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Releases: BenPyton/ProceduralDungeon

Procedural Dungeon v3.5.1

28 Feb 13:08
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Pre-built for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. (WINDOWS ONLY, you'll need to compile it yourself for MacOS and Linux)
To install it, follow the instructions in the wiki page.

An example project for UE5 is available here (you can change easily the engine version with a right click on the .uproject file).
Make sure to install the plugin in your engine or in the example project to be able to open the example!

If you have any bug or crash, feel free to open an issue in the Github repo.
If you have suggestions, questions or need help to use the plugin you can join the Discord server dedicated to this plugin.

What's changed?

  • Fixed crash on multiplayer when using subobject replication list (like in Lyra example project).
  • Updated the plugin description.

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Procedural Dungeon v3.5.0

04 Feb 17:26
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Pre-built for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. (WINDOWS ONLY, you'll need to compile it yourself for MacOS and Linux)
To install it, follow the instructions in the wiki page.

An example project for UE5 is available here (you can change easily the engine version with a right click on the .uproject file).
Make sure to install the plugin in your engine or in the example project to be able to open the example!

If you have any bug or crash, feel free to open an issue in the Github repo.
If you have suggestions, questions or need help to use the plugin you can join the Discord server dedicated to this plugin.

What's changed?

New Features:

  • [EXPERIMENTAL] Added a save/load system for the dungeon, made to be easy to integrate in your save games.
  • Added a Deterministic Random component to provide an easy access for an independent random stream in your actors, deterministic with the dungeon's seed.
  • Added a Simple Guid component to easily provide a runtime guid for your actors, also compatible with the deterministic random component and the new experimental dungeon saving feature.
  • Added a boolean in the Dungeon Generator to block interactions with the navigation system (no navmesh rebuild forced by the plugin).
  • Added a boolean in the plugin settings to hide the debug drawing in game (display the debug drawings only in editor's viewport, not in PIE or packaged game)
  • Door Type assets now have 2 new variables:
    • A color variable to customize the color of the door's debug box.
    • An offset variable to allow a different door offset per door type.
  • Added some new nodes:
    • A Number of Room Between node taking the Read Only Roominterface directly as inputs.
    • A Get Room At to retrieve a room at a certain dungeon cell.
    • A node to convert a Door Direction enum into a Int Vector.


  • You can now search the functions in the Rooms variable directly in the generator, the variable getter will be created and linked automatically.
  • Door debug colors are not used anymore to display the status of the doors (valid/invalid, can/can't place) because their color can be customized.
  • The room's debug drawings are now always displayed when in the editor's room mode.
  • Added Room Instance in inputs of the Choose Door function (the room data input is now deprecated in favor to Get Room Data of the room instance)
  • Deprecated the Get Random Stream node because the generator's random stream is not updated when using this node. You will need to use the Random Stream variable getter instead.


  • Fixed multiple issues with multiplayer synchronization (e.g. when clients reconnect, etc.).
  • Fixed compatibility of door actors with the Room Visibility components. Doors can now be used in room levels without visibility issues.
  • Fixed UE 4.27 circular dependency error when compiling/packaging the game with the plugin.
  • Fixed crash in editor's room mode when removing the Room Data while the Door tool is active.

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Procedural Dungeon v3.4.1

23 Nov 16:08
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Pre-built for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. (WINDOWS ONLY)
To install it, follow the instructions in the wiki page.

An example project for UE5 is available here (you can change easily the engine version with a right click on the .uproject file).
Make sure to install the plugin in your engine or in the example project to be able to open the example!

If you have any bug or crash, feel free to open an issue in the Github repo.
If you have suggestions, questions or need help to use the plugin you can join the Discord server dedicated to this plugin.

What's changed?

  • Ported to UE 5.5

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Procedural Dungeon v3.4.0

18 Oct 15:22
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Pre-built for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4. (WINDOWS ONLY)
To install it, follow the instructions in the wiki page.

An example project for UE5 is available here (you can change easily the engine version with a right click on the .uproject file).
Make sure to install the plugin in your engine or in the example project to be able to open the example!

If you have any bug or crash, feel free to open an issue in the Github repo.
If you have suggestions, questions or need help to use the plugin you can join the Discord server dedicated to this plugin.

What's changed?

