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Chair edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 9 revisions


A simple and minimally dependent Golang toolbox and development library. Contact email <>.



After nearly 20 years of technical work, I found that I didn't have much accumulation. Therefore, I started this project to create a tool library seriously. First, I can accumulate and improve my skills. Second, it's convenient for everyone to use together. Third, once I leave the job, I have confidence. Please also focus on the three reasons for open source work. The road ahead is long, and take care.


Simple, easy to use out of the box
Try to functionize and reduce state
Complete test cases



Purpose: Encapsulate HTTP's GET and POST, encapsulate common escape and process returned JSON strings.
Test Case: go test -v http_test.go http.go helper.go result.go 
(note that mock has not been done yet, change it to an available IP yourself)
Main Function:
func GET(url string) Helper //send GET request
func PostJSON(url string, body interface{}) Helper //send POST request, with JSON format body
func UrlPathEscape(url string) string //escape URL
// BaseResult returns the basic result of the Http request, including Status and Body
func (p *baseResult) BaseResult() *baseResult 
func (p *jsonResult) Bind(object interface{}, path ...interface{}) error
//Bind stores the return value in Object
Note that there are methods for processing return strings and JSON strings in the test case.


Purpose: The simplest way to log, supporting log segmentation and log level adjustment.
Test Case: go test -v log_test.go logger.go
Main Function:
func NewLogPool(fileName string) (*logPool, error) //generate log instance
func GetLogPool(fileName string) (*logPool, error) //get log instance
func (c *logPool) Debugf(format string, v ...any) //write debug logs
func (c *logPool) Debugln(v ...any) //write debug logs
func (c *logPool) Infof(format string, v ...any) //write INFO logs
func (c *logPool) Infoln(v ...any) //write INFO logs
func (c *logPool) Errorf(format string, v ...any) //write error logs
func (c *logPool) Errorln(v ...any) //write error logs
func (c *logPool) SetLevel(level int) error //set log level


Purpose: operate multiple redis pools
Test case: go test -v redis_test.go redis.go 
(Note,you need to build a redis service yourself, and then make a mock)
main function:
    //Generate a new redis instance and put it in the Pool
    func NewRedis(name string, addr string, passwd string) *RedisPool 
    //get redis instance
    func GetRedisPool(name string) (*RedisPool, error)
    // get redis instance, ignore errors
    func GetRedisByName(name string) *RedisPool
    // Get kv silently, no error will be returned but empty string, if there is a problem.
    func (c *RedisPool) SilenceGet(key string) string
    func (c *RedisPool) Get(key string) (string, error) // redis GET
    func (c *RedisPool) HGet(key string, subKey string) (string, error) // redis HGET
    func (c *RedisPool) Set(key string, val string) (string, error) // redis SET
    func (c *RedisPool) HSet(key string, subKey string, val string) (int64, error) // redis HSET
    func (c *RedisPool) Del(key string) (int64, error) // redis DEL
    // redis DO generic interface
    func (c *RedisPool) Do(commandName string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) 
    func (c *RedisPool) ClosePool() error // close the connection pool, release sync.Map
    func (c *RedisPool) Expired(key string, seconds int) (int64, error) // redis expire
    func (c *RedisPool) Ttl(key string) (int64, error) // redis TTL
    func (c *RedisPool) HMGet(key string, values ...string) ([]string, error) // redis HMGET
    func (c *RedisPool) HMSet(key string, kv map[string]string) (string, error) // redis HMSET
    func (c *RedisPool) HGetAll(key string) (map[string]string, error) // redis HGETALL
    // redis HSET and expire
    func (c *RedisPool) HSetEX(key, field string, value interface{}, expire int) (int64, error)
    func (c *RedisPool) Increment(key string) (int64, error) // redis INCR
    func (c *RedisPool) LIndex(key string, index int) (string, error) // redis LINDEX
    func (c *RedisPool) LLen(key string) (int64, error) //redis LLEN
    func (c *RedisPool) LPop(key string) (string, error) // redis LPOP
    func (c *RedisPool) LPush(key string, values ...interface{}) (int64, error) // redis LPUSH
    func (c *RedisPool) LPushX(key string, values ...interface{}) (int64, error) // redis LPUSHX
    func (c *RedisPool) LRem(key string, count int, value string) (int64, error) // redis LREM
    func (c *RedisPool) LSet(key, value string, index int) (int64, error) // redis LSET
    func (c *RedisPool) LTrim(key string, start, stop int) (string, error) // redis LTRIM
    func (c *RedisPool) MGet(keys ...string) ([]string, error) // REDIS MGET
    func (c *RedisPool) MSet(pairs ...interface{}) (string, error) / REDIS MSET
    func (c *RedisPool) Ping() (string, error) // REDIS PING
    func (c *RedisPool) SetEX(key string, value interface{}, expire int) (string, error) // REDIS SETEX
    func (c *RedisPool) SetNX(key string, value interface{}, expire int) (int64, error) // REDIS SETNX
    func (c *RedisPool) LRange(key string, start, stop int64) ([]string, error) // REDIS LRANGE


