Modular Architecture also sometime called as Modular Monilth Architecture
Solution template which is built on Modular Architecture with all essential feature using .NET Core!
Untick mark is yet to complete soon
- Architecture
- Hexagonal architecture
- Screaming architecture
- Design Pattern
- CQRS design pattern
- Decorator design pattern
- Mediator design pattern
- Repository design pattern
- Unit of work
- Backend
- Language: C#
- Framework: dotnet core 3.1, ASP.NET Core
- Framework: dotnet core 5, ASP.NET Core
- UI
- Framework: React-Redux boiler plate
- MVC Core
- Blazor
- Database
- MS SQL and Inmemory DB
- DB Connectivity : Entityframework Core - Code First
- Cloud server
- Azure (alternate is AWS)
- Service
- Web API (Restful service)
- gRPC
- Graphql
- Feature
- Dataseeding
- Custom Exceptionn Handler
- Automapper
- Fluent validation
- Serilog
- Swagger UI
- Healthcheck UI
- Advanced Pagination
- InMemory caching
- API Versioning
- User Auditing
- Mailkit (Mail service)
- Hangfire
- Miniprofiler
- Enabling CORS
- Authentication
- Identity server 4
- OAuth2
- JWT Authentication
- Monitoring tool
- Health check UI
- Miniprofiler
- Kibana dashboard (alternate is Grafana)
- Testing Strategy using the testing pyramid
- Unit testing (Nunit)
- Integration testing
- Task runner: .Net core and CircleCI
- Coverage report:
- Quality report: Codacy
- Docker image and Kubernate
- Azure pipelins
- Documentation
- Conventional commit - commit and commit message
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