New Features:

  • Added a room count limit in plugin settings to prevent some infinite loops during the dungeon generation.
  • Added various utility functions:
    • Get Connected Room Index, Get Doors With and Get Room ID in Room class.
    • Get Path Between and NumberOfRoomBetween in Dungeon Graph class (variable Rooms in the dungeon generator).
    • Get Owning Room and Get Owning Room Custom Data in a blueprint library (accessible from any actor/component placed in room levels).
    • Get Compatible Doors, Has Door of Type, Has Custom Data, Get Size and Get Volume in Door Data class.
  • Added Level Component field in Room Custom Data to allow attaching a component automatically on the Room Level blueprint script.
  • Added a Force Visibility node in Room class to force the visibility even when the player is not in it (useful for e.g. cutscenes).
  • Added Get Visibility Pawn overridable function in the Dungeon Generator class to customize which pawn is used for the room visibility (useful for e.g. spectating another player).
  • Splitted the Dungeon Generator into a Dungeon Generator Base class, allowing to create custom generation algorithms (only C++ as of now).
  • Added a Read Only Room interface to allow access to some variables during the generation process.
    • Added an input Current Room Instance of type Read Only Room in Choose Next Room.
    • Added an input Room Instance of type Read Only Room in On Room Added.
  • Added a node Discard Room to explicitly tell we don't want to place a room in Choose Next Room (prevent error when returning null)
  • Added Auto Discard Room If Null variable in Dungeon Generator


  • Fixed player's components triggering room visibility even when ignoring the Room Object Type.

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Procedural Dungeon v3.3.1

18 Jul 17:58
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Pre-built for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4. (WINDOWS ONLY)
To install it, follow the instructions in the wiki page.

An example project for UE5 is available here (you can change easily the engine version with a right click on the .uproject file).
Make sure to install the plugin in your engine or in the example project to be able to open the example!

If you have any bug or crash, feel free to open an issue in the Github repo.
If you have suggestions, questions or need help to use the plugin you can join the Discord server dedicated to this plugin.

What's changed?


  • Fixed random crash on clients when unloading the dungeon.
  • Fixed dungeon generator's begin initialization state triggered twice (missing break).
  • Added back error logs on screen even when on screen debug is disabled in plugin.
  • Now support push based replication and registered subobject lists (now compatible with Lyra example project + maybe compatible with Iris network subsystem).
  • Fixed Door Tool in the Dungeon Room editor mode, to allow door removal and prevent door overlap when Room Unit is smaller than Door Size.
  • Fixed debug cross of locked rooms not properly rotated when the room is rotated.

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Procedural Dungeon v3.3.0

23 Jun 19:50
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Pre-built for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4. (WINDOWS ONLY)
To install it, follow the instructions in the wiki page.

An example project for UE5 is available here (you can change easily the engine version with a right click on the .uproject file).
Make sure to install the plugin in your engine or in the example project to be able to open the example!

If you have any bug or crash, feel free to open an issue in the Github repo.
If you have suggestions, questions or need help to use the plugin you can join the Discord server dedicated to this plugin.

What's changed?

New features:

  • Added a blueprint node to select a random room with weights (non-uniform random).
  • Added dungeon limits for room placement. If set, rooms will not be placed outside of the limits.
  • Added a Static Room Visibility component with reduced computation over the non-static one (used for directly placed actors in room levels that will never go out of it at runtime).
  • A tag Ignore Room Culling can be added to directly placed actors in room levels so they will be ignored by the room level automatic occlusion (before, only replicated actors were ignored). You can use a (Static) Room Visibility component to manage their visibility like you want instead.
  • Added a Get Progress function in Dungeon Generator class to keep track of generation progress and make progress bars easily.
  • Added an On Fail To Add Room event, called after exhausted all tries of placing a room without success.
  • Added a Cleanup Room function in Room Data class as a counterpart of the Initialize Room one.
  • Can now tweak the max generation tries and max room placement tries in the plugin's settings.
  • Added accessor to generator's Rooms variable in C++ outside of child classes.
  • The door debug box (blue) will now turn orange if multiple doors are on the same place.
  • Now the RoomData's level will be automatically filled if empty when the data is selected in the Dungeon Room Editor mode.


  • Crash when running in new PIE window in 'Play as Client' when a DungeonGenerator actor is in the launched level.
  • Fixed missing call to On Room Added event for the first room.
  • Fixed RootComponent of door actors to be able to edit them in editor.
  • Fixed door actors so that they always spawn, regardless of the actor's parameter.

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Procedural Dungeon v3.2.2

17 May 14:08
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Pre-built for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4. (WINDOWS ONLY)
To install it, follow the instructions in the wiki page.

An example project for UE5 is available here (you can change easily the engine version with a right click on the .uproject file).
Make sure to install the plugin in your engine or in the example project to be able to open the example!