 Purpose: Calculate date and IP range
 Test cases: go test -v calDate_test.go calDate.go calIP_test.go calIP.go
 main function:
    // Get the days, hours, minutes, and seconds of the difference between two times, 
    // see function comments and test cases for usage
    func GetDiffTime(previousTime, laterTime interface{}, flag int) (int64, error) 
    // Get the Monday and Sunday time of the current week
    func GetFirstAndLastDateOfWeek(date time.Time) 
    func SubNetMaskToLen(netmask string) (int, error) // Get the number of subnet mask bits
    // Convert from the number of mask digits to the subnet mask of dot-ten system
    func LenToSubNetMask(subnet int) string 
    // Get the first IP address and broadcast address of the subnet
    func GetCidrIpRange(cidr string) (first string, broadcast string) 


Purpose: data legality check
Test case: go test -v valiad_test.go checkValiad.go
main function:
    func FilteredSQLInject(toMatchStr string) bool // determine whether there is SQL injection
    func IsNumeric(val interface{}) bool // determine whether it is a number
    func CheckEmail(email string) (err error) // Check if the email address is valid
    func CheckMobile(mobile string) bool // Check if the mobile number
    func IsValidIDCardCheckSum(idCard string) bool // Check whether the ID card number is valid
    // Check legal input, whitelist, Chinese characters, numbers, letters, underscores, dots    
    func CheckField(field string) (err error) 
    func CheckIP(ip string) bool // Check whether the IPV4 and IPV6 addresses are legal


Purpose: type conversion
Test example: go test -v conv_test.go conv.go
main function:
    func GbkToUtf8(s []byte) ([]byte, error) // GBK to UTF-8
    func Utf8ToGbk(s []byte) ([]byte, error) // UTF-8 to GBK
    func String(val interface{}) string // convert all types to string
    func Int64(val interface{}) (int64, bool) // convert to int64
    func Uint64(val interface{}) (uint64, bool) // convert to uint64
    func Int(val interface{}) (int, bool) // convert to int
    func Uint(val interface{}) (uint, bool) // convert to uint
    func Float64(val interface{}) (float64, bool) // convert to float64
    func Bool(val interface{}) (bool, bool) // convert to bool
    func IsNil(val interface{}) bool // determine whether it is nil
    // put 20060102, 2006-01-02, 2006-01-02 15:04:05 These three types of 
    // strings are converted to time types    
    func Time(val interface{}) (time.Time, bool)
    func TimePtr(val interface{}) *time.Time // convert the above 3 types into time pointers
    //"-a 123 -b hello" ---> ["-a","123","-b","hello"]
    func StringToArray(ext string) (array []string, err error) 
    // "-a 123 -b hello" ---> {"-a":"123","-b":"hello"}
    func StringToMap(ext string) (map[string]string, error) 
    // "{\"-a\":\"123\",\"-b\":\"hello\"}" ---> ["-a", "123", "-b", "hello"]        
    func JsonToArray(ext string) ([]string, error)
    // "{\"-a\":\"123\",\"-b\":\"hello\"}" ---> "-a 123 -b hello"
    func JsonToString(ext string) (string, error) 
    // Convert structure to Map
    func StructToMap(in interface{}, tagName string) (map[string]interface{}, error) 


Purpose: encryption
Test case: go test -v crypt_test.go crypt.go
main function:
    func AesEncrypt2(orig string, key string) (string, error) // encryption
    func AesDecrypt2(cryted string, key string) (string, error) // Decrypt


 Usage: Coding
 Test case: go test -v encode_test.go encode.go
 main function:
     func FlateCompress(origData []byte) (result []byte, err error) // compression
     func FlateUnCompress(compressData []byte) (result []byte, err error) // decompress
     func Base64Encode(origData []byte) (result string) // convert to base64
     func Base64Decode(encodedData string) (result []byte, err error) // convert back from base64
     func MD5(origData []byte) (result string) // convert to MD5
     func MD5File(fileName string) (result string, err error) // Convert file content to MD5
     func Sha1(origData []byte) (result string) // convert to SHA1
     func Sha1File(fileName string) (result string, err error) // Convert file content to SHA1
     func Sha256(origData []byte) (result string) // convert to SHA256
     func Sha256File(fileName string) (result string, err error) // Convert file content to SHA256
     func Sha512(origData []byte) (result string) // convert to SHA512
     func Sha512File(fileName string) (result string, err error) // Convert file content to SHA512
     func PKCS5Padding(plaintext []byte, blockSize int) []byte // pad plaintext in PKCS5 format


Purpose: various operations of list
Test case: go test -v list_test.go list_opt.go
main function:
    func SplitList(arr []string, num int64) [][]string // averagely split a list into num lists
    func RemoveRepeatedElement(slice interface{}) []interface{} // Remove repeated elements in the array
    func RemoveDuplicateString(languages []string) []string // Remove duplicate strings from the array
    func RemoveDuplicateInt(languages []int) []int // remove the duplicate int in the array
    func DeleteString(strList []string, delStr string) []string // Delete the string specified in the list
    func IntersectStr(slice1, slice2 []string) []string // find intersection
    func UnionStr(slice1, slice2 []string) []string // find the union
    func DifferenceStr1(slice1, slice2 []string) []string // difference set
    func DifferenceStr2(slice1 []string, slice2 []string) []string // find difference set
    func In(strList []string, target string) bool // determine whether the string is in the list
    func ReverseStr(arr []string) []string // Output list in reverse order


Purpose: sort struct and map
Test case: go test -v mapsort_test.go
main function:
    func TestSortSample(t *testing.T) // example of sorting struct
    func TestRankByWordCount(t *testing.T) // example of sorting map


Purpose: Realize bitmap for status record
Test case: go test -v bitmap_test.go
main function:
    func NewBitMap(name string, n uint64) *BitMapStruct // generate bitmap object
    func GetBitMap(name string) *BitMapStruct // Get bitmap instance
    func (bt *BitMapStruct) Set(n uint64) error // set the corresponding bit to 1
    func (bt *BitMapStruct) MSet(n ...uint64) // set bits in batches
    func (bt *BitMapStruct) Del(n uint64) error // set the corresponding bit to 0
    func (bt *BitMapStruct) MDel(elements ...uint64) //Batch setting corresponding bit to 0
    func (bt *BitMapStruct) IsExist(n uint64) bool // return whether set
    func (bt *BitMapStruct) MExist(elements ...uint64) map[uint64]bool // Batch judgment whether set
    func (bt *BitMapStruct) PrintAllBits() // print the whole bitmap
    func (bt *BitMapStruct) Clean() // clear the entire bitmap
    func (bt *BitMapStruct) Destroy() // Destroy deletes the current bitmap

Next steps:

 1. Complete the English document (done)
 2. All external functions are commented in swagger format
 3. Make the mock