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CAG Racing Management System

The ultimate racing management system 😜.


See Wiki.

Mongo DB

Install MongoDB:

MongoDB GUI, 3T MongoChef:

Crate a folder for the database. Example:

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/data/db
sudo chmod 757 /usr/local/data/db

Start mongod:

$ mongod --dbpath <path to DB>

Run back-end services with Docker

You can use the maven profile docker to generate docker containers for each server application. Run commands in each directory for each app you want to start, ie

Start Docker on your computer berfore executing following command

mvn clean install -Pdocker

The easiest way to run the docker containers is to start them with docker-compose, simply run

docker-compose up

The client-api will then be available at localhost:10580 and the swagger documentation at localhost:10580/swagger-ui.html.

See also Ports.

To remove unused images run the following:

docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | awk '{print $3}')


Build from root pom.xml:

Without integration-tests (doesn't require mongod installed locally):

mvn package

With integration-tests (requires local mongod running on port 27017):

mvn install

To clean all generated files from node.js in the client, use the profile clean-node:

mvn -Pclean-node clean


  • cag-rms-client-webpack: The Angular 1.x based web client for the application
  • client-api: The REST-API facade towards other back-end services used by the cag-rms-client
  • race-administrator: The service handling user queueing and orchestration of races
  • current-race: The service handling and supervising the currently ongoing race and receiving detector passage events
  • leaderboard: The service keeping track of all results
  • user-manager: The service keeping track of registered users and active sessions
  • current-race: 10480
  • leaderboard: 10180
  • user-manager: 10280
  • race-administrator: 10380
  • client-api: 10580

Time measurement

Foto resistor spec: