A powerful, zero-dependency form validation library for modern web applications. Built with TypeScript and designed for developers who need robust, flexible, and type-safe form validation.
npm install bodhi-form-validations
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
// Simple email validation
const emailResult = validate.isEmail('[email protected]');
// { isValid: true, message: 'Valid email' }
// Advanced password validation
const passwordResult = validate.isPassword('MyPass123!', {
minLength: 8,
requireUppercase: true,
requireNumbers: true
// { isValid: true, message: 'Valid password', strength: 0.8 }
// Form validation
const formResult = validate.isObject({
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'MyPass123!',
age: 25
}, {
requiredFields: ['email', 'password'],
fieldValidators: {
email: (value) => validate.isEmail(value),
password: (value) => validate.isPassword(value, { minLength: 8 }),
age: (value) => validate.isNumber(value, { min: 18 })
- 🎯 Type-Safe: Full TypeScript support with comprehensive type definitions
- 🔧 Flexible: Customize validation rules to match your exact requirements
- 🌐 Framework Agnostic: Works seamlessly with React, Vue, Angular, or vanilla JS
- 📦 Zero Dependencies: Lightweight and efficient, no external dependencies
- 🔍 Detailed Feedback: Rich validation results with messages and strength indicators
- 🌍 International: Support for various formats across different locales
- ⚡ Performance: Optimized for handling complex form validations
- 🛡️ Security: Built-in rules for secure password validation
// Email Validation
validate.isEmail('[email protected]', {
allowSubdomains: true, // Allow subdomain emails
allowInternational: true // Allow international characters
// Password Validation
validate.isPassword('MySecurePass123!', {
minLength: 8, // Minimum length requirement
requireUppercase: true, // Must contain uppercase letters
requireNumbers: true, // Must contain numbers
requireSymbols: true // Must contain special characters
// Phone Number Validation
validate.isPhone('+1-555-123-4567', {
country: 'US', // Country-specific format
requireCountryCode: true // Must include country code
// Date Validation
validate.isDate('2025-01-25', {
minDate: '2025-01-01', // Minimum allowed date
maxDate: '2025-12-31', // Maximum allowed date
allowFuture: true // Allow future dates
// Number Validation
validate.isNumber('42.5', {
min: 0, // Minimum value
max: 100, // Maximum value
precision: 2 // Decimal places
import { useState } from 'react';
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
function useFormValidation(initialValue = '') {
const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue);
const [error, setError] = useState('');
const validateField = (validator) => {
const result = validator(value);
setError(result.isValid ? '' : result.message);
return result.isValid;
return { value, setValue, error, validateField };
// Usage in component
function LoginForm() {
const email = useFormValidation('');
const handleSubmit = (e) => {
if (email.validateField(value => validate.isEmail(value))) {
// Proceed with form submission
return (
onChange={e => email.setValue(e.target.value)}
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- API Reference
- Advanced Examples
- Error Handling
- Best Practices
- Development
- Contributing
- License
- Framework Integration Guides
- Common Patterns and Best Practices
- 🚀 Full TypeScript support with type definitions and interfaces
- 📝 Comprehensive validation rules for common form fields
- ⚙️ Highly customizable options for each validation type
- 🌍 International support for phone numbers and postal codes
- 💪 Zero dependencies - lightweight and efficient
- 📱 Browser and Node.js compatible
- 🔒 Strong password validation with strength indicators
- 🌐 Multiple country formats support
- 🔄 Async validation support
- 📋 Detailed error messages in multiple languages
- ⚡ Fast and efficient validation algorithms
- 🧪 Well-tested with high coverage
Category | Validation Type | Function Name | Description | Options |
User Input | Username | isUsername |
Validates usernames | minLength , maxLength , allowSpecialChars |
isEmail |
Validates email addresses | allowInternational , strictDomain |
Password | isStrongPassword |
Validates password strength | minLength , requireUppercase , requireNumbers , requireSpecialChars |
Phone | isPhone |
Validates phone numbers | country , requireCountryCode , allowSpaces |
Numbers | Number | isNumber |
Validates numeric values | min , max , allowDecimals , precision |
Integer | isInteger |
Validates whole numbers | min , max , allowNegative |
Float | isFloat |
Validates decimal numbers | min , max , precision , allowScientific |
Arrays | Array | isArray |
Validates arrays | minLength , maxLength , unique , sortOrder |
Matrix | isMatrix |
Validates 2D arrays | dimensions , allowJagged |
Objects | Object | isObject |
Validates objects | requiredFields , optionalFields , strict |
Schema | isSchema |
Validates against schema | schema , strict , additionalProps |
Dates | Date | isDate |
Validates dates | format , min , max |
DateRange | isDateRange |
Validates date ranges | minRange , maxRange , allowWeekends |
Age | isAge |
Validates age | minAge , maxAge , referenceDate |
Files | File | isFile |
Validates files | maxSize , allowedTypes , maxDimensions |
Image | isImage |
Validates images | maxSize , allowedFormats , dimensions |
Document | isDocument |
Validates documents | maxSize , allowedTypes |
Address | Address | isAddress |
Validates addresses | requireStreet , requireCity , requireZip |
PostalCode | isPostalCode |
Validates postal codes | country , format |
Financial | Currency | isCurrency |
Validates currency amounts | currency , decimals , symbol |
CreditCard | isCreditCard |
Validates credit cards | type , validateCVV |
Colors | Color | isColor |
Validates color codes | format , allowAlpha |
Network | URL | isURL |
Validates URLs | protocols , requireProtocol |