If you have any bug or crash, feel free to open an issue in the Github repo.
If you have suggestions, questions or need help to use the plugin you can join the Discord server dedicated to this plugin.

What's changed?

(includes changes from the failed v3.2.1 build)

  • Fixed warning TriggerType name conflicting with the Enhanced Input system.
  • Fixed warning AddReferencedObject for UE 5.3 and newer.
  • Fixed compilation error due to un-initialized FMargin3D members.
  • Ported plugin to UE 5.4

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Procedural Dungeon v3.2.0

08 Apr 09:40
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Pre-built for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. (WINDOWS ONLY)
To install it, follow the instructions in the wiki page.

An example project for UE5 is available here (you can change easily the engine version with a right click on the .uproject file).
Make sure to install the plugin in your engine or in the example project to be able to open the example!

If you have any bug or crash, feel free to open an issue in the Github repo.
If you have suggestions, questions or need help to use the plugin you can join the Discord server dedicated to this plugin.

What's changed?

New features:

  • Added console commands to temporarily tweak some plugin settings during runtime (even in packaged development game) and to generate/unload dungeons (see wiki).
  • Added blueprint nodes to access most of the plugin settings, or to change Occlusion Culling and Occlusion Distance values.
  • Added a Flipped output in Choose Door function to choose which room the door is facing.
  • Added On Actor Enter Room and On Actor Exit Room delegates in the Room Level blueprint.
  • Added Room Observer components that automatically binds on those new delegates (see wiki).
  • Added some functions to the Room instances to know if doors are connected or to get connected Room instances.
  • Added room bounds center and extent blueprint accessors in Room instances and Room Level.
  • Added Can Loop boolean in Dungeon Generator to be able to toggle it per-actor.
  • Added optional world meshes collision checks before placing a room during the generation process.
  • Added a plugin setting to change the room trigger collision type.
  • Added plugin settings to customize the door's debug arrow.
  • Added door deletion in Dungeon Room editor mode when right-clicking on an existing door with the Door tool.
  • Added utility buttons in the Dungeon Room editor mode to make selected box volumes fit in the room bounds, and to delete all invalid doors.
  • Added an optional camera rotation pivot at the center of the room (when Orbit Around Actor Selection is enabled in your Editor Preferences).


  • Fixed undo/redo in Dungeon Room editor mode.
  • Fixed the widget mode (translate, rotate, scale) while in the Dungeon Room editor mode to have a better actor modification while staying in this mode.
  • Fixed missing inlcudes in C++ causing sometimes compilation issues.


  • Deprecated Can Loop in the plugin's settings. It will be removed in a future version. Leave it ticked and use the one in the Dungeon Generator actor instead.

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Procedural Dungeon v3.1.2

08 Mar 09:21
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Pre-built for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. (WINDOWS ONLY)
To install it, follow the instructions in the wiki page.

An example project for UE5 is available here (you can change easily the engine version with a right click on the .uproject file).
Make sure to install the plugin in your engine or in the example project to be able to open the example!

If you have any bug or crash, feel free to open an issue in the Github repo.
If you have suggestions, questions or need help to use the plugin you can join the Discord server dedicated to this plugin.

What's changed?


  • Fixed crash when compiling room level blueprint after exiting the room editor mode.
  • Fixed crash at runtime when the room data reference in the room level and the level reference in room data do not match.
  • Fixed debug drawings of rooms and doors not displayed in packaged development game.
  • Fixed room visibility not updated when occlusion culling settings are changed at runtime in packaged game.
  • Fixed compilation errors caused by missing includes that could happen sometimes when using unity build.

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Procedural Dungeon v3.1.1

18 Feb 09:45
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Pre-built for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. (WINDOWS ONLY)
To install it, follow the instructions in the wiki page.

An example project for UE5 is available here (you can change easily the engine version with a right click on the .uproject file).
Make sure to install the plugin in your engine or in the example project to be able to open the example!

If you have any bug or crash, feel free to open an issue in the Github repo.
If you have suggestions, questions or need help to use the plugin you can join the Discord server dedicated to this plugin.

What's changed?


  • Workaround for the occlusion of replicated actors placed directly in a room level.
    They are now ignored by the room level, so you can add the Room Visibility Component on them to manage their visibility with the rooms.
  • Fixed door actors wrong rotation (flipped on Y axis).
  • Fixed room visibilities not updated during PIE when toggling on/off the occlusion culling or changing the occlusion distance.
  • Clamp occlusion distance to 1 to get at least a visible room (the one the player is in).

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