Pocket Bar is an app built in Xamarin Forms that extracts cocktail information from TheCocktailDB (https://www.thecocktaildb.com/api.php) and presents it to the user in a fun, interactive way. Among other things, it allows a user to:
- List cocktails By Name, Category, Glass Type, Ingredient or Random.
- Given a certain Cocktail, visualize: Picture, Description, Recipe (Ingredients & Instructions) and Glass Type.
- Given a certain Ingredient, visualize: Image, Name & Description.
- Favorite and Share Cocktails for easy access.
A picture is worth a thousand words...
Interactive Mockup Available through: https://xd.adobe.com/view/a91b5676-6ee6-4ed5-6489-3f99f2298cb7-df2a/
PocketBar was built by 3 hard-working members in a 4-week period following the basic agile methodologies guideline. For these purposes, task management and workload was enforced through a Trello board available through: https://trello.com/b/ghoXKjap/pocketbar.
As mentioned before, PocketBar was built using the Xamarin Forms framework in conjuction with the Prism framework following the MVVM architectural pattern.
PocketBar is a BaristaStudio product, an organization conformed by:
- Francine Lucca, ID: 1069215
- Orlando Nuñez, ID: 1070842
- Franklin Quezada, ID: 1070595
To Support the Application, PocketBar takes advantage of the following NugetPackages:
- Xamarin.Forms
- Prism.Unity.Forms
- Newtonsoft.JSON
- PropertChanged.Fody
- Refit
- MonkeyCache.FileStore
- Plugin.Share
- RedCorners.Forms
- Xamarin.Forms.PancakeView
- Com.Airbnb.Xamarin.Forms.Lottie