A web app that applies quadtree-based effects to pixalate images, and then allows users to selectively reveal the original image or grid structure through brushing interactions, before downloading the resulting image as a png.
Latest build deployed to:
- Image Upload: Support for uploading and processing any image file
- Interactive Brush Tools: Two brush modes for interacting with the image:
- Image Mode: Reveals the original image beneath the quadtree effect
- Grid Mode: Shows grid structure with customizable outlines
- Adjustable Parameters:
- Variance Threshold: Controls the detail level of the quadtree segmentation
- Maximum Level: Sets the maximum depth of the quadtree subdivision
- Outline Color: Customizable color for grid lines
- Outline Width: Adjustable thickness of grid lines
- Brush Size: Adjustable brush radius (use +/- keys or controls)
- Real-time Preview: See changes immediately as you adjust parameters
- Download: Export your processed image with all effects applied
The application uses a quadtree algorithm to analyze and segment the image based on color variance. Each region is subdivided until either:
- The variance threshold is met
- The maximum subdivision level is reached
The quadtree structure enables efficient region selection and manipulation, allowing for smooth real-time interactions even with large images.
- Clone the repository
- Change directories into the App folder (bad structure, I know)
cd image-effect-app
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Open your browser to the local development URL
- React
- TypeScript
- Vite
- HTML Canvas API