IP | isIPAddress |
Validates IP addresses | version , allowPrivate |
Time | Time | isTime |
Validates time | format , allowSeconds |
TimeZone | isTimeZone |
Validates timezones | format , allowUTC |
Documents | SSN | isSSN |
Validates SSNs | format , allowMasked |
Passport | isPassport |
Validates passport numbers | country , format |
graph TD
A[Bodhi Form Validation] --> B[User Input]
A --> C[Numbers]
A --> D[Arrays]
A --> E[Objects]
A --> F[Dates]
A --> G[Files]
A --> H[Address]
A --> I[Financial]
A --> J[Colors]
A --> K[Network]
A --> L[Time]
A --> M[Documents]
B --> B1[Username]
B --> B2[Email]
B --> B3[Password]
B --> B4[Phone]
C --> C1[Number]
C --> C2[Integer]
C --> C3[Float]
D --> D1[Array]
D --> D2[Matrix]
E --> E1[Object]
E --> E2[Schema]
F --> F1[Date]
F --> F2[DateRange]
F --> F3[Age]
G --> G1[File]
G --> G2[Image]
G --> G3[Document]
H --> H1[Address]
H --> H2[PostalCode]
I --> I1[Currency]
I --> I2[CreditCard]
J --> J1[Color]
K --> K1[URL]
K --> K2[IP]
L --> L1[Time]
L --> L2[TimeZone]
M --> M1[SSN]
M --> M2[Passport]
classDef category fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef type fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px;
class A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M category;
class B1,B2,B3,B4,C1,C2,C3,D1,D2,E1,E2,F1,F2,F3,G1,G2,G3,H1,H2,I1,I2,J1,K1,K2,L1,L2,M1,M2 type;
// User Input Validations
const usernameValid = validate.isUsername('john_doe', { minLength: 3, maxLength: 20 });
const emailValid = validate.isEmail('[email protected]', { allowInternational: true });
const passwordValid = validate.isStrongPassword('P@ssw0rd123', { minLength: 8 });
const phoneValid = validate.isPhone('+1-555-123-4567', { country: 'US' });
// Number Validations
const numberValid = validate.isNumber('123.45', { min: 0, max: 1000 });
const integerValid = validate.isInteger('42', { allowNegative: false });
const floatValid = validate.isFloat('3.14159', { precision: 5 });
// Array Validations
const arrayValid = validate.isArray(['a', 'b', 'c'], { unique: true });
const matrixValid = validate.isMatrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]], { dimensions: [2, 2] });
// Date Validations
const dateValid = validate.isDate('2025-01-24', { format: 'YYYY-MM-DD' });
const ageValid = validate.isAge('1990-01-01', { minAge: 18 });
// File Validations
const fileValid = validate.isFile(fileObject, { maxSize: '10MB' });
const imageValid = validate.isImage(imageFile, { maxDimensions: [1920, 1080] });
// Address Validations
const addressValid = validate.isAddress({
street: '123 Main St',
city: 'San Francisco',
zip: '94105'
// Financial Validations
const currencyValid = validate.isCurrency('$1,234.56', { currency: 'USD' });
const creditCardValid = validate.isCreditCard('4111111111111111', { type: 'visa' });
// Network Validations
const urlValid = validate.isURL('https://example.com', { requireProtocol: true });
const ipValid = validate.isIPAddress('', { version: 'v4' });
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
// Basic username validation
const basicUsername = validate.isUsername('john_doe');
console.log(basicUsername.isValid); // true
// Advanced username validation
const advancedUsername = validate.isUsername('john.doe@123', {
minLength: 5,
maxLength: 20,
allowSpecialChars: true,
allowedChars: 'a-zA-Z0-9._@',
bannedUsernames: ['admin', 'root'],
caseSensitive: false
if (!advancedUsername.isValid) {
// Basic email validation
const basicEmail = validate.isEmail('[email protected]');
// Advanced email validation
const advancedEmail = validate.isEmail('[email protected]', {
allowInternational: true,
strictDomain: true,
allowPlusAddressing: true,
bannedDomains: ['tempmail.com'],
validateMX: true
// Custom domain validation
const workEmail = validate.isEmail('[email protected]', {
allowedDomains: ['company.com', 'company.org'],
errorMessage: 'Please use your company email'
// Basic password validation
const basicPassword = validate.isStrongPassword('MyP@ssw0rd');
// Advanced password strength validation
const advancedPassword = validate.isStrongPassword('MySecureP@ssw0rd123', {
minLength: 12,
maxLength: 64,
requireUppercase: true,
requireLowercase: true,
requireNumbers: true,
requireSpecialChars: true,
minUniqueChars: 8,
maxRepeatingChars: 2,
bannedPasswords: ['Password123!', 'Admin123!'],
customRegex: /^(?=.*[!@#$%^&*])/,
errorMessages: {
tooShort: 'Password must be at least 12 characters',
noUppercase: 'Include at least one uppercase letter',
noSpecialChar: 'Include at least one special character'
// Password strength indicator
if (advancedPassword.isValid) {
console.log(`Password strength: ${advancedPassword.strength}/4`);
console.log(`Suggestions: ${advancedPassword.suggestions.join(', ')}`);
// Basic phone validation
const basicPhone = validate.isPhone('555-123-4567');
// International phone validation
const usPhone = validate.isPhone('+1 (555) 123-4567', {
country: 'US',
requireCountryCode: true,
allowSpaces: true,
allowHyphens: true,
allowParentheses: true
const ukPhone = validate.isPhone('+44 20 7123 4567', {
country: 'UK',
format: 'international'
const indianPhone = validate.isPhone('+91 98765-43210', {
country: 'IN',
mobileOnly: true
// Integer validation
const integerCheck = validate.isNumber('42', {
integer: true,
min: 0,
max: 100
// Decimal validation
const decimalCheck = validate.isNumber('3.14159', {
allowDecimals: true,
precision: 5,
min: 0,
max: 10
// Scientific notation
const scientificCheck = validate.isNumber('1.23e-4', {
allowScientific: true,
allowNegative: true
// Basic currency validation
const basicCurrency = validate.isCurrency('$1,234.56');
// Advanced currency validation
const advancedCurrency = validate.isCurrency('€1.234,56', {
currency: 'EUR',
locale: 'de-DE',
allowNegative: false,
requireSymbol: true,
symbolPosition: 'prefix'
// Custom format
const customCurrency = validate.isCurrency('1,234.56 USD', {
format: '0,0.00 CCC',
decimals: 2,
thousandsSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.'
