [](
* Please [join]( our Slack channel for further questions: [#health-record-ingestion](
* Please see recent contributors or [maintainers](

## Getting Started

### Prerequisites

* Golang 1.13 - you can use an official [distribution]( or a package manager like `homebrew` for mac
* Golang 1.15 - you can use an official [distribution]( or a package manager like `homebrew` for mac
* Make - should come pre-installed on MacOS and Linux
* [GoMock latest]( released version. Installation:
run `$ GO111MODULE=on go get`. See [GoMock docs](
Expand All @@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ This is an initial publish of the code, which is being transitioned to open sour
From the base directory, run `make`. This will download dependencies using Go Modules, run all the unit tests, and package up the code for IBM Functions in the `build` directory.

mgmt-api$ make
hri-mgmt-api$ make
rm -f build/*.zip 2>/dev/null
cd src; go test ./... -v -tags tests
=== RUN TestEsDocToBatch
Expand All @@ -35,7 +33,7 @@ cd src; go test ./... -v -tags tests
--- PASS: TestEsDocToBatch/example1 (0.00s)
ok 2.802s
ok 2.802s
cd src; GOOS=linux GOACH=amd64 go build -o exec batches_create.go
cd src; zip ../build/ -qr exec
rm src/exec
Expand All @@ -45,31 +43,48 @@ cd src; zip ../build/ -qr exec
rm src/exec
## CI/CD
Since this application must be deployed using IBM Functions in an IBM Cloud account, there isn't a way to launch and test the API & actions locally. So, we have an automated TravisCI build that automatically deploys every branch in its own IBM Functions' namespace in the IBM Cloud and runs integration tests. They all share a common ElasticSearch and Event Streams instance. Once it's deployed, you can perform manual testing with your namespace. You can also use the IBM Functions UI or IBM Cloud CLI to modify the actions or API in your namespace.
Since this application must be deployed using IBM Functions in an IBM Cloud account, there isn't a way to launch and test the API & actions locally. So, we have set up GitHub actions to automatically deploy every branch in its own IBM Function's namespace in our IBM cloud account and run integration tests. They all share common Elastic Search and Event Streams instances. Once it's deployed, you can perform manual testing with your namespace. You can also use the IBM Functions UI or IBM Cloud CLI to modify the actions or API in your namespace. When the GitHub branch is deleted, the associated IBM Function's namespace is also automatically deleted.

If you're working off a fork, the secure `.travis.yml` environment variables will not work, because they are repository specific. We will work with you to get your fork deployed and tested.
### Docker image build
Images are published on every `develop` branch build with the tag `<branch>-timestamp`.

## Code Overview

### IBM Function Actions - Golang Mains
For each API endpoint, there is a Golang executable packaged into an IBM Function's 'action' to service the requests. There are several `.go` files in the base `src/` directory, one for each action and no others, each of which defines `func main()`. If you're familiar with Golang, you might be asking how there can be multiple files with different definitions of `func main()`. The Makefile takes care of compiling each one into a separate executable, and each file includes a [Build Constraint]( to exclude it from unit tests. This also means these files are not unit tested and thus are kept as small as possible. Each one sets up any required clients and then calls an implementation method in a sub package. They also use `common.actionloopmin.Main()` to implement the OpenWhisk [action loop protocol](
For each API endpoint, there is a Golang executable packaged into an IBM Function's 'action' to service the requests. There are several `.go` files in the base `src/` directory, one for each action and no others, each of which defines `func main()`. If you're familiar with Golang, you might be asking how there can be multiple files with different definitions of `func main()`. The Makefile takes care of compiling each one into a separate executable, and each file includes a [Build Constraint]( to exclude it from unit tests. This also means these files are not unit tested and thus are kept as small as possible. Each one sets up any required clients and then calls an implementation method in a sub package. They also use `common.actionloopmin.Main()` to implement the OpenWhisk [action loop protocol](

The compiled binaries have to be named `exec` and put in a zip file. Additionally, a `exec.env` file has to be included, which contains the name of the docker container to use when running the action. All the zip files are written to the `build` directory when running `make`.

