Coding Language: Python
Author : Gaurav Purwar
Date : March 2023
Tools: Appium, PyCharm, Selenium, XCUITest, UIAutomator, WebDriverAgent, Simulator(iOS), Emulator(Android)
Platform Coverage: iOS & Android
Capabilities: iOS, Android, Windows, macOS
- Native Mobile App,
- Hybrid,
- Mobile web,
- Desktop Web,
- API Automation,
- TV Apps
- Cross Platform (i.e Anroid, iOS, Apple TV, Android TV, Web)
The Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern used in test automation that creates an object representation of a web page in a single place, providing a centralized way of accessing its elements. In a POM framework, the web page elements are defined as properties of a class, making the tests more readable, maintainable, and scalable.
Understanding of Appium: Ensure you have a basic understanding of how Appium works, including its concepts, architecture, and how it interacts with mobile apps.
Familiarity with Mobile Platforms: Have some familiarity with the mobile platforms (iOS and Android) that you'll be testing. This includes understanding device simulators/emulators and real devices.
Programming Knowledge: A foundation in programming is important, especially in Python, as you'll be using Python to write your automation tests.
Run .apk file on real and emulator device - using Appium Inspector
Run file on simulator - using Appium Inspector
Run .ipa file on real iphone device - using Appium Inspector
Run the framework with the command given in file
- Install Pycharm from JetBrains Toolbox
- Install Python
- Install Appium
- Connect with Real Device - any iPhone device
- Connect with Emulators - Any Android Device
- Connect with Simulators - For iOS devices
- Install and Run Appium Inspector to launch the App on iOS and Android Platform
- Import the project from
- Install below required packages requirement.txt that should install all the python libraries
- Get ready to run the test health_check using below commands and start automating the test scripts
Use a test runner, such as Pytest, to run your tests.
The page object class should contain properties that represent the elements on the page
- Appium 2 beta (please use 2.0.0-beta.52
- Xcode and simulators
- Android studio and emulators
- Python 3.11
- All external reqs in the requirements.txt
- [email protected] (automationName 'UiAutomator2')
- [email protected] (automationName 'XCUITest')
pip install -r requirements.txt
pytest --html=Reports/abc_iview_report.html tests/health_check --log-cli-level=INFO --section_name=iOS-iPhone14Pro-iview
pytest --html=reports/Automation-Report.html py.test --log-cli-level=INFO
pytest --html=Reports/report.html tests/abc_iview --log-cli-level=INFO --section_name=iOS-iPhone14Pro-iview
Pytest uses class, module or method names starting with test_ or Test_ to target test for executions.
pytest -k 'Test_Iview_Login or Test_video_player or Test_Android_Launch_Uiautomator'
pytest --html=reports/report.html tests/abc_iview/ --log-cli-level=INFO --section_name=Android-Pixel5-iview
pytest --html=Reports/report.html tests/abc_iview/ --log-cli-level=INFO --section_name=iOS-iPhone14Pro-iview
pytest --html=reports/Automation-Report.html tests/abc_iview/ --log-cli-level=INFO
pytest --html=reports/Automation-Report.html tests/abc_iview/ --log-cli-level=INFO
pytest --html=Reports/abc_iview_report.html tests/abc_iview_tv --log-cli-level=INFO --section_name=tvOS-AppleTV4K-iview
Explore Appium Documentation: Continuously refer to the official Appium documentation for any guidance on capabilities, methods, and best practices.
Community and Forums: Engage with the Appium community on forums, such as Stack Overflow or the Appium GitHub repository, to seek help and share experiences.
Debugging and Troubleshooting: Develop your debugging skills to identify issues in your test scripts, environments, or app configurations.