// Basic date validation
const basicDate = validate.isDate('2025-01-24');
// Advanced date validation
const advancedDate = validate.isDate('24/01/2025', {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
min: '2024-01-01',
max: '2025-12-31',
allowWeekends: false,
allowHolidays: false
// Age validation
const ageCheck = validate.isAge('1990-01-01', {
minAge: 18,
maxAge: 100,
referenceDate: '2025-01-24'
// Date range validation
const dateRange = validate.isDateRange({
start: '2025-01-01',
end: '2025-12-31'
}, {
minRange: '1 month',
maxRange: '1 year',
allowWeekends: true
// Basic array validation
const basicArray = validate.isArray(['a', 'b', 'c'], {
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 5
// Advanced array validation
const advancedArray = validate.isArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], {
unique: true,
sortOrder: 'ascending',
type: 'number',
itemValidator: (item) => item > 0 && item < 10
// Matrix validation
const matrixCheck = validate.isMatrix([
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]
], {
dimensions: [3, 3],
allowJagged: false,
itemValidator: (item) => Number.isInteger(item)
// Basic object validation
const basicObject = validate.isObject({
name: 'John',
age: 30
}, {
requiredFields: ['name', 'age']
// Advanced object validation
const advancedObject = validate.isObject({
username: 'john_doe',
email: '[email protected]',
settings: {
theme: 'dark',
notifications: true
}, {
schema: {
username: { type: 'string', required: true },
email: { type: 'email', required: true },
settings: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
theme: { type: 'string', enum: ['light', 'dark'] },
notifications: { type: 'boolean' }
strict: true,
additionalProperties: false
// Basic file validation
const basicFile = validate.isFile(fileObject, {
maxSize: '10MB',
allowedTypes: ['pdf', 'doc', 'docx']
// Image file validation
const imageFile = validate.isImage(imageObject, {
maxSize: '5MB',
allowedTypes: ['jpg', 'png', 'gif'],
maxDimensions: [1920, 1080],
minDimensions: [100, 100],
aspectRatio: '16:9'
// Document validation
const documentFile = validate.isDocument(docObject, {
maxSize: '20MB',
allowedTypes: ['pdf', 'doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx'],
allowPassword: false,
validateContent: true
// Basic URL validation
const basicUrl = validate.isURL('https://example.com');
// Advanced URL validation
const advancedUrl = validate.isURL('https://api.example.com/data?id=123', {
protocols: ['https'],
requireProtocol: true,
allowQueryParams: true,
allowFragments: false,
allowedDomains: ['example.com', 'api.example.com'],
validateDNS: true
// IPv4 validation
const ipv4 = validate.isIPAddress('', {
version: 'v4',
allowPrivate: true,
allowLoopback: false
// IPv6 validation
const ipv6 = validate.isIPAddress('2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334', {
version: 'v6',
allowCompressed: true,
allowIPv4Mapped: false
interface UserForm {
username: string;
email: string;
password: string;
age: number;
phone: string;
address: {
street: string;
city: string;
zip: string;
preferences: string[];
const validateUserForm = (form: UserForm) => {
const validations = {
username: validate.isUsername(form.username, {
minLength: 3,
maxLength: 20
email: validate.isEmail(form.email),
password: validate.isStrongPassword(form.password),
age: validate.isNumber(form.age, {
min: 18,
max: 120,
integer: true
phone: validate.isPhone(form.phone, {
country: 'US',
requireCountryCode: true
address: validate.isObject(form.address, {
requiredFields: ['street', 'city', 'zip'],
schema: {
street: { type: 'string', minLength: 5 },
city: { type: 'string' },
zip: { type: 'string', pattern: '\\d{5}' }
preferences: validate.isArray(form.preferences, {
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 5,
unique: true
const errors: Record<string, string> = {};
let isValid = true;
Object.entries(validations).forEach(([field, result]) => {
if (!result.isValid) {
errors[field] = result.message;
isValid = false;
return {
validatedData: isValid ? form : null
// Usage example
const formData: UserForm = {
username: 'john_doe',
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'SecureP@ss123',
age: 25,
phone: '+1-555-123-4567',
address: {
street: '123 Main St',
city: 'San Francisco',
zip: '94105'
preferences: ['dark_theme', 'notifications_on']
const validationResult = validateUserForm(formData);
if (validationResult.isValid) {
console.log('Form is valid!', validationResult.validatedData);
} else {
console.error('Form validation failed:', validationResult.errors);
Install using npm:
npm install bodhi-form-validations
Install using yarn:
yarn add bodhi-form-validations
Install using pnpm:
pnpm add bodhi-form-validations
The library provides full TypeScript support with type definitions. Here's how to use it in a TypeScript project:
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
// Basic usage
const emailResult = validate.isEmail('[email protected]');
console.log(emailResult.isValid); // true
console.log(emailResult.message); // "Valid email"
// With options
const passwordResult = validate.isStrongPassword('MyPassword123!', {
minLength: 10,
requireUppercase: true,
requireNumbers: true,
requireSpecialChars: true
// Using type definitions
interface UserForm {
username: string;
email: string;
age: number;
birthDate: Date;
const validateUserForm = (form: UserForm) => {
const validations = {
username: validate.isUsername(form.username, {
minLength: 3,
maxLength: 20,
allowSpecialChars: false
email: validate.isEmail(form.email),
age: validate.isNumber(form.age, {
min: 18,
max: 120,
integer: true
birthDate: validate.isDateInRange(form.birthDate, {
minAge: 18,
maxAge: 120
return Object.entries(validations).reduce((errors, [field, result]) => {
if (!result.isValid) {
errors[field] = result.message;
return errors;
}, {} as Record<string, string>);
In JavaScript projects, you can use the library with CommonJS or ES Modules:
// ES Modules
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
// CommonJS
const validate = require('bodhi-form-validations');
// Basic form validation
const form = {
username: 'johndoe',
email: '[email protected]',
phone: '+1-555-123-4567',
address: {
street: '123 Main St',
city: 'San Francisco',
zip: '94105'
const validateForm = (formData) => {
const errors = {};
// Username validation
const usernameResult = validate.isUsername(formData.username);
if (!usernameResult.isValid) {
errors.username = usernameResult.message;
// Email validation
const emailResult = validate.isEmail(formData.email);
if (!emailResult.isValid) {
errors.email = emailResult.message;
// Phone validation
const phoneResult = validate.isPhone(formData.phone);
if (!phoneResult.isValid) {
errors.phone = phoneResult.message;
// Address validation
const addressResult = validate.isAddress(formData.address, {
requireStreet: true,
requireCity: true,
requireZip: true
if (!addressResult.isValid) {
errors.address = addressResult.message;
return {
isValid: Object.keys(errors).length === 0,
// Usage
const validation = validateForm(form);
if (!validation.isValid) {
console.error('Form validation failed:', validation.errors);
Example of using the library in a React component:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
interface FormData {
username: string;
email: string;
password: string;
const RegistrationForm: React.FC = () => {
const [formData, setFormData] = useState<FormData>({
username: '',
email: '',
password: ''
const [errors, setErrors] = useState<Partial<Record<keyof FormData, string>>>({});
const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const { name, value } = e.target;
setFormData(prev => ({ ...prev, [name]: value }));
// Real-time validation
let validationResult;
switch (name) {
case 'username':
validationResult = validate.isUsername(value);
case 'email':
validationResult = validate.isEmail(value);
case 'password':
validationResult = validate.isStrongPassword(value);
setErrors(prev => ({
[name]: validationResult.isValid ? '' : validationResult.message
const handleSubmit = (e: React.FormEvent) => {
// Final validation before submission
const validations = {
username: validate.isUsername(formData.username),
email: validate.isEmail(formData.email),
password: validate.isStrongPassword(formData.password)
const newErrors = Object.entries(validations).reduce((acc, [field, result]) => {
if (!result.isValid) {
acc[field] = result.message;
return acc;
}, {});
if (Object.keys(newErrors).length === 0) {
// Form is valid, proceed with submission
console.log('Form submitted:', formData);
} else {
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
{errors.username && <span className="error">{errors.username}</span>}
{errors.email && <span className="error">{errors.email}</span>}
{errors.password && <span className="error">{errors.password}</span>}
<button type="submit">Register</button>
export default RegistrationForm;
Example of using the library in a Vue.js component:
<form @submit.prevent="handleSubmit">
<span v-if="errors.username" class="error">{{ errors.username }}</span>
<span v-if="errors.email" class="error">{{ errors.email }}</span>
<span v-if="errors.password" class="error">{{ errors.password }}</span>
<button type="submit">Register</button>
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
export default {
data() {
return {
formData: {
username: '',
email: '',
password: ''
errors: {}
methods: {
validateField(fieldName) {
let validationResult;
switch (fieldName) {
case 'username':
validationResult = validate.isUsername(this.formData.username);
case 'email':
validationResult = validate.isEmail(this.formData.email);
case 'password':
validationResult = validate.isStrongPassword(this.formData.password);
this.$set(this.errors, fieldName,
validationResult.isValid ? '' : validationResult.message
handleSubmit() {
// Validate all fields
// Check if there are any errors
if (!Object.values(this.errors).some(error => error)) {
// Form is valid, proceed with submission
console.log('Form submitted:', this.formData);
const passwordResult = validate.isStrongPassword('MyPassword123!', {
minLength: 10,
maxLength: 50,
requireUppercase: true,
requireLowercase: true,
requireNumbers: true,
requireSpecialChars: true,
allowSpaces: false,
minStrength: 4
if (passwordResult.isValid) {
console.log(`Password strength: ${passwordResult.strength}/4`);
} else {
console.log(`Password error: ${passwordResult.message}`);
// US phone number
const usPhone = validate.isPhone('(555) 123-4567', {
country: 'US',
allowSpaces: true
// UK phone number with country code
const ukPhone = validate.isPhone('+44 20 7123 4567', {
country: 'UK',
requireCountryCode: true
// Indian phone number
const inPhone = validate.isPhone('+91 98765 43210', {
country: 'IN',
allowSpaces: true
// HTTPS only URL
const secureUrl = validate.isURL('https://example.com', {
requireProtocol: true,
allowedProtocols: ['https:']
// URL without query parameters
const cleanUrl = validate.isURL('https://api.example.com/data', {
allowQueryParams: false,
allowFragments: false
validate.isFile(file: File, options?: {
maxSize?: number; // default: 5MB
allowedTypes?: string[]; // e.g., ['image/jpeg', 'image/png']
