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Paralyzed by indecision with only one hour to go? We gotchu.

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This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

Please feel free to use a different markup language if you do not plan to run rake doc:app.

/////////// CODE GRAVEYARD ////////////

# # Return results

# if @user.mood == true
#   @mood = "We know you're feeling great today "
# else
#   @mood = "We know you're having a rough one..."
# end

# if == true
#   @weather = "and it's warm out there. "
# else
#   @weather = "and it's cold outside. "
# end

# if @user.healthy == true
#   @healthy = "We think you want something healthy "
# else
#   @healthy = "You don't strike us as a salad person "
# end

# if @user.spicy == true
#   @spicy = "and we gotchu: hot, spicy food floats your boat. "
# else
#   @spicy = "and we gotchu: you're not into spicy stuff. "
# end

# if @user.price == true
#   @price = "Money is no object..."
# else
#   @price = "You're looking for a deal. "
# end

# if @user.restriction == "kosher"
#   @restriction = "And thanks for letting us know you eat Kosher."
# elsif @user.restriction == "vegetarian"
#   @restriction = "And thanks for letting us know you are a vegetarian."
# else
#   @restriction = ""
# end

# respond_to do |format|
#   format.js
# end


Paralyzed by indecision with only one hour to go? We gotchu.






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