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Roadmap to Release
Carlos Downie edited this page Mar 19, 2021
64 revisions
- Build System
- Switch to Anaconda
- fix for newer compilers proj4 issue
- Update to newer VTK (7)
- Update to use OpenGL2 for bug fixes, performance
- Fix all projection issues on Mac and Linux
- Updated documentation
- uvcmetrics
- implement the RMSE and correlation for plot set 5
- integrate ACME regridder andplot label corrections
- provide specification of plot levels, difference levels, and color maps
- improved titles, captions, etc.
- diagnostics testing entirely in diagnostics repository
- integration of the classic viewer
- improve maintainability of metrics software
- Early Releases, experimental work
- GUI beta version (prototype, not uvcdat gui)
- OCGIS integration with cdms and vcs
uvcmetrics climatologies speed boost
- add test for climo
- edit cdms2 to include speed boost fix
- uvcmetrics mass weighting in averages where needed
- ParaView:
- Produce more plot types
- Improve integration with CDMS variable in parallel
- DV3D:
- Streamline and Potential Velocity integration into DV3D (Andrew Dawson project)
- Better Binaries System (dmg, rpms, deb, etc...)
- Windows Port
- UV-CDAT API for visualization/graphics engines
- Port VCS to VTK (this will include VCS animations)
- Modify VTK to include annotated isolines and annotated continental outlines
- Reduce VTK build to include only what is needed for VCS, DV3D, etc.
- Production release of light version of UV-CDAT Live
- Production release of server-side analysis and visualization
- Include AMWG diagnostics in production release
- Include more Matplotlib visualization into UV-CDAT release
- Include OpenClimateGIS in UV-CDAT to display observational and point data
- Include exploratory analysis in production release of UV-CDAT Live
- Release basic Online Tutorials
- added a "pack=False/True" to the write function of cdms2 files object. This allows for slightly lossy compression see: Unidata Explanation (#420)
- cdms2 better CF compliance can detect axes type (lat/lon/level) based on units (#418)
- fixed search variable bug (#405)
- unified export options, fixed output from vcs in GUI (#408 & #422)
- fixed bug where you could not edit/ad dplots in GUI (#414)
- fixed GUI vistrails tag point string in splash screen
- fixed bug on Linux system where Python would'nt build with readline support (#424)
- fixed bug where only the first vcs canvas could dump gif (#425)
- Parallel regridding from GUI
- Add 1D and 2D VCS Animations
- Better documentation
- UV-CDAT Lite (various build levels)
- Add more system tests
- More preferences in the GUI (e.g., ability to set the font size, producing YouTube movies, etc.)
- Continue to harden overall system
- VCS iPython notebook integration
- Making it easier to build UV-CDAT on supercomputers
- Ability to submit jobs to leadership class facilities
- Geo-political boundaries (e.g., states, countries, rivers, etc.)
- Lite build
- Support of ParaView threshhold plots in GUI
- Harden overall system (i.e., fix bugs and cleanup software)
- Possibly
- parallel programming from the GUI
- VisIt integration
- Print button
- script to setup paths
- Reduce size of Binaries
- New overlaying system
- ESGF archive connection
- Fix 1D plots in VCS
- isolines black colored by default (add check box)
- Edit widget pop up undocked
- old xml files readable again
- User's python
- Button for netCDF3 output in preferences
- ordering variables in pull down by most to least number of dimensions
- add options to load file/var from startup command
- Colors not generated correctly in isofill
- Increment dimension only works for first variable plotted
- Overlays broken
- Create binaries for code freeze 2012-02-21:
- Mac 10.6
- Mac 10.7
- Ubuntu 10.4
- Redhat 6.0)
- Splash screen
- Dragging Templates
- ESGF error dialog too small when too many errors