minWidth?: number; // for images
minHeight?: number; // for images
maxWidth?: number; // for images
maxHeight?: number; // for images
aspectRatio?: number; // width/height
validate.isAddress(address: {
street: string;
city: string;
state: string;
zip: string;
country: string;
}, options?: {
requireStreet?: boolean; // default: true
requireCity?: boolean; // default: true
requireState?: boolean; // default: true
requireZip?: boolean; // default: true
requireCountry?: boolean; // default: true
allowPOBox?: boolean; // default: true
validate.isMoney(amount: string | number, options?: {
currency?: string; // default: 'USD'
minAmount?: number; // default: 0
maxAmount?: number; // default: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
allowNegative?: boolean; // default: false
decimals?: number; // default: 2
validate.isColor(color: string, options?: {
format?: 'hex' | 'rgb' | 'rgba' | 'hsl' | 'any'; // default: 'any'
allowAlpha?: boolean; // default: true
validate.isIPAddress(ip: string, options?: {
version?: 'v4' | 'v6' | 'any'; // default: 'any'
allowPrivate?: boolean; // default: true
allowReserved?: boolean; // default: false
validate.isSSN(ssn: string, options?: {
country?: 'US' | 'CA'; // default: 'US'
format?: 'masked' | 'unmasked'; // default: 'masked'
validate.isTime(time: string, options?: {
format?: '12h' | '24h'; // default: '24h'
allowSeconds?: boolean; // default: true
minTime?: string; // optional
maxTime?: string; // optional
validate.isLatLng(coords: {
lat: number;
lng: number
}, options?: {
precision?: number; // default: 6
format?: 'decimal' | 'dms'; // default: 'decimal'
const passwordResult = validate.isStrongPassword('MyPassword123!', {
minLength: 10,
maxLength: 50,
requireUppercase: true,
requireLowercase: true,
requireNumbers: true,
requireSpecialChars: true,
allowSpaces: false,
minStrength: 4
if (passwordResult.isValid) {
console.log(`Password strength: ${passwordResult.strength}/4`);
} else {
console.log(`Password error: ${passwordResult.message}`);
// US phone number
const usPhone = validate.isPhone('(555) 123-4567', {
country: 'US',
allowSpaces: true
// UK phone number with country code
const ukPhone = validate.isPhone('+44 20 7123 4567', {
country: 'UK',
requireCountryCode: true
// Indian phone number
const inPhone = validate.isPhone('+91 98765 43210', {
country: 'IN',
allowSpaces: true
// HTTPS only URL
const secureUrl = validate.isURL('https://example.com', {
requireProtocol: true,
allowedProtocols: ['https:']
// URL without query parameters
const cleanUrl = validate.isURL('https://api.example.com/data', {
allowQueryParams: false,
allowFragments: false
The library provides detailed error messages for each validation failure:
const validations = {
weakPassword: validate.isStrongPassword('weak', {
minLength: 8,
requireSymbols: true
invalidEmail: validate.isEmail('invalid@email'),
invalidPhone: validate.isPhone('123', { country: 'US' })
// Handle errors
Object.entries(validations).forEach(([field, result]) => {
if (!result.isValid) {
console.log(`${field} error: ${result.message}`);
The library includes comprehensive TypeScript definitions:
import validate, {
} from 'bodhi-form-validations';
// Type-safe options
const passwordOptions: PasswordOptions = {
minLength: 8,
requireSymbols: true
// Type-safe result
const result: ValidationResult = validate.isPassword('password123', passwordOptions);
- Node.js (>= 14.x)
- npm or yarn or pnpm
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/BODHEESH/bodhi-form-validation.git
cd bodhi-form-validation
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Build the package:
npm run build
- Run tests:
npm test
The package uses TypeScript for development and outputs both CommonJS and ES Modules:
# Build once
npm run build
# Build in watch mode
npm run build:watch
Build outputs:
- CommonJS moduledist/index.d.ts
- TypeScript declarationsdist/index.esm.js
- ES Module
The package includes comprehensive tests:
# Run all tests
npm test
# Run tests in watch mode
npm test:watch
# Run tests with coverage
npm test:coverage
We maintain high code quality standards:
# Run linter
npm run lint
# Fix linting issues
npm run lint:fix
# Format code
npm run format
To publish a new version:
- Update version in package.json:
npm version patch # for bug fixes
npm version minor # for new features
npm version major # for breaking changes
- Build and test:
npm run build
npm test
- Publish to npm:
npm login
npm publish
- TypeScript Import Issues
// ❌ Wrong
import { validate } from 'bodhi-form-validations';
// ✅ Correct
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
- React Integration
// ❌ Wrong
const [errors, setErrors] = useState([]);
// ✅ Correct
const [errors, setErrors] = useState<Record<string, string>>({});
- Vue.js Reactivity
// ❌ Wrong
this.errors[field] = result.message;
// ✅ Correct
this.$set(this.errors, field, result.message);
- Debounce Validation
import { debounce } from 'lodash';
const debouncedValidate = debounce((value) => {
const result = validate.isEmail(value);
}, 300);
- Batch Validation
// ❌ Inefficient
Object.keys(form).forEach(key => {
// ✅ Efficient
const results = Object.entries(form).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
acc[key] = validate[key](value);
return acc;
}, {});
- Password Validation
- Use
instead of basicisPassword
- Enable all security checks
- Use custom banned password lists
const passwordValidation = validate.isStrongPassword(password, {
minLength: 12,
maxLength: 50,
requireUppercase: true,
requireLowercase: true,
requireNumbers: true,
