Project's Title: Skip Gram implementation from scratch
Motivation: This is our Assignment for CS772: Deep Learning for NLP. The aim is to study and implement the skip gram algorithm from scratch in python. Cluster of “animal words”: dog","tiger","cat","elephant","horse","bear","cow","monkey","deer","snake","lion" Cluster of “bird words”: sparrow","parrot","dove","eagle","woodpecker","crane","owl","duck","cuckoo","penguin" Create word clusters as mentioned above. Run a concordance for obtaining the neighboring words of these words. Train a skip-gram model with these words. Collect the word representations. Ensure that “animal” words are close to other “animal” words and so are “bird” words; Inter-cluster distance should be large compared to intra-cluster distance; use cosine similarity and other cluster-quality measures.
Team Members:
- Tejas Gunaghe - 213194002
- Tanishq Awasthi - 213190003
- Vaibhav Singh Panwar – 213190004
Build Status: improving the model prediction
Programming Language: Python
Libraries/API used: Nil basic pandas and Numpy
Input File: Corpus.txt – attached with the code files. File can be downloaded from below icon.
Model Tuning Parameters:
- Learning Rate: Adaptive starting from 0.001
- Neuron considered in hidden layer: 30
- Max epochs: 1000
- Tolerance for stopping condition: 0.001
Note: Tuning can be done inside the skipgram class in code.
- IIT Bombay course material for CS772: DL for NLP