Code for reproducing results in Reinforcement Learning of Self Enhancing Camera Image and Signal Processing.
Our RSE-RL model views the identification and correction of artifacts as a recursive self-learning and self-improvement exercise and consists of two major sub-modules: (i) The latent feature sub-space clustering/grouping obtained through an equivariant variational auto-encoder enabling rapid identification of the correspondence and discrepancy between noisy and clean image patches. (ii) The adaptive learned transformation controlled by a trust-region soft actor-critic agent that progressively filters and enhances the noisy patches using its closest feature distance neighbors of clean patches. Artificial artifacts that may be introduced in a patch-based ISP, are also removed through a reward-based de-blocking recovery and image enhancement. We demonstrate the self-improvement feature of our model by recursively training and testing on images, wherein the enhanced images resulting from each epoch provide a natural data augmentation and robustness to the RSE-RL training-filtering pipeline.
See requirement.txt
pip install -r requirement.txt
GPU is required
- 4GB. CelebA-HQ 256x256 dataset. Downloaded from hereSIDD-Medium Dataset
- 12GB. Smartphone Image Denoising Dataset consists of 320 image pairs (noisy and ground-truth). Download from here
Please put the decompressed datasets in the same directory with the code during experiments, otherwise please set cwd in to the file directory where the datasets locate at.
An small scale experiment example can be found in the notebook
$ python3 \
--file_batch 5\
--epoch 50\
--latent_dim 72\
--target_psnr 30\
--train_files_path "celeba_train(REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR OWN FILE DIRECTORY)/"\
--test_files_path "celeba_test(REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR OWN FILE DIRECTORY)/"
The reconstruction quality of test data evaluated by PSNR, SSIM, and UQI will be printed out, and the trained model will be saved to the pretrained model
folder. The PSNR for the self-enhancing reinforcement learning will be printed out.
Note: train_files_path and test_files_path should be the directory (folder) that contains all the tfrecord files.
$ python3 \
--file_batch 5\
--epoch 25\
--latent_dim 96\
--target_psnr 34\
--train_files_path "sidd_noise(REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR OWN FILE DIRECTORY)/"\
--validation_file_path "sidd_ground_truth(REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR OWN FILE DIRECTORY)/"\
--test_files_path "sidd_test_noise(REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR OWN FILE DIRECTORY)/"\
--test_validation_files_path "sidd_test_GT(REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR OWN FILE DIRECTORY)/"
The denoisng quality of the SIDD Benchmark images evaluated by PSNR, SSIM, and UQI will be printed out, and the trained model will be saved to the pretrained model
folder. The PSNR for the self-enhancing reinforcement learning will be printed out.
Synthesized Noisy Images:
RSE-RL Denoising Results:
This project is a collective result of Yunhao Yang, Yuhan Zheng, Yi Wang, and Dr. Chandrajit Bajaj
title={Reinforcement Learning of Self Enhancing Camera Image and Signal Processing},
author={Chandrajit Bajaj and Yi Wang and Yunhao Yang},