This web scraping tool is designed to retrieve the most recent case laws from the Swiss Federal Tribunal. It operates by parsing the content available at the specified website URL: It then organizes the extracted decisions, along with their corresponding texts, into a convenient table format.
This project relies on the following R packages:
- dplyr: for data manipulation
- rvest: for web scraping
- polite: for responsible web scraping
- purr: for automating processes
Execute the complete TF_webscrapping.R script to fetch the most recent case laws from the Swiss Federal Tribunal and generate the corresponding table. The input parameters are:
- home_page: by default the home page is "" and refers to home page of the list of latest decisions.
- delay: by default this value is set to 5 seconds and refers to the time to wait when scraping a web page.
- mc.cores: by default this value is set to 8 cores and refers to numbers of cores of your computer to use. The function pbmclapply is specific to UNIX system only, replace with parLapply for windows systems.
- date_start and date_end: refer to the interval between which to retrieve the decision, please be aware that retrieving a month of decision can take around 15 minutes.