requireSymbols: true,
bannedPasswords: ['password123', 'admin123'],
maxRepeatingChars: 2
- Input Sanitization
- Always sanitize user input
- Use strict validation modes
- Validate on both client and server
const userInput = validate.isUsername(input, {
strictMode: true,
allowedChars: 'a-zA-Z0-9_-',
sanitize: true
The library supports all modern browsers and IE11+:
- Chrome (latest)
- Firefox (latest)
- Safari (latest)
- Edge (latest)
- IE11 (with polyfills)
Required polyfills for IE11:
The package supports tree-shaking. Import only what you need:
// ❌ Imports everything
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
// ✅ Import only what you need
import { isEmail, isPhone } from 'bodhi-form-validations/lite';
// Validate on input change
inputElement.addEventListener('input', (e) => {
const result = validate.isUsername(e.target.value);
const result = validate.isPassword(password, {
minLength: 8,
requireSymbols: true
const validateForm = (data) => {
const validations = {
username: validate.isUsername(data.username),
email: validate.isEmail(data.email),
password: validate.isPassword(data.password)
return Object.entries(validations).reduce((errors, [field, result]) => {
if (!result.isValid) {
errors[field] = result.message;
return errors;
}, {});
We welcome contributions! Here's how you can help:
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate and adhere to the existing coding style.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Star this repository
- Create issues for bug reports and feature requests
- Follow the author on GitHub
- Consider contributing to the project
Made with ❤️ by BODHEESH
import { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
// Custom hook for form validation
const useFormValidation = (initialValues: any) => {
const [values, setValues] = useState(initialValues);
const [errors, setErrors] = useState({});
const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false);
const validateField = useCallback((name: string, value: any) => {
let validationResult;
switch (name) {
case 'email':
validationResult = validate.isEmail(value);
case 'password':
validationResult = validate.isStrongPassword(value);
case 'phone':
validationResult = validate.isPhone(value);
// Add more validations as needed
setErrors(prev => ({
[name]: validationResult?.isValid ? '' : validationResult?.message
return validationResult?.isValid;
}, []);
const handleChange = useCallback((e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const { name, value } = e.target;
setValues(prev => ({ ...prev, [name]: value }));
validateField(name, value);
}, [validateField]);
const handleSubmit = useCallback(async (e: React.FormEvent) => {
const isValid = Object.keys(values).every(key => validateField(key, values[key]));
if (isValid) {
// Submit form
console.log('Form is valid', values);
}, [values, validateField]);
return {
// Usage in component
const SignupForm = () => {
const {
} = useFormValidation({
email: '',
password: '',
phone: ''
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
{errors.email && <span className="error">{errors.email}</span>}
{/* Add more form fields */}
<button type="submit" disabled={isSubmitting}>
{isSubmitting ? 'Submitting...' : 'Submit'}
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue';
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
// Composable for form validation
export function useFormValidation(initialValues: any) {
const values = reactive(initialValues);
const errors = reactive({});
const isSubmitting = ref(false);
const validateField = (name: string, value: any) => {
let validationResult;
switch (name) {
case 'email':
validationResult = validate.isEmail(value);
case 'password':
validationResult = validate.isStrongPassword(value);
// Add more validations
errors[name] = validationResult?.isValid ? '' : validationResult?.message;
return validationResult?.isValid;
const handleSubmit = async (e: Event) => {
isSubmitting.value = true;
const isValid = Object.keys(values).every(key =>
validateField(key, values[key])
if (isValid) {
// Submit form
console.log('Form is valid', values);
isSubmitting.value = false;
return {
// Usage in component
<script setup lang="ts">
const {
} = useFormValidation({
email: '',
password: ''
<form @submit="handleSubmit">
@input="validateField('email', values.email)"
<span v-if="errors.email" class="error">{{ errors.email }}</span>
<!-- Add more form fields -->
<button :disabled="isSubmitting">
{{ isSubmitting ? 'Submitting...' : 'Submit' }}
import { debounce } from 'lodash';
const debouncedValidate = debounce((value: string) => {
const result = validate.isEmail(value);
}, 300);
// Usage in input
onChange={(e) => debouncedValidate(e.target.value)}
const validateUsername = async (username: string) => {
const formatResult = validate.isUsername(username);
if (!formatResult.isValid) {
return formatResult;
// Check availability with API
try {
const response = await fetch(`/api/check-username/${username}`);
const { available } = await response.json();
return {
isValid: available,
message: available ? 'Username available' : 'Username already taken'
} catch (error) {
return {
isValid: false,
message: 'Error checking username availability'
const validatePassword = (password: string) => {
// First use built-in validation
const baseResult = validate.isStrongPassword(password);
if (!baseResult.isValid) {
return baseResult;
// Add custom rules
const customRules = [
test: (p: string) => !/(.)\1{2,}/.test(p),
message: 'Password cannot contain repeating characters'
test: (p: string) => !/12345|qwerty|password/i.test(p),