### Packages
There are three packages:
- batches - code for all the `tenants/tenantId/batches` endpoints. In general, each endpoint has an implementation method that each `func main()` above calls.

- common - common code for various clients (i.e. ElasticSearch & Kafka) and input/output helper methods.
- tenants - code for all the `tenants` endpoints. Tenants are mainly indexes in Elastic Search.

- streams - code for all the `tenants/<tenantId>/streams` endpoints. Streams are mainly sets of topics in Kafka (Event Streams).

- batches - code for all the `tenants/<tenantId>/batches` endpoints.

- common - common code for various clients (i.e. Elastic Search & Kafka) and input/output helper methods.

- healthcheck - code for the `healthcheck` endpoint

### Unit Tests
Each unit test file follows the Golang conventions where it's named `*_test.go` (e.g. `get_by_id_test.go`) and is located in the same directory as the file it's testing (e.g. `get_by_id.go`). The team uses 'mock' code in files generated by [the GoMock framework]( to support unit testing by mocking some collaborating component (function/struct) upon which the System Under Test (function/struct) depends. A good example test class that makes use of a mock object is `connector_test.go` (in `kafka` package) - it makes use of the generated code in `connector_mock.go`. Note that you may need to create a new go interface in order to use GoMock to generate the mock code file for the behavior you are trying to mock. This is because the framework requires [an interface]( in order to generate the mock code. [This article]( might be helpful to understand GoMock.

#### Test Coverage
The goal is to have 90% code coverage with unit tests. The build automatically prints out test coverage percentages and a coverage file at `src/testCoverage.out`. Additionally, you can view test coverage interactively in your browser by running `go tool cover -html=testCoverage.out` from the `src/` directory.
The goal is to have 90% code coverage with unit tests. The build automatically prints out test coverage percentages and a coverage file at `src/testCoverage.out`. Additionally, you can view test coverage interactively in your browser by running `make coverage`.

### API Definition
The API that this repo implements is defined in [Alvearie/hri-api-spec]( using OpenAPI 3.0. There are automated Dredd tests to make sure the implemented API meets the spec. For any changes that affect the API itself (which naturally, result in changes also here in the mgmt-api Repo), please use branches with the same name for your corresponding changes in both repositories.
The API that this repo implements is defined in [Alvearie/hri-api-spec]( using OpenAPI 3.0. There are automated Dredd tests to make sure the implemented API meets the spec. If there are changes to the API, make them to the specification repo using a branch with the same name. Then the Dredd tests will run against the modified API specification.

### Authentication & Authorization
All endpoints (except the health check) require an OAuth 2.0 JWT bearer access token per [RFC8693]( in the `Authorization` header field. The Tenant and Stream endpoints require IAM tokens, but the Batch endpoints require a token with HRI and Tenant scopes for authorization. The Batch token issuer is configurable via a bound parameter, and must be OIDC compliant because the code dynamically uses the OIDC defined well know endpoints to validate tokens. Integration and testing have already been completed with App ID, the standard IBM Cloud solution.

Batch JWT access token scopes:
- hri_data_integrator - Data Integrators can create, get, and change the status of batches, but only ones that they created.
- hri_consumer - Consumers can list and get Batches
- tenant_<tenantId> - provides access to this tenant's batches. This scope must use the prefix 'tenant_'. For example, if a data integrator tries to create a batch by making an HTTP POST call to `tenants/24/batches`, the token must contain scope `tenant_24`, where the `24` is the tenantId.

The scopes claim must contain one or more of the HRI roles ("hri_data_integrator", "hri_consumer") as well as the tenant id of the tenant being accessed.

## Contribution Guide
Since we have not completely moved our development into the open yet, external contributions are limited. If you would like to make contributions, please create an issue detailing the change. We will work with you to get it merged in.
Please read []( for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions

This file was deleted.


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