This the official release of RetopoFlow v3.2.7!
Below is a list of changes from RetopoFlow v3.2.6.
- Fixed bug when pressing MMB while moving geometry with LMB
- Significantly improved Auto Save and Auto Save recovery
- Added quick bail if unexpected exceptions occur to prevent work loss
- Temp mesh is used when updating to prevent work loss
- PolyPen now has option to adjust distance for inserting vertex into edge
- Fixed issue where loose verts and edges are unselectable
- Fixed issue with crashing when using tablet
- Improved auto adjustment of view clipping
- Improved stability of Strokes and PolyPen
- Added option for snapping to geometry while using Strokes instead of using brush radius
- Checking for invalid characters in add-on folder name
- Improved and debugged UI code
- Removed RetopoFlow menu from all modes other than Object and Mesh Edit
- Moved version number from the menu title to the menu header