message: 'Password contains common patterns'
for (const rule of customRules) {
if (!rule.test(password)) {
return {
isValid: false,
message: rule.message
return baseResult;
const validatePasswordGroup = (password: string, confirmPassword: string) => {
// First validate individual passwords
const passwordResult = validate.isStrongPassword(password);
if (!passwordResult.isValid) {
return passwordResult;
// Then validate match
if (password !== confirmPassword) {
return {
isValid: false,
message: 'Passwords do not match'
return {
isValid: true,
message: 'Passwords match'
const validateShippingAddress = (address: any, isInternational: boolean) => {
const baseRules = {
street: { required: true, minLength: 5 },
city: { required: true },
country: { required: true }
const domesticRules = {
zip: { pattern: '^\\d{5}$' }
const internationalRules = {
zip: { required: true },
province: { required: true }
const rules = isInternational ? internationalRules : domesticRules;
return validate.isObject(address, {
schema: rules,
strict: true
interface DynamicField {
type: 'text' | 'email' | 'phone' | 'number' | 'date';
name: string;
required: boolean;
rules?: Record<string, any>;
const validateDynamicForm = (fields: DynamicField[], values: Record<string, any>) => {
const errors: Record<string, string> = {};
fields.forEach(field => {
if (!field.required && !values[field.name]) {
return; // Skip optional empty fields
let result;
const value = values[field.name];
switch (field.type) {
case 'email':
result = validate.isEmail(value, field.rules);
case 'phone':
result = validate.isPhone(value, field.rules);
case 'number':
result = validate.isNumber(value, field.rules);
case 'date':
result = validate.isDate(value, field.rules);
result = validate.isText(value, field.rules);
if (!result.isValid) {
errors[field.name] = result.message;
return {
isValid: Object.keys(errors).length === 0,
// Usage example
const formFields: DynamicField[] = [
type: 'email',
name: 'email',
required: true,
rules: { allowInternational: true }
type: 'phone',
name: 'phone',
required: false,
rules: { country: 'US' }
type: 'date',
name: 'birthdate',
required: true,
rules: { minAge: 18 }
const formValues = {
email: '[email protected]',
phone: '+1-555-123-4567',
birthdate: '2000-01-01'
const validation = validateDynamicForm(formFields, formValues);
interface FormStep {
fields: string[];
validator: (values: Record<string, any>) => ValidationResult;
class MultiStepFormValidator {
private steps: FormStep[];
private currentStep: number;
private values: Record<string, any>;
constructor(steps: FormStep[]) {
this.steps = steps;
this.currentStep = 0;
this.values = {};
validateCurrentStep(stepValues: Record<string, any>): ValidationResult {
const step = this.steps[this.currentStep];
return step.validator(stepValues);
validateAllPreviousSteps(): boolean {
for (let i = 0; i < this.currentStep; i++) {
const step = this.steps[i];
const stepValues = this.extractStepValues(step.fields);
const result = step.validator(stepValues);
if (!result.isValid) return false;
return true;
private extractStepValues(fields: string[]): Record<string, any> {
return fields.reduce((acc, field) => {
acc[field] = this.values[field];
return acc;
}, {});
nextStep(stepValues: Record<string, any>): ValidationResult {
const validation = this.validateCurrentStep(stepValues);
if (validation.isValid) {
this.values = { ...this.values, ...stepValues };
return validation;
previousStep(): void {
if (this.currentStep > 0) {
getProgress(): number {
return ((this.currentStep + 1) / this.steps.length) * 100;
// Usage example
const personalInfoValidator: FormStep = {
fields: ['name', 'email'],
validator: (values) => {
const nameValid = validate.isUsername(values.name);
const emailValid = validate.isEmail(values.email);
return {
isValid: nameValid.isValid && emailValid.isValid,
errors: {
name: nameValid.message,
email: emailValid.message
const addressValidator: FormStep = {
fields: ['street', 'city', 'zip'],
validator: (values) => {
return validate.isObject(values, {
schema: {
street: { type: 'string', minLength: 5 },
city: { type: 'string', required: true },
zip: { type: 'string', pattern: '\\d{5}' }
const form = new MultiStepFormValidator([
interface UserRegistration {
password: string;
confirmPassword: string;
birthDate: string;
graduationDate: string;
startDate: string;
endDate: string;
const validateCrossFields = (data: UserRegistration) => {
const errors: Record<string, string> = {};
// Password match validation
const passwordMatch = validate.isEqual(data.password, data.confirmPassword, {
errorMessage: 'Passwords must match'
if (!passwordMatch.isValid) {
errors.confirmPassword = passwordMatch.message;
// Date sequence validation
const dates = {
birth: new Date(data.birthDate),
graduation: new Date(data.graduationDate),
start: new Date(data.startDate),
end: new Date(data.endDate)
// Validate date sequence
if (dates.graduation < dates.birth) {
errors.graduationDate = 'Graduation date cannot be before birth date';
if (dates.start < dates.graduation) {
errors.startDate = 'Start date cannot be before graduation date';
if (dates.end < dates.start) {
errors.endDate = 'End date cannot be before start date';
return {
isValid: Object.keys(errors).length === 0,
interface NestedForm {
user: {
profile: {
personal: {
name: string;
age: number;
contact: {
email: string;
phone?: string;
settings: {
notifications: {
email: boolean;
sms: boolean;
theme: string;
const validateNestedObject = (data: NestedForm) => {
return validate.isObject(data, {
schema: {
user: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
profile: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
personal: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: { type: 'string', minLength: 2 },
age: { type: 'number', min: 18 }
contact: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
email: { type: 'email' },
phone: { type: 'phone', optional: true }
settings: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
notifications: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
email: { type: 'boolean' },
sms: { type: 'boolean' }
theme: { type: 'string', enum: ['light', 'dark'] }
interface Contact {
name: string;
email: string;
phone?: string;
const validateContactList = (contacts: Contact[]) => {
// First validate array properties
const arrayValidation = validate.isArray(contacts, {
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 10,
unique: true,
uniqueBy: 'email' // Check uniqueness by email
if (!arrayValidation.isValid) {
return arrayValidation;
// Then validate each contact
const errors: Record<number, Record<string, string>> = {};
let isValid = true;
contacts.forEach((contact, index) => {
const contactValidation = validate.isObject(contact, {
schema: {
name: { type: 'string', required: true, minLength: 2 },
email: { type: 'email', required: true },
phone: { type: 'phone', required: false }
if (!contactValidation.isValid) {
errors[index] = contactValidation.errors;
isValid = false;
return {
arrayErrors: arrayValidation.errors
// Usage example
const contacts = [
name: 'John Doe',
email: '[email protected]',
phone: '+1-555-123-4567'
name: 'Jane Smith',
email: '[email protected]'
const validation = validateContactList(contacts);
const validateChain = (value: any, rules: Array<(val: any) => ValidationResult>) => {
for (const rule of rules) {
const result = rule(value);
if (!result.isValid) {
return result;
return { isValid: true, message: 'All validations passed' };
// Usage example
const validateUsername = (username: string) => {
const rules = [
// Basic format check
(val: string) => validate.isUsername(val, { minLength: 3 }),
// No special characters except underscore
(val: string) => validate.matches(val, /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/),
// No consecutive underscores
(val: string) => validate.not(val, /__/),
// Must start with a letter
(val: string) => validate.matches(val, /^[a-zA-Z]/),
// Custom business logic
async (val: string) => {
// Check if username is available
const available = await checkUsernameAvailability(val);
return {
isValid: available,
message: available ? 'Username is available' : 'Username is taken'
return validateChain(username, rules);
Follow these instructions to make the following change to my code document.
Instruction: Update README with better organization and conclusion
Code Edit:
{{ ... content until the last example ... }}
## Quick Start Guide
### 1. Installation
npm install bodhi-form-validations
# or
yarn add bodhi-form-validations
import validate from 'bodhi-form-validations';
// Simple email validation
const emailResult = validate.isEmail('[email protected]');
console.log(emailResult.isValid); // true
// Password validation
const passwordResult = validate.isStrongPassword('MyP@ssw0rd');
console.log(passwordResult.isValid); // true
const formData = {
username: 'johndoe',
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'SecureP@ss123',
age: 25
const formValidation = {
username: validate.isUsername(formData.username),
email: validate.isEmail(formData.email),
password: validate.isStrongPassword(formData.password),
age: validate.isNumber(formData.age, { min: 18 })
const isFormValid = Object.values(formValidation)
.every(result => result.isValid);
Start with Basic Validations
- Begin with simple field validations
- Use appropriate validation functions for each field type
- Handle required/optional fields appropriately
Add Complex Validations
- Implement cross-field validations
- Add conditional validation rules
- Use validation chains for complex rules
Implement Form-Level Validation
- Combine individual field validations
- Add form-wide validation rules
- Handle submission validation
Error Handling
- Collect and organize validation errors
- Display user-friendly error messages
- Implement real-time validation feedback
Performance Optimization
- Use debouncing for real-time validation
- Implement validation caching where appropriate
- Optimize validation chains
We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guide for details.
Bodhi Form Validations provides a comprehensive solution for form validation in JavaScript/TypeScript applications. Key benefits include:
- Type Safety: Full TypeScript support with comprehensive type definitions
- Flexibility: Customize validation rules to match your exact requirements
- Extensibility: Easy to extend with custom validation rules
- Framework Agnostic: Works with any JavaScript framework
- Performance: Optimized for both small and large forms
- Developer Experience: Clear error messages and intuitive API
We're constantly improving Bodhi Form Validations. Upcoming features include:
- More validation patterns
- Additional framework integrations
- Enhanced performance optimizations
- Extended documentation and examples
- Requires Node.js 12.0.0 or later
- Compatible with all major browsers
- TypeScript 4.0.0 or later for type definitions
- Always check the documentation for the latest updates
- Join our community discussions
- Report issues and suggest features through GitHub
- Consider contributing to the project
Made with ❤️ by BODHEESH