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Chris Churas edited this page May 15, 2018 · 6 revisions

Runs Deep3M prediction using via caffe writing output to predictoutdir


usage: [-h] [--models MODELS] [--augspeed AUGSPEED]
                              [--maxpackages PACKAGES]
                      trainoutdir imagesdir predictoutdir

              Version: 1.1.0

              Runs Deep3M prediction using via caffe writing output
              to predictoutdir
positional arguments:
  trainoutdir          Directory containing Deep3m trained models
  images               Directory of images to process
  predictoutdir        Directory containing output from prediction

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --models             Only run prediction on models specified
                       in comma delimited list. (default 1fm,3fm,5fm)
  --augspeed           Augmentation speed. Higher the number
                       the less augmentations generated and
                       faster performance at cost of lower
                       accuracy. (valid values 1, 2, 4, 10)
                       (default 1)
  --maxpackages        Number of packages to preprocess before
                       waiting for prediction to catch up. The
                       larger the number the more disk space used,
                       but less likely prediction has to wait
                       for data to be preprocessed. (default 3)
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